
CAEP Annual Plan: 2022-23 16 Feather River Adult Education Consortium

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2022-23 Produced: Aug 16, 2022, 10:26 PM UTC Wendy Jackson

16 Feather River Adult Education Consortium

Plans & Goals

Executive Summary

The Feather River Adult Education Consortium (FRAEC) is located in California’s Plumas National Forest and covers mostly rural geography across Plumas and Sierra Counties. FRAEC consists of five Member districts: Feather River College, Plumas County Office of Education (Consortium Administration Funding), Plumas Unified School District, Sierra County Office of Education, and Sierra-Plumas Joint Unified School District. NoRTEC serves as the 11countyWorkforce Development Board and the Alliance for Workforce Development (AWD) serves as the regional AJCC, providing services to the following counties: Butte, Del Norte, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity. With such a vast area to cover, the AWD’s engagement with the FRAEC has been limited, but continues to improve.

During the prior Annual Plan period, adult education services were expanded at the adult schools in both Plumas and Sierra Counties. Curriculum has been standardized across all Member Districts, and student assessment and data management now reflect strong student engagement and persistence. CTE has been growing as a key component to all Member program offerings, with Hospitality, Early Childhood Education, and Health Care being of primary community need. During the summer of 2021, the FRAEC Board held a retreat during which a Multiple Measures Funding Formula was Board voted and approved.

FRAEC holds Member Districts to a spirit of collaboration and collective impact in all decision making. This Annual Plan serves as a foundational plan for the Consortium toward the realization of our collective vision and goals while maintaining alignment to the Workforce Development Board's mission. FRAEC envisions working together and leveraging resources to create regional stability among Adult Education providers. With a renewed commitment to the CAEP initiative, this plan was developed in a spirit of collaboration and partnership. During the 2022-2023 program year, FRAEC will primarily address gaps in service and seamless transitions. Additionally, the Consortium will deploy methods to support accelerated learning programs for students in their academic pathways and/or career goals.

The Consortium will continue to work on building relationships with community partners to best leverage existing resources. To address the needs of rural areas, FRAEC will continue to promote and implement a Distance Learning policy for all program participants. FRAEC Adult School Members are proud of their WASC Accreditation as well as being WIOA federally funded and are fully committed to the CIP process. Member Districts are, however, frustrated that Perkins funding for their CTE programs is not possible due to the small number of students served in the region. The FRAEC Board encourages the California Department of Education to address this inequity for rural areas that are primarily CTE focused. Doing so would be recognition of the importance of braided/blended funding models to that ensure the stability of programs in rural areas of the state.

FRAEC Member Districts are committed to engaging in ongoing self-analyses to identify areas where attention is needed and adjust programs accordingly at the Member level. FRAEC Member districts will engage in team building activities including, but not limited to, retreats and attending conferences as a team. Additionally, the FRAEC Board recognizes that professional development is critical to Consortium success and commits that both Board Members and Member District faculty/staff will attend annual adult education professional development events. The FRAEC Board recognizes that Adult Education plays a strategic role to building community equity across the region we serve and to the ideals of collective impact.

In addition to the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the region was severely impacted in 2021 by a series of fires that impaired service delivery in the region. These disruptions are still being addressed by local agencies as communities rebuild and the economy begins to recover. Specifically, Plumas is offering Basic Fire Training courses (S-130, S-190, and L-180) and Sierra is offering EMR, EMT-Basic, A-EMT, and PSFA (Public Safety First Aid) for first responders as well as all levels of CPR/First Aid and AED training. These courses serve as career pathways into CalFire and Medic hiring, while also strongly supporting the local need to address seasonal fires. Finally, the barriers of technology access, transportation to education sites, and distances students need to travel to be at an adult school remain significant barriers for academic engagement in the region.


Regional Planning Overview

The Feather River Adult Education Consortium will work on building relationships with more community partners to leverage existing resources and with Feather River College to build on existing spirit of collegiality. To address the needs of rural areas, FRAEC has developed and implemented a Distance Learning policy to address the CAEP State Priority on Technology and Distance Learning. While this might not be possible for every geography served, the FRAEC Board commits to exploring options to increase the rigor and credibility of all programs across the Consortium. The Consortium will continue to focus on team building and refining the internal management and leadership structure. 

The FRAEC Board is committed to full implementation of the adopted 2022-2025 Three-Year Plan. The 2022-2023 Annual Plan is directly linked to the Three-Year Plan through the strategies, objectives, and metrics.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs

Plumas County Occupational Highlights

Plumas County’s largest industry sectors include Government; Hospitality (Accommodation and Culinary/Food Services); Retail Trade; Construction; Health Care and Social Assistance; and Manufacturing. Government has more jobs than the next three industries combined in Plumas County. Industries projected to add the most jobs in Plumas County in the next five years include Hospitality (Accommodation and Food Services), and Health Care and Social Assistance. The top occupations in Plumas County by employment include Cashiers; Secretaries and Administrative Assistants; Personal Care Aides; Building Cleaning Workers; and Laborers and Material Movers. 

Sierra County Occupational Highlights

Sierra County’s largest industry sectors include Government; Hospitality (Accommodation and Food Services); Construction; and Retail Trade. Government has more jobs than the next six sectors combined. Industries adding the most jobs in Sierra County over the last five years include Hospitality (Accommodation and Food Services); Administrative and Support Services; Waste Management and Remediation Services; and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting. 

NoRTEC published occupational outlook reports in November 2021. These reports contain information for the entire north region and address the following industry sectors: agriculture, construction, healthcare, hospitality, information technology, manufacturing, professional services, and public services. The FRAEC Board decided to focus on those industry sectors identified with an increase in job postings:

  • Healthcare: 4.7% increase in job postings. 
  • Hospitality: 17.1% increase in job postings. 
  • Information Technology: 16.8% increase in job postings.
  • Professional Services: 16.3% increase in job postings.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?

To prepare for drafting the Annual Plan, FRAEC engaged in a series of activities:

  1. The CAEP Self-Assessment Tool was utilized by the FRAEC Board of Directors to assist in the process of planning for this report.
  2. American Community Survey Self-Sufficiency Standard was reviewed
  3. Member District Meetings with Staff and Faculty
  4. The NoRTEC Labor Market Intelligence Report was used to identify industry trends and inform educational program offerings
  5. CAEP Consortium Factsheet was used as a cross-reference tool in developing this Plan
  6. Self-Sufficiency Standard was reviewed
  7. Launchboard Data Review
  8. TOPSPro Data Review
  9. Member District Quarterly Expense Review

To assess the needs of the region, the FRAEC Board undertook a series of activities to better understand the needs, customers, and demographics of the communities served by the Consortium. 

A. Monthly Board Meetings Focused on Annual Plan Sections Facilitated Steering Committee. Between October 2021 and June 2022, the FRAEC Board spent time at each monthly Board meeting to discuss the status of Member Districts. The meetings yielded information about the goals of each Member District, and the areas of focus for the coming 12-month period and beyond.

B. Review of Regional Demographics. The overall adult population of the area is roughly 15,000 with a breakdown of 47% female and 53% male. Hispanic residents make up 13% of the residents with 72% being white, and the remainder comprising Asian, Black/African American, American Indian, and Pacific Islander. Eleven percent speak English “less than well” and the region contains 16% of the population without a high school diploma or equivalency. The current unemployment rate is 5% representing 760 residents, with 55% opting out of the labor force due to the high level or retirees in the region. The poverty rate shows 2,700people near or below the poverty line. The predominant languages spoken at home are English (90%) and Spanish (7%). There are approximately 3,000adults with disabilities in the service area.

Additionally, FRAEC Member Districts engage in a series of regular activities:

  1. FRAEC Board Meetings: Monthly Board meetings focused on each Section of the Annual Plan and Guidance Memo. Discussions were held regarding needed updates to the previous Annual Plan and new objectives, activities, and outcomes were identified. The public was welcome to attend all these meetings and participate in discussions. 
  2. North/Far North PLC: Regular meetings were held with the ten (10) CAEP Consortium Directors in the North/Far North Region where the NoRTEC Workforce Development Board operates. Included in the discussions were reviews of CAEP Annual Planning guidance, templates, and labor market information.
  3. Workforce Board Engagement: Regular communication with NoRTEC takes place to share information both at the Consortium level. In addition, as WIOA-mandated partners, the Adult School Member Districts engage regularly with the AJCCs and join the CASAS-hosted WIOA webinars. 
  4. Weekly Planning Sessions: Weekly meeting are held between the Consortium Lead and the Adult School principals to discuss trends, program adjustments, and other issues related to creating a sustainable Consortium. 
  5. Community Meetings: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, community meetings were not held, as they were for the prior Annual Plan. 
  6. Employer Engagement: FRAEC actively engages with local employers within each community through fact-to-face meetings. The goal was to obtain specific information regarding employer needs for skill sets and employee assets to facilitate faster new hires of exceptional candidates. Additionally, information for internal promotion and job retention was identified as key in importance and providing training for such skills can lead to partnerships for workplace training programs.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?

Effectiveness is evaluated quarterly by the FRAEC Consortium Board. Included in this review are TOPSPro DIR submissions and Quarterly Fiscal Expense Reporting.

Address Educational Needs

2022-23 Strategies

Gaps in Service - Digital Literacy

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Internet Access

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Member districts will adopt a curriculum to address the digital, computer, and technology learning needs of the students served. 

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Technology and Distance Learning.

Gaps in Service - Marketing & Outreach

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Marketing and Outreach

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Expand and improve outreach and marketing to target identified populations, resulting in an increased enrollment for all Member Districts. This will be achieved through increased social media presence and an enhanced print marketing campaign including a summer mailer. The Consortium will explore enhancing site-specific web sites for each Adult School. 

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Marketing.

Gaps in Service - Career Pathways

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increased Course Offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Increase offerings and enrollment opportunities in Career Pathway programs, including but not limited to mirrored CTE, VESL, and noncredit courses, resulting in faster transition from postsecondary to the workforce and the conducting of a study to determine community needs.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom


Gaps in Service - Hospitality & Tourism

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Short-Term CTE Certificate Programs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Implement a Career Pathway for hospitality/tourism entrepreneurship resulting in a greater number of people opening and operating small businesses in Downieville and Loyalton. Qualified candidates will participate in bootcamp trainings and will be referred for program enrollment at Feather River College.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom

Gaps in Service - WBL

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Work-based Learning

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Increase student participation in work-based learning activities, resulting in greater transition to the workforce and job promotion, through expanded GoTeach and Jail CTE programs. SCOE will add para-education to GoTeach program.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Learner Transition.

Gaps in Service - Increased Course Offerings

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase Program Completion Rates

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)

Increase number of ABE/ASE/ESL/CTE courses based on community need and enrollment demand, resulting in an increased number of classes offered, greater student persistence, faster literacy gains, increased completion rates, and a better understanding of data-driven instruction guided by best practices.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom and Equity

Gaps in Service - Serving Rural Communities with Internet

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Internet Access

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Provide access to online curriculum in rural areas of the Consortium, resulting in greater student access to learning through the development of a distance learning plan and a pilot of RACHEL devices in rural areas and increased enrollment. Hotspots via T-Mobile grant will be used and supported. In areas where no access is possible, expanded purchasing of print-based curriculum will be implemented. 

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Technology and Distance Learning and Equity

Gaps in Service - Implement Jail Education Program

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increased Course Offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)

Expand services offered at the Plumas County Jail.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom and Equity.

Gaps in Service - Consortium Leadership

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Professional Development

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Implement a model that allows for greater local leadership for the Consortium. This may include using adult school principals as local leads for the Consortium with a focus on collaboration and collective impact.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Leadership.

Leveraging Resources - Apply for ESL Healthcare Funding

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increased Course Offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Apply as a Consortium for the ESL Healthcare funding. 

Leveraging Resources - Employability

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Short-Term CTE Certificate Programs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Engage with the Workforce Development Board across all Consortium communities to develop policies and procedures, via MOU, to better engage with the with WDB to increase in labor force participation, increased job promotions, and increased wages.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom and Program Evaluation.

Leveraging Resources - Expand Agency Partnerships

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increased Course Offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Partner with the California Department of Tourism, the North-Far-North Regional Consortium (Strong Workforce housed at Butte), First 5 and Sierra Nevada Children’s Services (SNCS) to revitalize the tourism and hospitality sector and develop a strategic plan for industry growth.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom and Learner Transition.

Leveraging Resources - Reentry

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Short-Term CTE Certificate Programs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Explore the development of a Reentry Program in partnership with the Plumas and Sierra Counties’ Probation Departments to reduce recidivism and create an easier transition for returning citizens through the development of a course framework, syllabus, curriculum, and processes/procedures. This program will dovetail with Feather River College’s ServSafe program.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom and Learner Transition.

Leveraging Resources - Cross Agency Referrals

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase Program Completion Rates

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Consortium Member Districts will continue to refine the referral process with county agencies to provide greater access to services needed by adult education students and conduct regular meetings with key agencies.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Evaluation and Learner Transition.

Leveraging Resources - Employability

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Short-Term CTE Certificate Programs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Partner with the WDB on developing an Employability Skills Program, IET opportunities (via Burlington English), and employer-focused Basic Skills through identifying areas for collaboration and engagement with regional employers, and sign MOUs, to identify programs that can be supported through FRAEC and WDB. Work will continue with local employers for BootCamp participants to ensure wage increases of $1/HR or more and/or job promotions.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Classroom/Curriculum and Learner Transition.

Leveraging Resources - Probation HSD/HSE

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase Program Completion Rates

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Work with the County Probation Departments to offer High School Diploma completion courses.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Classroom/Curriculum and Learner Transition.

Improve Integration of Services & Transitions

2022-23 Strategies

Seamless Transitions - Student Data

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Improved Data Collection

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)

Improve initial student data collection and ongoing data tracking resulting in accurate Consortium data for State/Federal reporting; Data-Driven Instruction; an increased number of literacy gains in all CASAS-tested areas; and ability of faculty to use, interpret, and understand more about student data.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority of Program Evaluation.

Seamless Transitions - Increased Course Offerings

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increased Course Offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Increase number of ABE/ASE/ESL/CTE courses based on community need and enrollment demand resulting in an increase in class scheduling, greater student persistence, faster literacy gains, and better understanding of data usage.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Evaluation, Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom, Equity, and Marketing.

Seamless Transitions - Enrollment

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase Program Completion Rates

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Increase enrollment in all programs resulting in a greater number of students transitioning to postsecondary programs and the workforce resulting in increased enrollment growth.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Equity and Learner Transition.

Seamless Transitions - Postsedondary Pathways

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Articulation Agreements

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Develop pathways agreements between Adult Schools and Feather River College, resulting in greater transition of students to postsecondary, enrollment in for-credit programs, bootcamps for culinary, and the development of two pathways aligned to FRC courses.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Equity, Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom, and Learner Transition.

Seamless Transitions - Career Pathways

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Articulation Agreements

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Develop pathway agreements between Adult Schools resulting in increased transitions of students between programs and articulation agreements for enrollment in CalFire, EMT, and paramedic programs.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Equity, Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom, and Learner Transition.

Seamless Transitions - Partnerships

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase Program Completion Rates

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Explore a transition plan for students identified with disabilities from the K-12 programs into Adult Education, resulting in processes and procedures between the Adult Education schools and the SELPAs of each Consortium Member and implementation of processes and procedures for students. Member districts will work with the Workforce Development Board to identify a job coach and develop cross-referrals to the county ROP program.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Equity, Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom, and Learner Transition.

Seamless Transitions - Transition Counselor

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Transition Counselor

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Hire a part-time transition counselor to facilitate a greater level of transition from Adult Schools into Feather River College, resulting in a greater level of wraparound services for all students served by the Consortium. Hiring decisions will be based on budget outcomes but is required by WASC. Sierra will continue to employ a part-time academic and career advisor.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Equity and Learner Transition.

Student Transitions - CTE Short/Long Term

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Short-Term CTE Certificate Programs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Increase enrollment in postsecondary CTE credential programs (short-term and long-term), resulting in faster transition from postsecondary to the workforce, with a focus on implementing programs for First Responders, Emergency Medical, Hospitality, Culinary, Outdoor Recreation, Early Childhood Education courses. ESL will be added to course offerings to create industry-focused, vocational ESL programs of study (assuming funding for Healhcare ESL).

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Evaluation and Learner Transition.

Seamless Transitions - Course Catalogue

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Marketing and Outreach

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Improve information available to students about career pathways, career opportunities, and alignment between course offerings at the adult schools and the community college through the development of a Student Handbook and a Course Catalogue, and conduct a study to determine community needs for Career Pathways, including EMS and ECE and Bootcamps.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Evaluation and Learner Transition.

Student Acceleration - CTE Programs of Study

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Short-Term CTE Certificate Programs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Increase enrollment in postsecondary CTE credential programs (short-term and long-term), resulting in faster transition from postsecondary to the workforce, with a focus on implementing programs for First Responders, Emergency Medical, Culinary, Outdoor Recreation Leadership, Early Childhood Education, and Hospitality courses. ESL will be added to course offerings to create industry-focused, vocational ESL programs of study.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom, and Learner Transition.

Student Acceleration - Handbook and Course Catalogue

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Marketing and Outreach

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Improve information available to students about career pathways, career opportunities, and alignment between course offerings at the adult schools and the community college through the development of a Student Handbook and a Course Catalogue, and conduct a study to determine community needs for Career Pathways.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities of Equity, Marketing, and Learner Transition.

Improve Effectiveness of Services

2022-23 Strategies

Professional Development - Site Specific Training

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Site-Specific Professional Development

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

On-site, program-specific professional development to develop a greater depth of knowledge for GED, Aztec, Burlington, CASAS, resulting in an increased level of data-driven placement and instruction.

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priority on Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom.

Professional Development - Conferences

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Professional Development

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Develop an ongoing professional development plan for all Members and Partners that will allow for a deeper and broader understanding of how Adult Education services are funded, structured, delivered, and evaluated in California and across the US to better align service delivery with community needs. The FRAEC Board and Member District Faculty/Staff will attend state and national conferences and convenings and use the information gathered to provide ongoing internal professional development. 

This strategy addresses the CAEP State Priorities on Leadership and Program Development/Curriculum/Classroom.

Effectiveness of Services - WIOA CIPs

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increased Course Offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Progress: Participants Who Complete an EL Civics COAPP or Course (AE 411 - Overall)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ABE (AE 400 - ABE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ASE (AE 400 - ASE)
  • Progress: Participants with Educational Functioning Levels Gains ESL (AE 400 - ESL)
  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a High School Diploma or Equivalency (AE 633 - Overall)
  • Success: Participants Who Earn a Postsecondary Credential (AE 625 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)
  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)


Plumas: Grow ESL program by hiring one of more ESL instructors who will assist with recruitment and retainment of students resulting in a 25% increase in enrollment

Sierra: Increase enrollment of WIOA programs by 5% each program year

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.

The FRAEC Board has allocated funds to each Member District to support the implementation of the 2022-2025 Three-Year Plan. The FRAEC Board adopted a direct-funding model starting with the 2020-2021 fiscal year and a Multiple Measures Funding Formula during the 2021 Summer Board Retreat. 

An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2022-23.

The FRAEC Board and Leadership Committee meet regularly to discuss the allocation of funds, taking into account the multiple funding streams available to each Member District. These include, but are not limited to, WIOA and grants awarded to each Member District. Further, the FRAEC Board look forward to applying for the expected Healthcare Career Pathway funding for ESL students and expanding career pathways in this quickly growing industry sector. Carry-over funds are regularly evaluated and, when needed, reallocated among Member Districts to ensure continuity of program, address shifting enrollments, and program needs. To determine reallocation, a multiple-measure formula was discussed in a public forum and agreed to by all Member Districts at a July 21, 2021, Board Retreat.


Feather River CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Derek Lerch FRC

08/15/2022 04:31 PM PDT

Plumas Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Kristy Warren

08/15/2022 04:32 PM PDT

Plumas Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Kristy Warren

08/15/2022 04:32 PM PDT

Sierra Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Wendy Jackson

08/16/2022 03:25 PM PDT

Sierra-Plumas Joint Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Wendy Jackson

08/16/2022 03:25 PM PDT