
CAEP Annual Plan: 2021-22 27 Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2021-22 Produced: Aug 2, 2021, 11:07 PM UTC Angel Gallardo

27 Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium

Plans & Goals - Consortium Approved

Executive Summary
The Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium (LARAEC) will continue its work in support of the 2019-2022 Three Year Plan (3YP). As laid out in this plan, the consortium remains focused on fostering collaboration between member districts via strengthening transitions and pathways, improving student support services, aligning data and accountability efforts, and creating a coordinated PD approach. Although adjustments were needed due to the continuing impact of COVID-19, the new focus on racial equity, and the unpredictability around state funding, LARAEC made significant progress in support of its priorities. School year 2020-21 saw, a) the full re-engagement and transitioning of Action Planning Teams to a remote environment, b) implementation of facilitated sessions designed to address member district PD needs and provide Action Planning Teams a venue to share their work, c) transitioning and expanding LARAEC’s annual conference to a 100% online format, d) creation of an online student-facing event focused on students’ transitions to post-secondary programs and college, and e) significant upgrading and expansion of the LARAEC website to house new resources. The action planning teams accomplished much as well, including a program search tool for the LARAEC website, creation of adults with disabilities guidance videos for classroom teachers, development of online enrollment and orientation best practices, identifying priority professional development items for addressing the transition to a remote environment and persistence issues. To meet the challenges brought about by COVID-19, LARAEC continued its support of member districts as they strengthened and expanded their ability to address the gaps in service brought about by this event. Member districts provided a) ongoing and expanded training for faculty and staff in order to strengthen skills associated with this online setting, b) provided ongoing support for students transitioning to a virtual environment, c) expanded distribution of books and devices to students d) broadened efforts to educate students about support services and resources available to assist them and their families in a COVID world, and e) expanded and strengthened counseling, onboarding and support services available online. Despite significant obstacles, LARAEC was able to work collaboratively and quickly pivot to remote teaching, learning, and counseling. As the consortium transitions to a post-COVID world, LARAEC will focus its efforts on amending and adapting processes and procedures to in-person, online, and hybrid environments, as well as maintaining the new expanded options created over the last year. In conjunction with point persons and the action planning teams, LARAEC will focus on pinpointing gaps in service created during this transitional period and identify ways to reinstate and expand services reduced or eliminated previously. Guidance will continue to be provided to LARAEC working groups in order to target needs and address priority areas. Continuity in addressing problems of practice will be carried out through LARAEC’s new structure of moderated sessions (Lunch with LARAEC), conferences, and e-communications. Additionally, because of the higher costs associated with the response to COVID, budget issues remain a significant factor in member districts' ability to provide ongoing training, equipment, and support. LARAEC will continue to focus resources and efforts on addressing the issue of systemic racial injustice. In the last year, member districts implemented a number of initiatives to address this topic including targeted PD, a review of curriculum with a focus on embedded racial inequities, town hall type discussions, and creation of other opportunities to foster dialogue in a safe space. On the consortium level, LARAEC, in conjunction with the American Institutes for Research, created a specific curriculum to address racial equity issues. Initial training was offered to all districts. This fall LARAEC will sponsor a training-of-trainers event which will allow member districts to access the training on an ongoing basis. Further activities are outlined in the annual plan strategies. LARAEC is currently in the very early stages of examining options regarding the infrastructure necessary to start implementing 3 Year Plan activities. LARAEC Action Planning Teams have identified priority areas moving forward, and the LARAEC office has surveyed those teams to supplement and expand on that information. In the next months, the LARAEC Board supported by LARAEC staff and point persons will identify a road map to transition to this new planning process.
Regional Planning Overview
LARAEC continues to rely on the organizational infrastructure created by its consortium bylaws to ensure compliance and continuity as it relates to fulfilling the vision of the Consortium Three Year and annual plans. In accordance with its bylaws, LARAEC has established Action Planning Teams to fulfill the specific strategies outlined in the Consortium Three Year Plan. These action planning teams currently include: Adults with Disabilities, Data and Accountability, Counseling, Pathways, Professional Development, and Workforce Preparation. Each of these groups was given a scope of work and a schedule of meetings and timeline for completion of work. Team members met during consortium-wide workdays and hosted individual group meetups throughout the year. During 2020-21, teams worked exclusively through online platforms and electronic documents such as google forms. APT members also developed a list of priority items for the coming plan year and additional information was gleaned through a survey of all APT members. The APTs work will continue in fall 2021. LARAEC staff has and will continue to coordinate the work of the APTs through regular communication with each group’s co-chairs. Each district also has an appointed point person that meets with LARAEC staff twice monthly to provide input, local district perspective, and coordination for the implementation of the Consortium Three Year Plan activities. LARAEC point persons and staff recently completed a retreat specifically designed to provide additional guidance for APTs. APTs will continue to be provided guidance and support as they continue their work to ensure it is aligned with the 3YP and annual plans. LARAEC staff will continue to provide reports to the Executive Board on consortium Three Year plan and Annual plan activities.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
The current fact sheet published by the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) state office indicates that educational attainment by residents eighteen years or older within the LARAEC service area lags the state average in almost every category. It indicates that over 52% of adults have less than a high school diploma, almost a third have limited English skills and nearly 38% live at or below the poverty line. The data clearly illustrates that the need for adult education programs and services is critical for this demographic. Furthermore, this problem has been exacerbated by the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that necessitated mandated business and school closures that led to high unemployment and job losses. The resurgence of COVID cases in recent weeks suggests that these challenges may be long lasting. According to the EDD Labor Market Information Division June, 2020 report, unemployment in Los Angeles County is higher than the national average and is still over 42 percent higher than it was pre-COVID. Recent data shows that initial unemployment claims are on the rise. Los Angeles County still shows a significant net loss of jobs. Hard hit sectors continue to be manufacturing, entertainment, recreation and hospitality. There is a need to focus on adults in the region who continue to be unemployed, underemployed or suffer from long-term joblessness. It is critical to help those individuals gain the skills necessary to enter or reenter the workforce. More than ever, we need to look at labor market data to help students find pathways to employment and short-term solutions for supporting their families. There is a new need to reach out to new and potential students to determine what support services would help address any barriers to enrollment. Many of LARAEC’s existing students are also in need of additional support services that will allow continuity of learning. As part of the COVID response, member districts conducted surveys of their students to determine areas of need. Many districts reported that lack of connectivity and equipment was a significant gap to participation in remote learning. This gap was addressed by member districts through the distribution of equipment and connection to free or low cost internet services as available, given that adult education COVID response funding was not at the same level as K-12 programs. Continued professional development for faculty and staff can provide strategies for how to best meet student needs, provide remote learning opportunities, and address adaptations for hands-on or clinical practices. In light of changing health mandates and recommendations, LAREAC member districts will continue to support online, in-person, and hybrid learning models as practicable and allowable. There is also a long-term need to provide online registration, counseling, and record keeping services so that existing students can continue and new students can access adult education programs. LARAEC continues to work to be as efficient as possible in order to maximize resources, increase the number of students served, and provide a variety of essential services to our existing students.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
The LARAEC Executive Board, LARAEC Point-Persons, LARAEC staff, and some school site faculty participated in a Consortium Program Quality Self-Assessment developed as part of the 2019-2022 planning tools provided by the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) office. This tool focused on the quality of the consortium’s collaboration and impact within its communities. Through this assessment, participants were able to identify opportunities for improvement (gaps in service) and outline some strategies for enhancing policies, procedures, and practices for the next three-year Consortium Plan. The participants ultimately identified 3 focus areas to be developed further with consortium-wide Action Planning Teams (APTs). The APT groups addressed the need to streamline student pathways and transitions, provide more comprehensive support services, and strengthen consortium collaboration and professional growth. In an ever-changing landscape, consortium leadership continues to have many discussions about priorities moving forward and identifying current problems of practice. More recently, LARAEC asked action planning team members to identify priority areas moving forward as well as conducted a survey of APT members, LARAEC board members, and point persons to supplement that information. This survey provided input on identifying new priorities and gaps, and made recommendations for modifications of Consortium plan elements. As the consortium moves forward, priorities remain consistent with an emphasis on maintaining and expanding services and programs in a remote environment, student engagement and persistence, and staff development. Consortium collaboration and professional development remain priorities to LARAEC’s success. Faculty and staff continue to need opportunities to develop and refine skills in meeting the needs of all adult learners and to establish forums for networking, reviewing research, and sharing curriculum.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
LARAEC initially established the Data and Accountability workgroup in 2018 to align the data-related efforts of all member districts and agree on a common language to describe that data. In the fall of 2020, LARAEC identified the need to establish a new data group (Data for Strategic Planning) that would redistribute some of the data objectives from the Consortium Three Year Plan. It was decided that the Data and Accountability Workgroup would continue to create and implement new initiatives that would ensure data collection, alignment, and sharing among LARAEC member districts, provide professional development for school-based staff, and create protocols for managing data quality. The new Data for Strategic Planning workgroup, which will be instituted this program year, will focus more on strategic planning elements by looking at consortium-level metrics and using data to both evaluate consortium effectiveness in meeting the needs of students in the region and drive conversations about program innovations, expanded collaborations, and communication with policy makers and other stakeholders. Counseling, AWD, and Workforce APTs will work with DAWG to determine the best approaches for documenting student utilization of support services. LARAEC staff will document and report participation in PD and consortium-wide activities. These data collection elements are included in the strategic priorities outlined in the Consortium Three Year Plan. Annual plan progress is a standing item on the LARAEC board agenda and progress is discussed at twice monthly point person and staff meetings. In March of 2021, the LARAEC Board approved a written policies and procedures manual for the administration of AB 104 funds as well as use of an effectiveness report to be issued quarterly.

Gaps In Service

New Strategies

Strategy #1
The Adult with Disabilities APT will continue their work to design and implement initiatives supporting AWD students, which may include resources and PD for teachers, support services for students, assessment tools for counseling staff, and programs for the severely disabled. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan – Strategy 2.3, SMART Objective-3, Action Plan- 2.3, Pilot-2A, and Pilot-2B] Additionally, the APT will discuss strategies for meeting the needs of these students in both in-person and remote environments, and strategies for faculty to work with this population of students. The APT will provide increased access to resources through the LARAEC website and professional development. Students with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities may require additional supports to access remote learning and make the transition back to in-person opportunities. This may include more targeted technology, training, and counseling. The APT will be looking at existing and best assessments for identifying disabilities (including learning disabilities and emotional disabilities) and assessments for measuring progress. This APT will continue work on identifying new or more effective partnerships to provide AWD support and wrap-around services.
Strategy #2
The Workforce Preparation APT was formed to address the unmet needs of special populations of AE students (e.g., immigrants and returning citizens). The LARAEC goal is to provide these AE students with equitable access to meaningful educational services through, eliminating barriers to enrollment, connecting students with support services, and improved pathways and transitions. This APT will continue their work in designing and implementing activities, focused on these student populations [2019-2022 Consortium Plan – Strategy 1.5, SMART Objective-3, Action Plan-1.5, Pilot-1B]. This group will be creating a student survey to assess needs and determine priority areas. The APT will strategize how to ensure that survey and data collection efforts are effectively reaching this target population. Moving forward, LARAEC point persons and staff will work with this group to identify current efforts to support special populations and identify specific initiatives to implement which may include partnerships between institutions, collaboration with community agencies, development of resources, supporting transitions from training to employment, and specific outreach efforts.
Strategy #3
LARAEC will scale up the Family Success Initiative (FSI), addressing the needs of Adult Training to Support Child School Success, by expanding to two other AE USD programs, as well as begin designing implementing program enhancements through service learning projects and Parent-Child Interactive Learning Activities (PCILA) [2019-2022 Consortium Plan- Strategy 1.4, SMART Objective-2, Action Plan-1.4, Pilot-1A]. Last year, this curriculum was transitioned to an online platform. This will provide continued use of the program through remote learning. The curriculum was enhanced to include technology skills, LMS access, zoom lessons, and community resources that target and support the FSI population. The online program is offered in English and Spanish. The new online nature of the program will allow for expanded implementation as space and childcare considerations have been minimized. Interested LARAEC member districts will adapt the curriculum to their district LMS and can offer in-person and hybrid versions as appropriate.
Strategy #4
In the Fall of 2021, LARAEC will be developing a new Data for Strategic Planning group and redistributing some of the data objectives from the Consortium Three Year Plan. The current Data and Accountability Workgroup will continue to create and implement new initiatives that will ensure data collection alignment and sharing best practices among LARAEC member districts, provide staff development for school-based staff, work with action planning teams to support data collection efforts, and create protocols for managing data quality. This group will also discuss strategies for continuing data collection with both in-person and online classes, increasing student persistence, and showing effectiveness. Additionally, this data workgroup will begin exploring ways to best capture transitions data and provide recommendations to the LARAEC Board and member districts. The APT and districts will continue to work with CASAS, OCTAE, HiSET/GED, and the CDE to provide for remote testing as appropriate, developing testing protocols, and providing continuity of user experience. A new data group will focus more on strategy elements by providing recommendations to the LARAEC board on how to select data that demonstrates programmatic effectiveness in meeting the needs of AE students in the region, as well as using data to drive conversations about program innovations, expanded collaborations, and communication with policy makers. LARAEC Board members, point persons, and staff will further define focus, activities, and membership for this group. Dividing the Consortium Three Year Plan data objectives into two groups will allow for more targeted action and inclusion of appropriate stakeholders. [2019-22 Consortium Plan – Strategy 2.5, SMART Objective-4, Action Plan-2.4].

Seamless Transitions

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Since the direction of the LARAEC Pathways and Counseling APTs have begun to merge, the two groups will be combined next year to form a Counseling and Transitions APT. Members of these combined groups will have the opportunity to break into smaller subgroups to focus on targeted projects. The subgroups will address various aspects along the transitions continuum and may include: Smooth induction and onboarding, student engagement and support, dual-enrollment, and college and career pathways. In the fall of 2021, LARAEC will survey members of these APTs to determine priority areas, activity suggestions, and participation interest.
Strategy #2
LARAEC Staff and Counseling & Transitions APT members will continue work on developing easy to access pathway information for students and staff. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan – Strategy 1.1, SMART Objective-1, Action Plan-1.1]. Staff, APT members, and member districts will continue work on designing and launching a web tool to provide quick access to program information at all member sites, direct contact to counselors/advisors, and easy use of a program look-up tool. LARAEC staff, APT members, and the LARAEC web-developer will continue work on developing a counseling resources page to connect students and field-level advisors with financial aid, application, and support services information.
Strategy #3
Based on the positive feedback from LARAEC board members and participants, LARAEC staff will look to continue the LARAEC Edge Conference in the coming year. This conference focuses specifically on transitions to postsecondary programs. The conference includes 5 main strands: College Academic (registration, financial aid, college 101), Career Training (programs, sectors, pathways), Adult Education (Basic skills, HSE/HSD, ESL), Workforce Readiness (Interviews, resumes, job search, apprenticeships), and Support Services (programs for special populations, community-based organizations, and workforce partners). This conference is directed specifically to AE students and the staff that support them. This event also includes pre-event activities for teachers in engaging students in the event, and activities for AE advisors/counselors to connect with local community college outreach and counseling departments. In light of current health mandates and precautions, the LARAEC event calendar is still in development. This event, along with the other conferences, are not yet scheduled, however they are priority areas for the consortium.

Student Acceleration

New Strategies

Strategy #1
The LARAEC Counseling and Transitions APT will support work on induction, student engagement, and pathways. This work may include: PD on student-centered counseling approaches, student education plans, pathway maps, transition tools, and accessing resources. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan – Strategy 2.2, Action Plan-2.2, Pilot-2D] Emphasis will be placed on setting students up for success, having students engaged and supported, and creating clear plans of action. All of these activities support student acceleration. Strategies will support both in-person, online, and hybrid learning students.
Strategy #2
The LARAEC Counseling and Transitions APT will explore strategies for implementing dual-enrollment and transitions to post-secondary. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan- Strategy 1.3, Action Plan-1.3] LARAEC will support partnerships between local adult schools and community colleges in creating opportunities for dual enrollment. Dual enrollment provides AE students with an opportunity to accelerate their high school academic programs by taking classes at both an AE school and community college, and allows for supported transitions to post-secondary.
Strategy #3
The Professional Development APT will identify research-based best practices for identified gap areas (see PD strategies in next section) and support PD and networking opportunities for classroom teachers. These opportunities may include classroom-based practices for accelerating student progress, increasing student achievement, and incorporating technology supported instruction. [20192022 Consortium Plan- Strategy 3.2, SMART Objective-5, Action Plan-3.2, Pilot-3A]. Best practices might include use of online applications and open-source materials to address student-learning gaps, use of learning management systems to provide student-paced curriculum and courses, creation or use of technology-focused tutorials to provide on-demand professional development and student training, and strategies for re-engaging students across program areas.
Strategy #4
The LARAEC Executive Board, point persons, and staff will work together to continue to outline recommendations and strategies to accelerate student journeys and address racial equity and demographic disparities. Specific plans may include: a) continuing to offer professional development opportunities with an emphasis on awareness of racial equity and disparities at district and consortium levels, b) having the Data and Accountability Workgroup examine data and identify metrics necessary for member districts to evaluate progress and success, c) outlining recommendations and strategies for addressing any identified disparities of outcomes based on demographic data, d) examine strategies for accelerating student journeys of identified groups, and e) surveying students, faculty and staff to gather opinions and information on issues related to racial inequality. After the initial equity training last year, the consortium is moving into a train-the-trainer model to allow more district staff access to training, engage local discussions, and enable district-level responses to racial equity and disparity issues.

Professional Development

New Strategies

Strategy #1
The Professional Development APT will recalibrate the faculty and staff PD survey and distribute again this year. This team will identify gaps in PD offerings and work with the other APTs and staff to provide needed priority training and promote cross-district PD opportunities. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan-Strategy 3.3, Action Plan-3.3, Action Plan-3.2, Action Plan-3.6] As practicable with current and changing health guidelines, PD opportunities may be offered in-person and continue to be provided online through the use of zoom. Recording and providing asynchronous access to training allows for wider participation and will be continued in 2021-22 SY.
Strategy #2
To provide equitable access to quality training and resources, the Professional Development APT will work with LARAEC staff to continue creation of an online forum for information sharing, networking, hosting a master PD calendar, and archiving a PD library. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan Strategy 3.4, Action Plan-3.4, Pilot-3B]. The LARAEC staff will utilize social media accounts and email campaigns to increase teacher engagement and highlight consortium activities.
Strategy #3
LARAEC has a number of conference options that have been created during this three year cycle. The consortium is awaiting LARAEC Board guidance on possible options for the next school year. In light of changing county health protocols, it is unclear if the traditional in-person LARAEC conference will be allowable and practicable. The LARAEC Board, point persons, and staff have identified The LARAEC Edge as a priority area for this year, followed by the LARAEC ROCS conference. The LAREC Edge is an online conference that focuses on students transitioning to post-secondary programs and college. It is an opportunity for students and staff to connect with schools, access transition information, and find out about support services and resources. The LARAEC ROCs conference focuses on supporting remote and hybrid learning, counseling, access to resources, and sharing best practices. The schedule of these and other larger LARAEC activities and conferences will be discussed during Fall LARAEC board meetings when county health directions are clearer.
Strategy #4
Based on the immediate need for sharing remote learning practices, the LARAEC point persons and staff implemented the Lunch with LARAEC series. Reaching out to PD specialists and APT groups, Lunch with LARAEC provided weekly online PD sessions and sharing opportunities on a variety of topics for faculty and staff. These sessions helped staff in meeting the challenges of serving our students and future students remotely, and keeping faculty and staff connected and engaged. These sessions provided a forum for practical help and connection. Topics included items such as remote testing, student engagement and persistence, community college registration and financial aid, open source materials, using zoom, curriculum, and providing student support services remotely. These online activities also allow for super-regional participation with other consortia. LARAEC plans to continue Lunch with LARAEC and work with the PD APT group on addressing new priority areas.

Leveraging Resources

New Strategies

Strategy #1
The Professional Development APT will work with LARAEC staff to conduct annual surveys to help guide PD and recommend consortium priorities. Through communication with all the APT groups, LARAEC can leverage resources from all districts to benefit all consortium members. LARAEC staff will coordinate and promote the work of APTs, PD opportunities, and LARAEC activities through the LARAEC website, social media, and email marketing. The work of the APT groups will be made available to all LARAEC faculty and staff. [2019-2022 Consortia Plan Strategy 3.6, Strategy 3.3, SMART Objective-5, Action Plan-3.3b and Action Plan-3.2] LARAEC staff will create and populate a universal professional development calendar to link consortium PD, member-district PD, state-level training, and opportunities offered by relevant professional organizations. The LARAEC staff will utilize social media accounts to increase teacher engagement, highlight consortium activities, and increase traffic to the LARAEC website.
Strategy #2
To better meet the needs of workforce preparation students, LARAEC will continue to investigate partnerships in the community for working with: legal aid referrals, work permits for students with immigration issues, returning citizens, veterans, and AWD students. LARAEC member districts will continue to work with community partners, workforce boards, AJCCs, WorkSource centers, and youth source centers to assist students and potential students with accessing training, support services, and job placement. [20192022 Consortium Plan- Strategy 1.5, SMART Objective-3, Pilot-1B, Action Plan-1.5] Moving into the new year, attention will be paid to leveraging these community resources in a remote schooling environment as well as supporting in-person and hybrid students.
Strategy #3
The Adults with Disabilities APT group and LARAEC member districts will continue to strengthen collaboration with regional centers, California Department of Rehabilitation, and community partners to link AWD students to extra support services. [2019-2022 Consortium Plan- Action Plan-2.3.a] In light of current county health requirements and course offerings, emphasis will be placed on providing support and wrap-around services in remote, hybrid, and in-person environments. The AWD APT group will share resources and strategies with the wider LARAEC community through the LARAEC website and professional development activities.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.
LARAEC identifies focus on quality collaboration between-member districts, including building better transitions and pathways, strengthening student support services, aligning data and accountability efforts, and creating a coordinated PD approach as priorities. The majority of program funds are allocated to instructional and non-instructional salaries to support programs and services provided to consortium students according to the strategies outlined in LARAEC’s 2019-2022 Consortium Three Year Plan and the 2021-22 Annual Plan. In order to enhance oversight of member districts, in March of 2021, the LARAEC Board approved a written policies and procedures manual for the administration of AB 104 funds as well as use of an effectiveness report to be issued quarterly. These policies and procedures will begin implementation on July 1, 2021.
An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2021-22.
Burbank Unified School district: For the 2021-2022 academic year Burbank Adult School will be incorporating the carry-over funds from prior years in a number of capacities as outlined. We created our new IET course entitled Cable and Computer Technician, which provides 18 weeks of instruction and a lab component specifically to provide additional support for the English Learners who are enrolled. This component cannot be offered at this time due to COVID restrictions. We are providing further professional development for ESL teachers to infuse technology into their classroom instruction. The funds will also be used to enrich the curriculum for the IET CMA program and the CAN program, both of which encourage and provide additional support for English Learners who participate. The approval for an LVN program will be pursued this year and carryover funds will be used for the purchase of equipment and materials. Culver City Unified School District: During the 2020-21 school year, Culver City Adult School utilized allocated funds from 20291-2021 for technological responses to the pandemic, which included additional computer hardware and digital platform purchases, including APEX licenses, Burlington licenses, Aztec licensees, Canvas, and Calendly. CCUSD will use any remaining carryover for certificated salaries and benefits, including adding a part-time counselor position. Funds will also be spent on professional development, supplies and materials, and support services. All purposes listed are aligned to the LARAEC 3YP and annual plan. In addition to sustaining existing ESL, ABE, and ASE programs for students, CCUSD will use some of the funds to continue to collaborate with LAUSD on the adoption of its FSI program, and expand this partnership to include development of CTE pathways. Los Angeles Community College District: For the 2021-22 academic year, the Los Angeles Community College District will use carry-over funds to address several initiatives across the District’s nine colleges. The District will leverage CAEP funds along with District local, state and federal funds to support adult student equity, completion and transfer. In doing so, the District commits to address onboarding in a remote environment, transitions from adult schools to community colleges, and from community college to workforce or transfer to a four-year institution. The District has established a process to host cross-college professional development opportunities to align programs, courses (curriculum), and policy. This effort will continue in 2020-21.Los Angeles Unified School District: Carry-over funds from the 2020-21 school year will be used for certificated salaries, employee benefits, professional development, supplies/materials, and support services. Specifically, funding will be allocated strategically to support the achievement of DACE’s post-pandemic goals: increased enrollment and improved student persistence. To increase enrollment, DACE will offer more learning options for students, including online, hybrid, and correspondence options; will invest in expanding high-demand CTE courses; and will implement robust marketing and student reengagement campaigns. DACE will also work with District offices to develop leadership academies for K-12 parents. To improve student persistence, DACE will focus on student engagement strategies across all PDs, will deliver PD sessions online to increase teacher access, and will rollout Remind as a student communication tool. All activities fully align with the LARAEC 3YP and annual plans.Montebello Unified School District– For the 2021-2022 school year, Montebello Adult School will utilize funds to provide an array of support systems for the students and personnel. The areas of support include funding and resources for Covid-19 mitigation, and providing relevant professional learning opportunities related to LARAEC priorities and district goals to increase student engagement, recruitment, and retention. Montebello Adult School will continue to create online, in-person, and hybrid learning opportunities to enhance learning and teaching of our students and teachers. We will continue to use funds to complete the already approved capital outlay projects that were delayed due to the pandemic. We will increase the levels of support and staff development opportunities for all Montebello Adult School personnel related to technology, equipment, marketing, student information system, WASC, and LARAEC collaboration. We will purchase instructional materials, provide the necessary training for CTE courses, and develop new CTE courses to provide increased opportunities for adult students. We will enhance ABE and ASE programs by purchasing software, online curriculum, materials, and staff training to improve student outcomes, accelerate completion, and support remote and in-person learning. These activities are aligned with the LARAEC 3-Year and annual plans.


Burbank Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Wendy Heard

08/02/2021 12:42 PM PDT

Culver City Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Veronica Montes 8424300

07/29/2021 11:01 AM PDT

Los Angeles CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Adrienne Ann Mullen Ed.D.

07/29/2021 03:33 PM PDT

Los Angeles Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Men Le

08/02/2021 01:13 PM PDT

Montebello Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Angel Gallardo

08/02/2021 04:07 PM PDT