Annual Plan

Produced: Aug 3, 2023, 07:17 PM UTC - By Renny Neyra

27 Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium


Plans & Goals

Executive Summary

     The Los Angeles Regional Consortium continues its work in support of CAEP’s seven program areas, LARAEC member districts, and the LARAEC Three Year Plan (3YP) with its 23-24 annual plan. The plan maintains focus on the priority areas selected by the LARAEC Board: marketing and intentional outreach, engagement and persistence, and consortium collaboration. These priority areas address essential overarching themes for the consortium, including connecting with specific populations of underserved communities through outreach and engagement activities; providing support and resources for member-districts to develop curriculum, enrollment protocols and engagement activities that incorporate remote pedagogies and technologies; and being grounded in the needs and challenges of an emerging post-COVID landscape.

     In implementing the 22-23 Annual Plan, LARAEC leveraged the power of its established Action Planning Teams which foster collaboration between districts and carry out focused activities that support the priorities laid out in the 22-25 Three Year Plan. LARAEC also utilized the power of a communication infrastructure that has been built up over the last several years: its website, which has become a clearinghouse and curated media hub for student and staff resources; the Lunch with LARAEC Zoomcast; the annual faculty and staff conference and its student-facing counterpart; and the LARAEC Insider,  LARAEC’s weekly newsletter. These overlapping conduits of interconnectedness allow the consortium’s messaging, resources, and priority area work to be shared in an amplified way throughout LARAEC’s member districts.

     This past year, LARAEC saw significant progress in support of its priorities, including the rollout of noteworthy new projects by the action planning teams. LAREAC APTs a) worked with a marketing expert to create targeted one-pagers with unique messaging for Spanish speakers, unemployed job seekers, and individuals without a high school diploma b) hosted two web-based PDs designed to strengthen engagement and persistence around remote learning in all program areas c) presented onboarding best practices for counselors and the classroom d) created a consortium definitions guide that includes key terms around data and how they are defined and used by each member district e) designed a student community event around mental health resources. LARAEC also experienced successes in a number of other areas, including the full implementation of a program search tool on the LARAEC website; gathering baseline usage data on the LARAEC website via web analytics to support and inform decision making; building out the website with robust student and staff toolkits, resources, spotlight videos, and recorded PD; returning in-person for the faculty, staff and administrator conference; hosting a consortium-wide online student career training and resource fair; rolling out a weekly newsletter to increase connectivity to member districts; offering topic-focused, virtual consortium-wide PD; and offering sessions on equity topics and IET.

     LARAEC will continue activities consistent with its three-year plan priorities and support of CAEPs seven program areas. It will focus efforts on outreach, supporting students and faculty using research and best practices to enhance existing programs, and build new models for meeting the needs of students. It will leverage the action planning teams to power collaborative work around creating shared resources and hosting relevant PD. LARAEC will utilize current structures such as Lunch with LARAEC, conferences, professional development, web resources, and its newsletter to broadly engage district staff and expand student-facing activities.

     LARAEC allocations will be used to support district and school site operations and provide education and workforce programs in the seven California Adult Education Program (CAEP) approved areas. The majority of program funds are allocated to districts for instructional and non-instructional salaries. LARAEC consortium funds along with member-district allocations will be used for providing adult education programs and the other activities outlined in this plan and aligned to the consortium three-year plan, including quality collaboration between-member districts, strengthening transitions and pathways, strengthening student support services, aligning data and accountability efforts, and creating a coordinated PD approach. Member-district funds will also address specific priorities and supports which may include, expanded CTE, professional development, equipment and materials, upgraded technology, transitions to workforce and institutions of higher learning, increased enrollment, and further developing online and hybrid opportunities for students. These activities are aligned with the consortium's three-year and annual plans and are designed to meet the educational and workforce needs of adults in the Los Angeles region.

Regional Planning Overview

     LARAEC’s consortium bylaws provide the vessel through which organizational structure is maintained.  They ensure compliance and continuity related to fulfilling the priorities of the Consortium Three Year and annual plans. In accordance with its bylaws, LARAEC has established Action Planning Teams (APT) to carry out and complete the targeted strategies outlined in the three-year plan.  These action planning teams may include: Data Collaboration and Best Practices, Counseling and Transitions, Marketing, Remote Learning, and Support for Special Populations.  Each team is given a unique scope of work, a meeting schedule, and a timeline for completion of work. The initial meeting is conducted under the guidance of a professional facilitator. This allows group members to settle in and utilize the time as effectively and efficiently as possible.  Team members continue to meet during scheduled consortium-wide workdays and may host individual group meetings throughout the year.  Typically, groups meet remotely to ensure participation and  access.  LARAEC staff coordinate the work of the APTs through regular communication  and periodic meetings with each group’s co-chairs and other communicative activities. In addition, each member district has an appointed point person who meets  with LARAEC staff twice a month to provide input,  ensure local district perspective, and assist with coordination for the implementation of consortium three-year plan activities.  The Point Persons and LARAEC Staff Annual Retreat provides the opportunity for collaboration and input around action planning team activities and yearly activities aligned with the consortium’s three-year and annual plans. The LARAEC Executive Board also receives informational reports and updates related to the three year and annual plans.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs

     The Los Angeles basin is an area of high need. A review of the CAEP region and state fact sheets during the 3YP process indicates that among adults in the Los Angeles regions: almost 24% have less than a high school diploma; over one million people have limited English skills; over one million live near the poverty line; and the region has a significant number of disconnected youth (171,000) and unemployed (over one million). In addition, 42% of regional adults report Spanish as their primary language and 77% of adult education students are Hispanic. High-need communities represent a significant number of potential students, but only a small percentage are being served. Of the nearly three million people who are 18 years or older in the Los Angeles basin (2019-2020), the consortium served about 2% of those with no high school diploma, 7% of those with limited English, and only 2.5% of those who are low income. In addition, COVID has created additional barriers to engagement for many of these communities. This reality is reflected in a decline in overall numbers of students served in the consortium (an overall 38% decline in students served from 2018-19 to 2020-21).

     The opportunity in the workplace is here. The Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) and the Center for Competitive Workforce (CCW) forecast over 200,000 middle-skill job openings (those jobs requiring more than a high school diploma and less than a BA) in the Los Angeles Basin over the next five years. However, engagement of students who can fill these openings has lagged. The 3YP initial planning group members, utilizing the data packet, identified multiple issues for students, including limited access to the appropriate technology, need for support services, the need for alignment of programs with high-priority middle-skill occupations, and a lack of awareness among potential students about resources and programs available through adult education. This lack of awareness was further validated by student surveys which indicated almost half of all students learned about adult education programs only from family and friends and 20% from a school website. A tiny minority, 2%, found adult education through traditional advertising such as billboards, TV, or radio.

     The implications for the consortium and its focus groups were clear. Traditional marketing strategies used by many institutions may not be as effective in connecting our programs and services to potential students and in particular communities of need. Therefore, it is essential to explore and prioritize new marketing strategies that would focus on targeted outreach in non-traditional ways. There is also a need to develop curriculum and support services specific to many of these high-need populations (foster youth, returning citizens, older adults, low literacy, and low skill), including the need to better align community-based employment opportunities with corresponding career training and then market this information to these at-risk communities.  Along with this, school website efficacy, organization, and ease of use must be included in the conversation. Students need to be able to find program information and connect with adult education staff. Layered onto this is the board’s expressed priority of making this a plan that will meet the needs of this moment.  Re-examining marketing strategies to more precisely outreach to special populations and communities of need reflects this concern.

How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?

     LARAEC member-districts selected personnel to participate in the consortium’s 3YP Initial Planning Groups (IPG).  These groups consisted of staff, teachers, and administrators, from all member districts.  These groups examined data as they looked to identify needs and gaps, and pinpoint critical focus areas. LARAEC staff and member-district point persons collaborated to create a data packet for this group, which included, among other things, Tops Enterprise data, adult education LaunchBoard data, CAEP regional fact sheets, and information from member-districts’ WIOA Continuous Improvement Plans, WASC plans, and Perkins goals.  The packet also included information and data from the City of Los Angeles’ Workforce Development Board Local Plan and the LAOCRC Strong Workforce Plan for the Los Angeles region. Each district also provided narrative data on student support services, marketing, and course offerings.  Subsequent to this, the LARAEC Executive Board met in a special session, open for public comment, to review the work of this group, provide input, and gain consensus on regional needs and focus areas. LARAEC student and staff surveys were utilized to validate findings and extend understanding of student needs. An additional member-district staff survey was conducted in spring 2023, to confirm these gaps as continued priorities.   

     During the creation of the 3YP, LARAEC included opportunities for continued stakeholder engagement. In addition to IPGs, point persons, and staff, inter-district groups of subject-matter experts were formed for each consortium priority area. These groups participated in three days of facilitated discussions designed to identify strategies and activities that address regional and students’ needs. Student and staff survey data from all districts was provided to the planning groups and incorporated into the recommended activities. Individual districts solicited input from their regional partners and local community-based organizations to add to the plan. LARAEC provided opportunities for the public and stakeholders to provide comments on drafts of the plan through board meetings and remote formats. LARAEC is confident that the 3YP final document reflects a collaborative effort between all districts and stakeholders in identifying regional needs. Based on member-district staff surveys conducted again in spring 2023, the gaps identified are continued priorities.

How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?

     As part of the three-year planning process, LARAEC member-districts selected both consortium-level and district metrics. The consortium selected 5 % growth each year in overall enrollment and 5% growth each year in English language learners as measures of effectiveness. The primary need and focus area in the region is marketing and targeted outreach to communities of need. These measures will show progress toward this focus area. Member-districts also selected a 5% increase each year in adults who become participants (12+ hours).  This measure addresses the second focus area of increased engagement and persistence. The last focus area, consortium collaboration, will be measured by participation statistics reported by LARAEC staff. As the first year of this 3YP cycle, LARAEC staff will collect baseline data for participation in professional development, conference attendees, and website analytics. These data collection elements are included in the consortium three-year plan. Annual plan progress is a standing item on the LARAEC board agenda and progress is discussed at twice monthly point person and staff meetings. Progress is also reported to member-districts quarterly through the LARAEC Effectiveness Report.

    The 2022-23 School Year (SY) showed an overall enrollment increase. The consortium exceeded its three year target (5%) for enrollment. The 2020-21 enrollment was 62,712 and the preliminary 2022-23 YTD enrollment is 90,166 (44% increase). The consortium also exceeded the target (5%) for enrolling students with the barrier of English Language Learner with a 61% increase over 2020-21. CAEP data also shows that all member-districts have increased participants (students with 12 hrs +) over 2020-21 data and the majority of districts have exceeded the 3YP  target (5% increase) for 2022-23. For 2023-24 SY, LARAEC renews its commitment to increasing enrollment by 5% over the prior year in all of the target areas identified in the 3YP.

Address Educational Needs

2023-24 Strategies

Materials for Special Populations and One-pagers

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Implement Targeted Marketing

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Student Barriers: English Language Learner (AE 305 - Overall)

A focus of the three-year plan is to intentionally outreach to underserved populations and communities of need. In 2022-23, LARAEC staff and point persons worked with the Marketing APT to create one-pager flyers that market to specific populations. Marketing materials were created that specifically target Spanish speakers, unemployed job seekers, and those without high school diplomas. The intent of these flyers is to compliment district marketing and provide strategies that school sites and teachers can use to outreach to the local community. 3YP student survey results showed that the majority of students heard about LARAEC programs through word-of-mouth. These one-pagers can support expanded word-of-mouth and community marketing. 

For SY 2023-24, LARAEC will work on the following strategies:


Materials for Special Populations.  In 2023-24, the Marketing APT may create additional materials to address unique needs of returning citizens (formerly incarcerated), unhoused individuals, disconnected youth, 50+ students, high school seniors, or online only students. Unique marketing materials can highlight specific programs and support services that are attractive to these population segments and make continuing education more accessible.


One-Pagers. LARAEC staff and point persons will work with the newly formed Marketing APT  to design an engaging one-pager highlighting adult education as a program along with directions for more information. This one-pager can be utilized by all districts and is easily customized. This collateral material will allow for consistent and distinct branding consortium wide; provide useful material to distribute to community partners; create consistent messaging around consortium programs and offerings; and provide a resource to facilitate access to websites, phone numbers and registration information. Since word of mouth is one of our most used marketing tactics, this one-pager can also be utilized by existing students as they share about programs. This gives potential students a tangible, informational item and a call to action. This one-pager should be available in English and Spanish to start.  


By December 2023, LARAEC will launch the use of the 2022-23 flyers including distribution of materials and the creation of a media and marketing hub for the LARAEC website.

By June 2024, a highly engaging one-pager will be created along with matching digital marketing campaign materials.

By June 2024,  a flyer will be created for at least two additional targeted populations.

Non-Traditional Outreach and Marketing

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Explore Non-Traditional Marketing Strategies

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)
  • Student Barriers: English Language Learner (AE 305 - Overall)

     In 2022-23, the Marketing Action Planning Team was created to support targeted marketing and outreach to special populations. This APT was tasked with creating strategies for intentional outreach, working with LARAEC staff to develop marketing materials, and providing information/training sessions to member-districts and field personnel. The marketing APT was supported by  a marketing consultant to help with development of strategies to reach target populations. This consultant also provided a Lunch with LARAEC PD session to support school sites and classroom teachers with applying outreach strategies. Web design and social media experts were also leveraged to provide PD and expertise on using online marketing techniques.

     In 2023-24, LARAEC will continue to utilize the Marketing APT, LARAEC staff, and district point persons to focus on nontraditional outreach and marketing. The 2023 LARAEC staff survey continues to indicate that low enrollment is a concern (82%) with 46% of staff indicating that they would like marketing and outreach support. In addition to other marketing activities outlined in this plan, LARAEC will work on the following strategies: 

Websites and Social Media - Based on the student survey, the top two ways that students find out about member-district programs are family or friends (51%) and school websites (20%). Focus area group members commented that many schools need to enhance their websites to make them more user friendly and have direct connections to services and registration. LARAEC staff and point persons will work with specialists and consultants to use the LARAEC website to connect potential students to schools through more engaging and targeted landing pages, relevant resources, calls to action, and simplified language. 

LARAEC Adult Education Ambassadors - LARAEC will work with point persons, the conference committee, member-district staff,  and partner organizations to develop a community outreach campaign. At the LARAEC conference, LARAEC will enlist volunteer member-district staff to distribute newly created marketing materials (from 2022-23 SY) to school sites, current students, and locations throughout the community. Participating staff will receive branded ambassador swag items funded by conference exhibitors. This project will help LARAEC capitalize on word-of-mouth advertising by providing flyers for existing students to distribute and for faculty to share at community locations in their regions. These flyers can point to the LARAEC marketing landing pages and include a space for local school contact information. LARAEC will work with partner organizations to create related, branded swag items.  


Partner Agencies and Community Survey - LARAEC point persons and district staff will utilize a new community survey to outreach and build partnerships with external community-based organizations and workforce agencies. The community survey is designed to be a starting point for deeper conversions around how to best share the programs and services offered at adult schools; provide services to agency employees and clients; how to connect member-district students with agency resources and services; and how to best partner in serving adults in the LA region.


By December 2023, LARAEC will launch new landing pages for students that provide for easier navigation, access to resources, and connection to schools. Landing pages may also be added for specific identified special populations related to LARAEC’s marketing flyers. 

By June 2024, LARAEC will have launched the first round of LARAEC’s ambassadors’ strategy to utilize existing students and local staff in spreading the word about adult education in local communities.

Member-district point persons will have identified another outside agency/group for each district along with a new strategy for partnering (e.g. parent centers).

LARAEC Website Development

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

The LARAEC Program Finder

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

     In SY 2022-2023,  LARAEC completed and launched the program finder on the LARAEC website. This program finder  includes a google mapping program that allows students and staff to search for nearby schools by program area and a more detailed career technical education program finder.  These tools  allow staff or students to ask questions like, “What school offers welding?” or “What career training do they have at Harbor College?”  Connecting students to programs and handing them off to specific staff members aligns all aspects of the 3YP.    

     As mentioned in the previous strategy, LARAEC plans to make these tools and the student-facing web pages easier to navigate and utilize. In addition to other web development activities outlined in this plan, LARAEC will work on the following strategies:   

Web Analytics - To track the impact of marketing campaigns and effectiveness of the consortium website, Google analytics will be used. LARAEC staff will work with the web developer to track web traffic, identify most used resources, monitor repeat visitors, and track conversions of visitors to requests for information and school referrals. Year one will look at establishing baseline data to student, staff, and consortium portions of the site. Future years will look at increases in traffic and the effectiveness of specific campaigns.

Professional Development on Web Resources- The 2023 member-district staff survey showed that the majority of respondents utilized the website (59%) with 86% of users indicating it was useful to their work. As we move forward, LARAEC will work to expand the visibility and use of the website with member-district staff and students. The LARAEC staff will work with the point persons and school leadership to offer in-person and online professional development sessions. These sessions will focus on LARAEC resources and how to incorporate their use in classrooms or programs to support students. 

Testimonials- Based on LARAEC’s 3YP discussions and research conducted as part of the website launch last year, the consortium would like to add student testimonials to the web site. The Marketing consultants indicated that an effective strategy is having potential students see themselves as students in the adult education programs. LARAEC will work with the Marketing APT and other action planning teams to identify student stories or spotlights to utilize on the website. LARAEC will add at least three testimonials, which may include the special targeted populations (see strategy 1). These testimonials may include video, picture and quote, or social media posts.    


By June 2024, LARAEC will show growth in traffic to the program finder and other student webpages above the baseline data created in SY 2022-2023.

By June 2024, LARAEC staff will work with web developer to collect baseline for conversions from web-visitor to school referrals

By June 2024, LARAEC will conduct at least 2 PD sessions designed to connect member-district staff with LARAEC web resources.

By June 2024, the LARAEC website will have at least 3 student testimonials added, which may include targeted special populations.

Improve Integration of Services & Transitions

2023-24 Strategies

LARAEC Hosted Events

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Collaborative Professional Development

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)

     In SY 2022-23, LARAEC conducted 19 Lunch with LARAEC sessions throughout the year and the fall LARAEC Experience conference for staff. We had 20-40 live participants and 15-50 asynchronous participants for each LWL session, and approximately 500 attendees for the conference. Based on the 2023 member-district survey, staff indicated that Lunch with LARAEC (78%) and the LARAEC Experience (91%) were useful to their work. Topics included transitions to postsecondary, student engagement, marketing, teacher and student resources, online learning, IET, onboarding students, and productivity tools.

     For SY 2023-24, LARAEC will work on the following strategies:   

Lunch with LARAEC (LWL) - LARAEC staff will continue to  work with APTs, point persons, and feedback from staff surveys to plan a calendar for Lunch with LARAEC sessions. These sessions are designed to provide relevant professional development, program spotlights, information, or best practices that focus on the skills and topics from the 3YP. The intent is to provide strategies, tools, or resources that can be used by participants right away. These sessions are offered on-line during lunchtime (12:30- 1:30 PM Thursdays) and recorded to provide synchronous and asynchronous engagement.

LARAEC Conferences - LARAEC conferences provide the opportunity to bring member-districts together for engaging and energizing sessions, keynote speakers, and recognition.  Each conference has its own focus. The LARAEC Experience focuses on sharing best practices and instructional strategies across the range of adult education programs. The LARAEC Edge brings together member districts, college outreach, and community-based agencies to provide information about student transitions to AE, post-secondary, and work. The LARAEC Experience will include LARAEC innovation Awards and LARAEC Collaboration Awards, both of which are designed to acknowledge good works from the field and highlight programs that are producing results. The LARAEC experience will be held in October as a kickoff to the year,  and The LARAEC Edge will be held in March as students transition to what’s next.

LARAEC Conversations - LARAEC member-district surveys indicated a desire to provide more opportunities for consortium collaboration, including opportunities to share challenges, best practices, and teaching strategies. LARAEC will pilot a few topic-centered conversation opportunities that allow staff from different districts or schools to interact, share, and explore a focus area. These sessions will follow a more problem-solving approach that incorporates interaction between participants. Topics may result in a single hosted meeting or series of meetings. Topics may include areas such as building classroom community, onboarding students, working with multi-level classes, differentiation and methods, establishing and building industry partnerships, testing and data collection, engaging staff, and supporting transitions.   


By June 2024, LARAEC will show a 5%  increase in participation of member-district staff in consortium activities (LWL and Conferences) as measured against baseline data from 2022-23. 

By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least two LARAEC Conversations events.

In March 2024, the LARAEC Edge conference will have participation from at least 75% of member-district school sites and show a 5% increase in participants from 2022-23 SY.

Access to Information and Transition Support

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Shared Resources, Strategies, and Tools

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)
  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

     In SY 2022-23, LARAEC launched the new student and staff resources website. This website provided students with a program search tool, information and videos about transitioning to college, career search resources, career training programs and providers, and available support services. Staff resources included research, news, counseling, data, marketing, PD, and curriculum and instruction support.  A sample study showed that users felt the website was useful and easy to use. Teachers and counselors were excited to use the resources with students. Suggestions for improvement included simplifying the student site and providing a more guided experience, creating accompanying collateral materials, expanding resources, and providing marketing and training to faculty.   

     For SY 2023-24, LARAEC will work on the following strategies:    

Web-based Resource Toolkit - LARAEC consortium staff will continue to work with APTs to identify shared resources to support students and staff in areas such as: support services (community-based and campus programs), transitions to post-secondary, adults with disabilities, curriculum and engagement, and career preparation. LARAEC staff will work with APTs to develop collateral materials for students to provide a more guided experience. LARAEC staff will provide training and marketing materials to school sites to make them more aware of this great resource.  

Information and Spotlight Sessions - LARAEC staff will continue to work with member-districts and APTs to identify  resources for students. LARAEC will continue to host information sessions that l provide faculty and staff with opportunities to access resources in an on-demand format. This allows for equity of access for students who might be new, absent, or not attending classes when speakers are on campus (e.g., college registration presentations, mental health, community support services). 

Action Planning Teams - LARAEC staff will continue to work with action planning teams during the 2023-2024 SY. The APT model provides an opportunity for inter-district teams to work together to complete 3YP and annual plan activities and support implementation in their respective districts. Proposed APTs for next year may include:  Support for Special Populations, Counseling and Transitions, Marketing and Outreach, and Remote Learning and Engagement.

Equitable Student Transitions Plan - Over the last several years, student transitions have become a focus area in the consortium and the state of California. State-level analysis includes consideration of transitions as part of funding models for adult education. Recent legislation includes new pathways for adult education students to take advantage of transitions-focussed programs like dual enrollment, LA promise, ATB, and programs that support immigrants. Consortium surveys continually show interest in expanding transitions activities and coordinating protocols for transitioning students between programs, schools, college, and career. To be responsive to student needs, provide equity in access, be proactive in preparing for future legislative changes, and positioning ourselves as a leader in transitions, we need to develop a coordinated plan for transitions. This plan may include professional development on creating career and college-going campus cultures, sharing strategies for transitioning students between programs, putting structures in place (like scheduled counselor visits and dual enrollment) to expose all students to possibilities, developing partnerships that provide more connection between training and careers,  and potentially adding transition specialists to directly support students and staff. Additionally the plan may explore creating a strategy for tracking transition-related data across institutions to better capture the narrative of student journeys. LARAEC staff, point persons, and other key personnel will participate in a working group designed to explore the creation of MOUs and shared Data for Articulation and Transitions.   LARAEC staff will work with point persons and selected team members to develop a consortium equitable student transitions plan that supports school sites and their efforts to move students to what’s next.     


By June 2024, will develop collateral materials that provide a more guided experience of the student website.

By June 2024, LARAEC will provide training sessions on the use of the teacher and student website. These will also be recorded and posted.

By June 2024, LARAEC will develop a coordinated equitable student transitions plan

By June 2024, LARAEC will form a Data for Articulations and Transitions working group to explore better tracking of student transitions across institutions.

LARAEC staff will work with APTs to add created and new content to the toolkit.

Shared Knowledge and Strategies

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Shared Knowledge Base

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)

     As mentioned in previous sections, in SY 2022-23,  LARAEC began creating an online platform for sharing and consolidating consortium information, resources for staff and students, links to professional and community organizations,  and professional development. It is the consortium’s intent to continue to build this website and resources as we move forward. 

     For SY 2023-24, LARAEC will work on the following strategies

Knowledge Base - As documents and resources are created by action planning teams, previous subject-matter expert groups, staff, or member-districts, LARAEC will continue to utilize areas of the website for easy access. Items for this shared knowledge base include: counseling guidance, transition and admissions processes, CAEP data reminders, curriculum, calendars, and three-year and annual plans, and consortium data. Moving forward, LARAEC will add items based on staff and student surveys, CAEP and state priorities, LARAEC initiatives, and point person or board recommendations.          

FAQs- LARAEC staff and district point persons created a list of Frequently Asked Questions related to the consortium and the California Adult Education Program. FAQ topics included areas like: funding, consortium model, consortium and district leadership, contacts, program areas, and where to find more information. LARAEC and point person will continue to add to the FAQs as needed

Data Definitions - As with any educational entity, there are many descriptors that are used for program elements, students, and outcome measures. In SY 2022-23, the LARAEC data APT created a glossary of major definitions that are used in LARAEC and adult education programs. These definitions may help with having a common understanding when using the same or similar terms across institutions. The LARAEC staff and point person will continue to add to these definitions as needed.

Data Collaboration and Support - Three of the LARAEC member-districts utilize ASAP and Tops Pro Enterprise for registration, student and classroom management, data collection, and state reporting. Point persons identified a need for specific support, collaboration, and training in utilizing these software programs. A series of meetings will be created to provide professional development and strategies for supporting data collection in districts that use ASAP.


LARAEC staff will continue to work with the point persons and APTs to build on the knowledge base areas of the consortium website.

By June 2024, LARAEC will show increased traffic over baseline data to the knowledge base pages of the website.

By June 2024, LARAEC staff will create a protocol for point persons or member-district staff to recommend additions and resources for the website or FAQs.

By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least two meetings to support member-districts in using ASAP.

Improve Effectiveness of Services

2023-24 Strategies

Remote Learning and Technology Integration

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Scaffolded Professional Development

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)
  • Student Barriers: English Language Learner (AE 305 - Overall)

     In SY 2022-23, LARAEC created a remote learning action planning team to support online and hybrid teachers. This APT provided two professional development sessions on key survival sites for teachers and using accessibility tools to increase access and learning. Based on 3YP research and the 2023 LARAE member-district staff survey, online learning, technology integration, and computer literacy are still among the top requested professional development and areas of concern. Strengthening technology skills of staff and students,  providing relevant resources, and sharing strategies for effective online learning continue to be priority areas for LARAEC.

     For SY 2023-24, LARAEC will work on the following strategies

Remote Learning Support - The LARAEC Remote Learning Action Planning Team will identify major areas for supporting remote and hybrid learning and start to curate resources for each of those areas. These resources can be shared on the LARAEC website or through other accessible platforms (e.g., learning management system shell or collaborative website). APT members will outline and create opportunities for school-level staff to build their knowledge and expertise with technology tools, online resources, and remote teaching practices. APT members will work with LARAEC staff to organize and promote events, lunchtime sessions, and PD.

Technology Integration Support -  On the 3YP staff survey, the top 5 areas of requested professional development were all technology related. Staff requested PD in incorporating digital resources, using advanced technologies (video editing, LMS management, and Google suite), strategies for blended and remote learning, using cloud-based technologies, and basic computer skills. LARAEC will support member-district remote, hybrid, and in-person learning by organizing a variety of relevant professional development and events. These staff learning opportunities will include research-based teaching methods, program-specific pedagogies, and adult learning practices. Professional development may also include remote teaching models, like TPACK and SAMR, as well as engagement and equitable instruction models, like UDL and culturally relevant education.     

Best Practices - LARAEC will create opportunities for member-district or outside consortia personnel to share proven practices that address persistence and completion. The 3YP staff survey showed that more than 50% of respondents wanted more support in shared practices for engaging and communicating with students and shared practices for reaching out to non-completers and non-returners.  LARAEC staff will work with the district point people to identify personnel that have high conversion rates for participants, high persistence rates, or high completion rates. High performers will be invited to share strategies with other educators.


By June 2024, LARAEC will work with the Remote Learning APT to identify needed support and professional development, and work with LARAEC staff and point persons to coordinate training or best practice sharing sessions.

By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least two best practice or sharing sessions specifically designed to address engagement and persistence.

By June 2024, the Remote Learning APT will have outlined the skills and resources needed to support online instruction in adult education. They will have begun curating resources and housing them on the LARAEC website or other collaborative platform.

Onboarding Best Practices

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Strategic Student Engagement

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)
  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

Onboarding Best Practices - The 3YP and 2023 staff surveys showed that 71% of respondents indicated that they are moderately or extremely concerned about the student onboarding process. Based on the LARAEC student survey, 16% of respondents indicated they saw a counselor during the registration process and only 14% said they had an education plan for their coursework. in SY 2023-24 LARAEC will work with the Counseling and Transitions APT in identifying best practices for goal planning, motivation, and monitoring students.  LARAEC staff and the CT APT will create opportunities for sharing best practices that can be implemented in the counseling office and the classroom to increase student engagement, retention, and transition through goal planning, motivation, and targeted intervention. LARAEC staff will archive recordings, handouts, and websites so that all member-district schools can access resources.

Customer Service Training - Provide customer service training for member-districts. This training will focus on the school experience from the student perspective. This training will support clerical/classified staff, counseling and administrative personnel, and faculty and encourage school sites to look at removing institutional barriers that may impact student journeys from first engagement to completion. LARAEC will work with member-district administrators to support their school in implementing the training with their teams.


By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least one event specifically addressing onboarding areas as described above. LARAEC staff will  work with the Counseling and Transitions APT to create opportunities for sharing best practices that can be implemented in the counseling office and the classroom to increase student engagement, retention, and transition through goal planning, motivation, and targeted intervention.

By June 2024, LARAEC staff will work with point people to organize customer service training for staff in the member-districts. By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least one inter-district customer service training series.

Addressing Special Populations

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Equitable Curricular Instruction

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)

Student Community Topics - LARAEC staff will continue to work with action planning team members and point persons to develop presentations of high interest to students and those that support equity and  increased access to resources. These sessions will offer students an opportunity to interact with experts and receive information about a variety of relevant topics including legal aid, immigration, mental health, and financial literacy.

Adults with Disabilities - LARAEC staff will work with the Supporting Special Populations APT to identify strategies and resources to support students with disabilities, including learning disabilities. In SY 2023-24, the LARAEC staff and the APT will host at least one professional development session aimed to support faculty in working with students with disabilities. Support may include differentiating instruction, incorporating online resources, and sharing other pedagogical and andragogical methods.   

District Recommendations - In looking at the recommendations and discussion notes from the 3YP planning groups and the qualitative data collected during the 2023 member-district surveys, there were many strategies suggested that focused on district or school-level practices and protocols. LARAEC staff will work with point persons to discuss how to best disseminate this information to local administrators and the field. These recommendations included scheduling classes to provide more options including weekends and remote classes, embed digital literacy skills in all courses, develop and offer more CTE, re-engineer online classes to incorporate remote pedagogies, increase campus use of social media, create local marketing plans, enhance school websites, and create more opportunities for staff to collaborate and observe each other. All of these items speak to increasing effectiveness of adult programs in meeting the needs of learners and creating inclusive campuses.

Student Focus Groups - LARAEC 3YP and 2023 member-district surveys indicated that over 60% of respondents would like support and resources to help students facing challenging circumstances. Having student voices weigh in on these topics would help districts prioritize these items. In the student 3YP survey, almost a third of respondents indicated they had accessed no support services offered by schools in the previous year. Student focus groups would allow districts to determine if there is a need to adjust or enhance types of support services, or if these services need to be communicated more effectively. In 2023-24, LARAEC will work with point persons  to build and host student focus groups. These groups will be designed to allow student voices to be heard on issues surrounding a variety of topics including programming, scheduling, and prioritization of resources.  


LARAEC staff will work with the Supporting Special Populations APT to identify student topics of interest. By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least 1 student-focused community topic.

LARAEC staff will work with the Supporting Special Populations APT to identify AWD topics (discussed above). By June 2024, LARAEC will host at least 1 teacher-focused professional development session supporting teachers who work with students with learning disabilities

By June 2024, LARAEC will conduct student focus groups in all member-districts. The results will be used for the next 3YP planning cycle. 

By December 2023, the LARAEC Office will provide a district recommendations report based on information provided through 3YP planning groups and 2023 member-district surveys.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.

     LARAEC allocations are made to the five member districts and the LARAEC office. LARAEC allocations are used to support district and school site operations and provide education and workforce programs in the seven California Adult Education Program (CAEP) approved areas. The majority of CAEP program funds are allocated to instructional and non-instructional salaries to support adult education programs and services provided to consortium students and implement strategies outlined in LARAEC’s 2022-2025 Consortium Three Year Plan and the 2022-23 Annual Plan. The LARAEC office receives an allocation to fund consortium activities and LARAEC staff who conduct conferences and events, facilitate the action planning teams, coordinate the LARAEC board and point persons meetings, maintain the consortium website, manage consortium deliverables and reports, and monitor the progress of three-year and annual plan activities. In order to enhance oversight of member districts, in March of 2021, the LARAEC Board approved a written policies and procedures manual for the administration of CAEP funds as well as use of an effectiveness report to be issued quarterly. These policies and procedures began implementation on July 1, 2021. Allocations and expenditures are aligned with the consortium's three-year and annual plans and are designed to meet the educational and workforce needs of adults in the Los Angeles region.

An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2023-24.

Burbank Adult School (BAS) For 2023-2024, BAS will expand its ESL program,  hire staff to meet demand, and purchase learning software and new laptops to accelerate language acquisition.   Teachers will be trained to align lessons with LARAEC course outlines and CASAS results to increase benchmarks.  BAS plans to continue investing in the academic department to ensure that high school students have the learning software and new devices they need to accelerate their learning transition to higher education. BAS will increase class offerings online in the academic department to expand learning opportunities.  BAS will hire staff and purchase equipment to launch the Licensed Vocational Nurse program in Spring 2024.  CTE department improvements will be made by replacing computers in the labs and creating a new lab to expand training for students with different needs.  Finally, BAS plans to upgrade the camera security system on campus to ensure that all computers and new devices are under constant surveillance.

Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) will use carry-over and leveraged funds for certificated salaries and benefits. Funds will also be spent on professional development, supplies and materials, and support services. Expenditures will be aligned to the LARAEC annual and 3YP. In addition to sustaining existing programs, CCUSD will also use funds to build an FSI program, and develop CTE pathways in collaboration with LARAEC partners.

Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD): For 2023-24, LACCD will use carry-over and leveraged funds to address several initiatives. LACCD will leverage CAEP funds along with local, state and federal funds to support adult student equity, completion and transfer. LACCD commits to address onboarding students, transitions from adult schools to community colleges, or from community college to workforce or transfer to a four-year institution.

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will use carry-over and leveraged funds for certificated salaries (including a recently negotiated raise), employee benefits, professional development, supplies/materials, and student support services. Funds will be allocated to support the achievement of DACE’s strategic goals: increased enrollment, improved student persistence, and expanded learning options for students, including in-person, online, and hybrid courses. LAUSD will invest in expanding high-demand CTE courses, will implement a comprehensive marketing campaign, and will implement a student reengagement initiative. All activities are aligned with the LARAEC three-year plan.

Montebello Unified School District (MUSD) will utilize carry-over and leveraged funds to upgrade the aging buildings and upgrade infrastructure in our different sites.  Funds will also be utilized to make the Montebello Adult Career Technical Institute (MACTI) fully functional for use by students and staff. The investment of funds in support and training services will enhance PD opportunities related to LARAEC priorities, district, WASC, and Montebello Adult School goals to increase student engagement, recruitment, and retention.  MUSD will continue to create on-line, in person learning opportunities in all programs, when possible, to maximize learning and access to accommodate the forever changing student needs of our communities.


Burbank Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Juan Noguera

07/27/2023 04:23 PM PDT

Culver City Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Veronica Montes 8424300

07/26/2023 05:32 PM PDT

Los Angeles CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Adrienne Ann Mullen Ed.D.

08/01/2023 04:41 PM PDT

Los Angeles Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Renny Neyra

08/03/2023 12:17 PM PDT

Montebello Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Angel Gallardo

07/28/2023 03:48 PM PDT