California Adult Education Program
Fiscal Reporting

Produced: Mar 27, 2024, 05:44 PM UTC - By Men Le

Consortium Summary| Total Expenditures: $23,359,221 Total Allocation: $157,513,955 Total Carryover: $134,154,734 (85.17%)
Carryover Compliance

Burbank Unified

2023-24 Q2

Submitted by Juan Noguera
Approved by Men Le
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


3000 - Employee Benefits


4000 - Supplies and Materials


5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


6000 - Capital Outlay


7000 - Other Outgo


Indirect Costs


Totals $1,788,635 $2,614,194 68.42% $6,535,486 27.37% $4,746,851
Member Carryover Compliance Status
The Member Carryover Compliance Status table shows how the member's spending is tracking against the allocations for the displayed fiscal year(s) based on expenditures entered as of the time of viewing.
A negative value indicates that current fiscal year spending has not begun, as there are still unused funds from previous fiscal years.
Carryover Amount & Carryover %
If current fiscal year spending has not yet begun (a negative Expenditures amount), Carryover Amount will remain equal to Allocation and Carryover % will remain 100%.
Fiscal YearAllocationExpendituresCarryover AmountCarryover %Carryover Threshold %Locked
2023-24$4,472,749-$274,102$4,472,749 100% N/A-

I. Summary of Activities: Burbank Adult School has continued supporting adult learners achieve their goals. The ESL program has grown significantly as more classes are offered to ensure all students are supported. The increase in enrollment has created the need of more use of Burlington English (BE) learning software. BAS has activated more than 1,000 seats with BE to make sure all students have access to the program so that students can study remotely. To make sure that students receive high-quality instruction, the administration has regularly scheduled professional development to ESL teachers. Further, to support instruction in the classroom, BAS has included more technology, example smartboards. As the program has expanded, the department needs more laptops to be used in the classroom to accelerate student learning so that they can acquire the skills to compete in today’s demanding society. In the academic department, BAS has expanded the class offerings by adding more GED classes online. Students have access to laptops if they need to continue learning at home. Finally, BAS has opened more opportunities to the CTE students online, adding more classes that are useful to specific short careers such as QuickBooks and Payroll Accounting.

II. Corrective Action Plan: Expenditures fall below target. Burbank Adult School will continue working on its 2023-2024 school year plan to meet the expenditure goals set at the beginning of the school year. Because of the need of more technology in the classrooms, BAS plans to buy more electronic devices that will enhance student learning and elevate their engagement. For example, students have demonstrated great interest using smartboards in the classrooms. Therefore, BAS will purchase more smartboards to allow students learn using electronic devices that are more conducive to acquire 21st Century skills which are align with the school learning goals. Moreover, the increase of enrollment has generated the need of more laptops in the classrooms. BAS plans to acquire more laptops and upgrade the projectors and document cameras to continue supporting learning according the school’s goals. Finally, BAS will continue supporting its staff by offering more PDs and opening more teaching opportunities to adequately suffice our students’ needs.

Allocation Year 2021-22 Closeout

I have reviewed the fiscal reports for my agency and confirmed that all funds for this allocation year have been spent.

2021-22 Reverted Funds:

Culver City Unified

2023-24 Q2

Submitted by Veronica Montes 8424300
Approved by Men Le
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


3000 - Employee Benefits


4000 - Supplies and Materials


5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


6000 - Capital Outlay


7000 - Other Outgo


Indirect Costs


Totals $817,805 $2,037,234 40.14% $5,093,084 16.06% $4,275,279
Member Carryover Compliance Status
The Member Carryover Compliance Status table shows how the member's spending is tracking against the allocations for the displayed fiscal year(s) based on expenditures entered as of the time of viewing.
A negative value indicates that current fiscal year spending has not begun, as there are still unused funds from previous fiscal years.
Carryover Amount & Carryover %
If current fiscal year spending has not yet begun (a negative Expenditures amount), Carryover Amount will remain equal to Allocation and Carryover % will remain 100%.
Fiscal YearAllocationExpendituresCarryover AmountCarryover %Carryover Threshold %Locked
2023-24$2,667,201-$1,608,078$2,667,201 100% N/A-

Culver City Adult School experienced three administrative changes from the beginning of the school year that resulted in lack of spending for both new positions and supplies and materials during the first two quarters.  A permanent principal began in late November.  She is in the process of upgrading classrooms and technology for all CAEP program areas.  These costs are expected to be reflected in the 3rd quarter.  In addition, CCAS is currently hiring 5 positions which should also be reflected in the 3rd quarter.

Allocation Year 2021-22 Closeout

I have reviewed the fiscal reports for my agency and confirmed that all funds for this allocation year have been spent.

2021-22 Reverted Funds:

Los Angeles CCD

2023-24 Q2

Submitted by Adrienne Ann Mullen Ed.D.
Approved by Men Le
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


3000 - Employee Benefits


4000 - Supplies and Materials


5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


6000 - Capital Outlay


7000 - Other Outgo


Indirect Costs


Totals $4,214,664 $5,805,226 72.6% $14,513,065 29.04% $10,298,401
Member Carryover Compliance Status
The Member Carryover Compliance Status table shows how the member's spending is tracking against the allocations for the displayed fiscal year(s) based on expenditures entered as of the time of viewing.
A negative value indicates that current fiscal year spending has not begun, as there are still unused funds from previous fiscal years.
Carryover Amount & Carryover %
If current fiscal year spending has not yet begun (a negative Expenditures amount), Carryover Amount will remain equal to Allocation and Carryover % will remain 100%.
Fiscal YearAllocationExpendituresCarryover AmountCarryover %Carryover Threshold %Locked
2023-24$9,574,029-$724,372$9,574,029 100% N/A-

The AE Deans continue to work across the colleges to address students needs that are barriers to completion. Faculty members are participating in the regional Action Planning Teams (APTs). The AE Deans are streamlining the SB554 process across the colleges and are preparing professional development to partner with the adult education schools. The district dean will work with college deans to track expenditures to ensure to meet spending thresholds in the next quarters.

Allocation Year 2021-22 Closeout

I have reviewed the fiscal reports for my agency and confirmed that all funds for this allocation year have been spent.

2021-22 Reverted Funds:

Los Angeles Unified

2023-24 Q2

Submitted by Francisco Narciso
Approved by Men Le
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


3000 - Employee Benefits


4000 - Supplies and Materials


5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


6000 - Capital Outlay


7000 - Other Outgo


Indirect Costs


Totals $63,102,459 $67,548,282 93.42% $168,870,704 37.37% $105,768,245
Member Carryover Compliance Status
The Member Carryover Compliance Status table shows how the member's spending is tracking against the allocations for the displayed fiscal year(s) based on expenditures entered as of the time of viewing.
A negative value indicates that current fiscal year spending has not begun, as there are still unused funds from previous fiscal years.
Carryover Amount & Carryover %
If current fiscal year spending has not yet begun (a negative Expenditures amount), Carryover Amount will remain equal to Allocation and Carryover % will remain 100%.
Fiscal YearAllocationExpendituresCarryover AmountCarryover %Carryover Threshold %Locked
2023-24$129,127,466$23,359,221$105,768,245 81.91% N/A-

I. Summary of Activities


-Approximately 89.92% of program expenditures went to instructional and non-instructional salaries and benefits to support the program and expenditures provided to DACE students according to the strategies outlined in the LARAEC's Regional Comprehensive Plan.

-Approximately 2.24% of the expenditures were used to support DACE program with supplies, instructional materials, and non-capitalized equipment. 

-Approximately 4.82% of the expenditures were used for contracts, other operating expenses such as: utilities, conferences, mileage, facility rental, maintenance & repair of facilities, maintenance and rental of equipment, software licenses, supportive services & other professional services. 

-Approximately 3% of the expenditure was used for indirect cost.  


-Approximately 91.65% of program expenditures went to instructional and non-instructional salaries and benefits to support the program and expenditures provided to DACE students according to the strategies outlined in the LARAEC's Regional Comprehensive Plan.

-Approximately 0.55% of the expenditures were used to support DACE program with supplies, instructional materials, and non-capitalized equipment. 

-Approximately 4.75% of the expenditures were used for contracts, other operating expenses such as: utilities, conferences, mileage, facility rental, maintenance & repair of facilities, maintenance and rental of equipment, software licenses, supportive services & other professional services. 

-Approximately 3% of the expenditure was used for indirect cost.                                  



Allocation Year 2021-22 Closeout

I have reviewed the fiscal reports for my agency and confirmed that all funds for this allocation year have been spent.

2021-22 Reverted Funds:

Montebello Unified

2023-24 Q2

Submitted by Benedetta Kennedy
Approved by Men Le
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


3000 - Employee Benefits


4000 - Supplies and Materials


5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


6000 - Capital Outlay


7000 - Other Outgo


Indirect Costs


Totals $3,972,160 $9,020,296 44.04% $22,550,740 17.61% $18,578,580
Member Carryover Compliance Status
The Member Carryover Compliance Status table shows how the member's spending is tracking against the allocations for the displayed fiscal year(s) based on expenditures entered as of the time of viewing.
A negative value indicates that current fiscal year spending has not begun, as there are still unused funds from previous fiscal years.
Carryover Amount & Carryover %
If current fiscal year spending has not yet begun (a negative Expenditures amount), Carryover Amount will remain equal to Allocation and Carryover % will remain 100%.
Fiscal YearAllocationExpendituresCarryover AmountCarryover %Carryover Threshold %Locked
2023-24$11,672,510-$6,906,070$11,672,510 100% N/A-

Montebello Community Adult School (MCAS) continues to collaborate with teachers, staff and community members in marketing, boosting student enrollment and retention in all departments: ESL, high school program, CTE and community offerings. MCAS is finishing the updates on the last classrooms at Montebello Adult Career and Technical Institute (MACTI). We are going to fully implement the site as a location to offer more CTE opportunities for students and to centralized collaboration for oureducational partners. 

We are still in negotiating process for the capital outlay project at Ford Park Adult.  We anticipate the project moving forward soon.  MCAS continues to collaborate with the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services to complete this important project for the entire Montebello Adult School Programs.   

Montebello Community Adult School will continue to work in the 2023-2024 school year in meeting the expenditure goals as the expenditures have fallen below the target reporting because of the challenges of finance’s staff  turnover and both of the district departments are working with cabinet to meet all the required state and federal reporting to meet MCAS Responsibility. 

Montebello continues to support and align to LARAEC 3-year plan and support the ABE, ESL, Citizenship, Adults with Disabilities, ASE and CTE offerings. 

Allocation Year 2021-22 Closeout

I have reviewed the fiscal reports for my agency and confirmed that all funds for this allocation year have been spent.

2021-22 Reverted Funds: