Produced: May 2, 2024, 05:04 PM UTC - By Rebecca Walker

30 Mendocino-Lake Adult And Career Education (MLACE) Consortium


Fiscal Declaration - Consortium Approved

Consortium Name
30 Mendocino-Lake Adult And Career Education (MLACE) Consortium
Funding Channel
Fiscal Agent
Fiscal Agent
Mendocino-Lake CCD
In alignment with our mission, Mendocino Lake Adult & Career Education Consortium seeks to utilize all allocation resources towards the accomplishment of its focused annual plan goals, which were developed through our 3-year strategic planning process. These goals are: 1. Identify, develop, and expand offerings of non-credit MC curriculum in the priority pathways, 2. Improve enrollment in existing programs based on community needs data, 3. Create and implement strategies that improve the sustainability of our health care programs (Vocational Nursing, Medical Assistant, Certified Nursing Assistant, Dental Assistant and Phlebotomy), 4. Improve the transition services with which our students connect to outside support agency services, 5. Finish the pathway maps in the priority areas, 6. Continue to collect, analyze and improve the accuracy of our student data, and 7. Improve student retention rates from enrollment to completion of personal education goals.
In 23/24, in addition to changes in personnel and coordinators of different member agencies, we have had changes in membership. One of our funded members, Upper Lake which provided an adult high school diploma program in Lake County, voluntarily discontinued their program and chose to leave the consortium. The consortium voted to shift the allocation to Mendocino County Office of Education to support their healthcare programs This agency had minimal funding from CAEP and relied on their student fees to run three healthcare programs. The consortium unanimously voted to approve this amendment to the allocation in 2023. During this time we have also added two non-funded members, Leggett Valley and Lakeport Unified who are in the process of offering adult high school diploma programs. In 24/25, we will again shift funds to another member. Kelseyville Unified which offered an adult high school diploma program for ten years and was supported by CAEP and LCFF funds (teacher salary and facilities), will no longer offer this program. The school board will discontinue this program in the coming fiscal year. At our April 2024 meeting, the consortium voted to accept Kelseyville Adult Education program's withdrawal from the consortium. The consortium also voted to re-allocate 50% of Kelseyville's allocation to Lake County Office of Education to start a high school diploma in North Lake County and to re-allocate the other 50% of Kelseyville's allocation to Mendocino County Office of Education to fund their healthcare programs. The healthcare programs offered at Mendocino County of Education are the only programs offered in Mendocino and Lake Counties (Lake County Office of Education does offer a short-term CNA and MA program while Mendocino County Office of Education offers dental assistant program, phlebotomy and a medical assistant program.

Member Allocations

Member Name (2024-25) (2023-24) (2022-23)
Anderson Valley Unified $126,801 $125,740 $114,943
Fort Bragg Unified $45,668 $45,286 $41,398
Kelseyville Unified n/a $59,329 $54,235
Lake Co. Office of Education $146,280 $115,392 $105,484
Mendocino Co. Office of Education $65,283 $35,073 $12,488
Mendocino-Lake CCD $533,010 $528,549 $483,167
Ukiah Unified $961,802 $953,753 $871,861
Upper Lake Unified n/a n/a $19,573
Willits Unified $19,493 $19,329 $17,670
Total Allocated to Members $1,898,337 $1,882,451 $1,720,819
Total CAEP Funds $1,898,337 $1,884,019 $1,740,915
Total Remaining $0 $1,568 $20,096

Carryover Threshold

Input a percentage of carryover that your consortium agrees will be considered an excessive amount.

Should a member, or members, exceed this carryover percentage upon certification of their Q4 report, they will be flagged as non-compliant with the carryover legislation (EC 84914). One year of non-compliance does not carry a penalty. However, should the same member, or members, have two consecutive years of non-compliance the consortium may agree, by majority vote, to reallocate an amount that does not exceed the carryover to other members.

A consortium does have the ability to opt-out. To do so, simply toggle the carryover threshold button to the off position.

Carryover Threshold

Consortia Report on Governance Compliance of Rules and Procedures v.2

1. Have all community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or any joint powers authority, located within the boundaries of the adult education region been allowed to join the consortium as a member?


2. Have all members committed to reporting any funds available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds?


All Consortium members have stated their commitment to discuss any funds available to the consortium for the purpose of education and workforce services for adults and the use of those funds. The available funds will be discussed and evaluated at the August/September Mendocino-Lake Consortium budget planning meeting to reflect the school budget planning calendar cycle. This budget planning consortium meeting will be reported, and funds evaluated for all members present or absent in written hard copy and electronic message form. Available CAEP funds will be evaluated with criteria for each expenditure. All funds used to support the planned program objectives of the CAEP program areas are reasonable and justifiable expenses. 

Prior to monthly consortium meetings, any consortium member not able to attend will notify the CAEP-MLACE Director that they will not able to attend the meeting or if they will send a designee. A designee shall have the authority to vote by proxy on behalf of their member agency. Each member has only one vote even if multiple agency representatives are present in a meeting. The minutes of each consortium meeting will be sent to each member and posted on our website. Voting members will be formally approved by their own agency board. The request to each CAEP member agency is that their representative be given the authority to make a representative decision for their agency at each CAEP Consortium meeting. This will empower the CAEP Consortium to make timely decisions when solving time sensitive issues brought before the CAEP Consortium. 

All agendas and minutes from every Consortium meeting will be shared with all members and partners present or absent in a timely scheduled distribution cycle. A designee will receive the same consortium meeting minutes of each meeting they attend to assure all members of the consortium participate in any decisions made by the consortium. The voting power of each member is one vote. The current voting members are Mendocino College, Lake County Office of Education, Mendocino County Office of Education, Anderson Valley Unified School District, Fort Bragg Unified School District, Ukiah Unified School District, Upper Lake Unified School District, Willits Unified School District and Kelseyville Unified School District. The consortium voted to ensure the CAEP Program Director will not vote on any decisions brought to the consortium for a vote. The CAEP Director will remain neutral as a facilitator and supporter of consortium governance process. 

6. What will be the relative voting power of each member?

1 member = 1 vote

7. How will decisions be approved?

by consensus

The Consortium decided on the decision making model by consensus. Each Member and partner at our meeting was asked to give their opinion on the most effective and efficient governance model. 

The Mendocino-Lake Consortium will post all meeting Agenda’s publicly on the consortium website and on the door at the site of the meeting 72 hrs and electronically in advance. Time will allocated at each Consortium meeting for Public Comment. Meeting minutes will be made publicly available on the Consortium Website after it has been approved by the consortium. (www. 

The consortium minutes will be available at our consortium website The public will be provided with adequate notice of the proposed decisions and will be encouraged to submit public comments. 

Members of the Public submitting comments will be publicly distributed through the agenda and in the summarized minutes at all consortium meetings and on our website for public knowledge. 

A list of all current public agencies in the adult education region providing education and workforce services is created and posted on our website. This data base will be updated regularly and shared with consortium members and partners and on our consortium website. These would include local public agencies, departments, and offices, particularly those with responsibility for local public safety and social services; workforce investment boards; libraries; and community-based organizations. 

The distribution schedule pursuant to Section 84913 will be determined by CAEP. Funds allocated to support these seven program areas will be apportioned and voted for approval by the Mendocino-Lake full consortium membership. Our consortium was assessed for areas of current program implementation pursuant to Section 84913. Short Term and Long Term goals will be identified to ensure that services and resources are developed to serve our program areas of greatest educational need. 

14. Has the consortium A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program or B) chosen to have a funds flow directly to the member districts based upon the approved distribution schedule?

A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program

Members will join by stating in a written application form their intent and ability to meeting the AB 104 criteria for CAEP Membership. Individual school boards of the members will approve their intent to join or their desire to terminate their membership with the consortium. Members will leave the consortium by the criteria given by CAEP for member effectiveness: member can no longer provide services, member is unable to provide services or is not willing to provide services in the 7 CAEP program areas. The CAEP program director will conduct an exit interview with each leaving member. Members being dismissed from the consortium by the majority vote of the consortium voting members will participate in a documented due process and formalized agreement. Consortia will follow their governance plan (#14 - How will members join, leave, or be dismissed from the consortium) and any additional language in their agreed upon by-laws regarding terminating membership. For new members, in addition to the governance plan, and by-laws, consortia will follow existing requirements in AB104 legislation (84905, 84906, 84914, 84916, 84917, and 84920) . 

Consortium members receiving an allocation submit their yearly work plan and budget in NOVA. This plan outlines the budget and the activities for that fiscal year with a maximum threshold of 20% carryover. However, when the consortium member discloses to the consortium that it has carryover funds that are not used in their program by the end of the next fiscal year, then through the consortium annual review process, the member would be required to either spend the funds or return them to the fiscal agent. These funds may then be accessed by any consortium member through our one-time proposal fund request process, which is acted upon and voted on quarterly at our consortium meetings. 

MLACE consortium member who has carryover unused allocation in the period of the allocation allowable spending cycle (24 months) must disclose the carryover to the consortium. The carryover funds will be transferred to the one-time account administered by the fiscal agent. Every quarter, at the consortium meetings, the consortium members in need of additional funds for their programs, may submit a one-time fund request. The requesting member present their requests to the whole consortium and the request is then voted upon for approval by the consortium. Once approved, the fiscal agent disburses the funds to the requesting consortium member. The above response to item 16 is taken from our agreed upon consortium bylaws that were voted and put into place in 2018. This document is posted in item 20.1 and is also linked here: MLACE Policy and Bylaws on Carryover Funds

Our consortium will follow the definition of member effectiveness as defined by the CAEP certifications and assurances listed in the CFAD (see attached list on the CFAD document) and further defined/mandated by education code (84900 – 84920). Each CAEP consortium member agrees to follow the list of CAEP assurances when they certify their annual allocation via the Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD). When we "approve" these assurances and certification in the NOVA system each member of our consortium is confirming that he/she agrees to all the CAEP assurances listed under sections labeled: Membership & Decision- Making, Public Meetings, and Reporting Requirements. This also includes members certifying to any additional consortium rules and procedures and, as agreed upon by the consortium members (such as any additional by-laws, charters, etc.). The consortium will use the CAEP template for Member Effectiveness guidelines to update their agreed upon rules and procedures or consortium governance documentation to address member effectiveness and follow-up steps with an ineffective member. The consortium will monitor member performance related to the CAEP assurances and identify members for noncompliance. The consortium will provide members technical assistance and/or reach out to the CAEP Technical Assistance Project (TAP) as part of the reasonable intervention (EC 84914 (b) (1) (c)). Accordingly, per CAEP guides, beginning July 1, 2021, If any of the consortium member has not met the specific reporting requirements, the consortium and the agency member will be notified by the State CAEP Office through CAEP TAP or CASAS (see attached list). If the member continues not meet the assurance(s), then the member will be deemed an ineffective member, which may result in a loss or reduction of CAEP funding and removal from the consortium. 

The consortium will use the CAEP template for Member Effectiveness guidelines to update their agreed upon rules and procedures or consortium governance documentation to address member effectiveness and follow-up steps with an ineffective member. In addition, we have bylaws called our “operating guidance principles" which outline what we will adhere to as member of the consortium and agency members providing educational services to our region: MLACE Consortium Guiding Principles. 

20. Does the consortium have a formal document detailing its work beyond the questionnaire?


Yes. This is in progress as we finalize our Consortium Handbook. 

Member Agencies

Member AgencyMember TypeContactPhone
Anderson Valley UnifiedUnified School DistrictNoor Dawood(707) 895-5295
Fort Bragg UnifiedUnified School DistrictArlissa Tupper(707) 961-3526
Kelseyville UnifiedUnified School DistrictJoe Del Prete(707) 279-8414
Lake Co. Office of EducationCounty Office of Education (COE)Rebecca Walker Mrs.(707) 262-4152
Mendocino Co. Office of EducationCounty Office of Education (COE)Tami Mee
Mendocino-Lake CCDDistrictJoe Atherton(707) 468-3067
Ukiah UnifiedUnified School DistrictNikki Agenbroad(707) 472-5021
Willits UnifiedUnified School DistrictArora Chavez(707) 391-3562
Round Valley UnifiedUnified School DistrictMs. Euline Olinger Ed. D(707) 467-1015
Upper Lake UnifiedUnified School DistrictMs. Euline Olinger Ed. D(707) 467-1015
Leggett Valley UnifiedUnified School DistrictSierra Lahera
Lakeport UnifiedUnified School DistrictJonna Weidaw(707) 262-3013

Certification & Assurances

By clicking "Approve" on the approval cards below, you are certifying the CFAD as well as confirming that you and ALL consortium members agree to the Assurances listed below.


Membership & Decision-Making
  • I certify that any community college district, school district, or county office of education, or any joint powers authority consisting of community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or a combination of these, located within the boundaries of the adult education region shall be permitted to join the consortium as a member (EC 84905 (a)(b). (See Membership Box above).
  • I certify that only members as described above (and in EC 84905) are allowed to join my consortium as members and participate in decision making and approvals whether in a public meeting, or via the NOVA planning, budgeting & expense reporting system.
  • I certify that as a condition of joining a consortium, as a member, I shall commit to reporting any funds (as described in EC 84916) available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds through the annual Program Area exercise in NOVA for reporting leveraged funds, and instructional hours.
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium my district shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member (EC 84905 (c)).
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium, I shall participate in any decision made by the consortium (EC 84905 (d)(1)(A)).
  • I certify that all decision made by the consortium and its members is final (EC 84905 (d)(1)(F)).
  • I certify that I will adhere to the consortium rules and procedures and, as agreed upon by the consortium members, to any additional by-laws, charters, etc.
Public Meetings
  • I certify that a proposed decision is considered at an open, properly noticed public meeting of the consortium at which members of the public may comment (EC 84905 (d)(1)(B)).
  • I certify that the consortium has provided the public with adequate notice of a proposed decision and considered any comments submitted by members of the public, and any comments submitted by members of the public have been distributed publicly (EC 84905 (d)(1)(C)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has considered input provided by pupils, teachers employed by local educational agencies, community college faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff, and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community college districts before it makes a decision (EC 84905 (d)(1)(E)).
  • I certify that in addition to the meeting requirements listed in EC 84905, and as agreed upon by the consortium members, that I will follow the public meeting requirements listed in the Ralph M. Brown Act as the Brown Act applies to the governing body of any “local body created by state or federal statute.” (Ed. Code, section 54952.)
Reporting Requirements
  • I certify that I will participate in completing and updating any consortium long range and/or short range planning efforts and/or budget work plans (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended in the CAEP seven program areas, and services provided are consistent with the 3-year plan, the annual plan, and my district’s work plan & budget as submitted in NOVA (EC 84913 (1-7), 84906, 8914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds match the objectives/activities included in the annual plan and the member work plan (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds adhere to the allowable uses of funds as identified in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide.
  • I certify that I will report student level enrollment data and outcomes as prescribed by the State CAEP Office (EC 84920).
  • I certify that I will share financial expenditure and progress reports with the members of my regional consortium.
  • I certify that I understand that as a member if I do not meet any of these items I have certified, I will be deemed an ineffective member which may result in a loss or reduction of CAEP funding (EC 84914(b)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended only for the education of persons 18 years of age or older (EC 84901(a)).

Anderson Valley Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Noor Dawood

05/02/2024 08:52 AM PDT

Fort Bragg Unified - Member Representative

  • Principal, Alternative Education
  • (707) 961-2889
Approved by Kristin Larson Balliet MAEd

04/29/2024 04:56 PM PDT

Lake Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Rebecca Walker Mrs.

05/02/2024 10:04 AM PDT

Lakeport Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Jonna Weidaw

04/30/2024 01:27 PM PDT

Mendocino Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Tami Mee

04/30/2024 11:26 AM PDT

Mendocino-Lake CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Amanda Xu

05/01/2024 03:41 PM PDT

Ukiah Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Eric Crawford

05/01/2024 08:09 AM PDT

Willits Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Melissa Ragsdale

04/30/2024 09:32 AM PDT