Produced: Apr 30, 2024, 07:29 PM UTC - By Kelly Bucy

36 Napa Valley Adult Education Consortium


Fiscal Declaration - Consortium Approved

Consortium Name
36 Napa Valley Adult Education Consortium
Funding Channel
Direct Funded
There are five funded members in the Napa Valley Adult Education Consortium (NVAEC) - Napa Valley Adult Education (NVAE), Napa Valley College (NVC), Napa County Office of Education (NCOE), Calistoga Joint Union School District (CJUSD), and St. Helena Unified School District (SHUSD). As in the past, the majority of funding will continue to go to NVAE, the largest provider of AEP-funded adult education services in the region for Maintenance of Effort (MOE). NVC will continue to receive the next largest amount, followed by NCOE, CJUSD and SHUSD respectively. The COLA will be shared among all partners proportionate to the percentage of funds currently allocated. NVAE provides educational programs to adult learners "upvalley" in SHUSD and CJUSD. Planned allocations are consistent and aligned with the goals identified in NVAEC's 2022-25 Three-Year Plan, which, in turn, directs specific actions in the annual plans. The focus areas of AEP funds specified in current legislation are directly connected to the three objectives in the 2022-25 NVAEC Three-Year Plan: Address Educational Needs Increase enrollment and completion in ESL, HSD/HSE, ABE, citizenship, Career Technical Education/pathway programs, and non-credit college programs to improve educational and career objectives throughout Napa County by: 1. developing and marketing outreach/enrollment efforts 2. providing flexible scheduling (including location and online options) and childcare 3. including "soft skills" instruction in ESL, CTE, and pathway classes/programs with potential certification through NVC non-credit classes 4. developing additional pathways to address gaps a. evaluating CTE programs and pathways to compare with new industries expected to move into Napa County b. aligning pathways at NVAE to pathways at NVC Improve Integration of Services & Transitions Increase awareness of educational training and pathways to improve integration of services and transitions into postsecondary education and the workforce by: 1. recruiting and enrolling individuals into adult ed programs 2. co-locating/bridging programs between NVAE and NVC 3. providing transition specialists’ support and activities 4. improving connections and contacts between service providers & organizations through use of Pairin/MyPro a. providing a full range of student services to complete programs - financial assistance, housing, access to food/nutrition, childcare, books & materials, physical and mental health services, etc. (addresses a gap identified in ENTRY: Self-Assessment Tool) Improve Effectiveness of Services Improve the effectiveness of the Napa Valley Adult Education Consortium and its services by: 1. improving data collection practices and using it to inform consortium progress and change 2. providing, accessing, and participating in targeted professional development aligned with objectives and goals 3. revising bylaws as needed to maintain effectiveness 4. addressing gaps identified in Self-Assessment tool a. PROGRESS: sharing tools and procedures for collecting counseling, transition, and support services data and provide coordinated referrals to members/partners (MyPro) b. TRANSITION: maintaining bridge classes at NVAE to introduce students to NVC classes; working with students to support enrollment at NVC
For FY 2024-25, Napa Valley College has agreed to transfer $10,000 of its funds to Napa County Office of Education to support transition activities overseen by the Consortium's Transition Specialists. This is a one-year agreement to be revisited and evaluated in Spring 2025 for the subsequent year. All partners agree to transfer a portion of respective budgets to NVUSD to cover the annual renewal of Pairin/MyPro for efficiency in processing payment.

Member Allocations

Member Name (2024-25) (2023-24) (2022-23)
Calistoga Joint Unified $41,972 $41,844 $38,251
Napa Co. Office of Education $127,173 $126,815 $116,785
Napa Valley CCD $261,073 $260,244 $237,040
Napa Valley Unified $3,056,151 $3,028,128 $2,768,127
St. Helena Unified School District $30,079 $29,989 $27,413
Total Allocated to Members $3,516,448 $3,487,020 $3,187,616
Total CAEP Funds $3,516,448 $3,489,926 $3,224,842
Total Remaining $0 $2,906 $37,226

Carryover Threshold

Input a percentage of carryover that your consortium agrees will be considered an excessive amount.

Should a member, or members, exceed this carryover percentage upon certification of their Q4 report, they will be flagged as non-compliant with the carryover legislation (EC 84914). One year of non-compliance does not carry a penalty. However, should the same member, or members, have two consecutive years of non-compliance the consortium may agree, by majority vote, to reallocate an amount that does not exceed the carryover to other members.

A consortium does have the ability to opt-out. To do so, simply toggle the carryover threshold button to the off position.


Corrective Action Fiscal Reporting Quarterly Thresholds

If member carryover is over the threshold set below, a corrective action narrative will be required to complete.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
% of Carryover Threshold





Consortia Report on Governance Compliance of Rules and Procedures v.2

1. Have all community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or any joint powers authority, located within the boundaries of the adult education region been allowed to join the consortium as a member?


2. Have all members committed to reporting any funds available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds?


As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article I, Section 4 - Funding: "2) The NVAEC recognizes that it will receive an annual allocation of funding from the CAEP. 3) The consortium will annually approve base funding to each Adult Education member at the funding level of no less than the MOE funding provided by the state for the 2015-16 school year. This annual approval is subject to funding from the state. 4) The NVAEC will strive to distribute the Allocation to members to address gaps in services to support all members in their efforts to achieve the consortium Purpose and Plan with a clear understanding by all members that the Allocation will be spent in accordance with the Plan."

As stated in NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE IX – ALLOCATION OF AEBG FUNDS; Section 2: Reporting of Funds: "Funds  for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds shall be reported by members through the annual Program Area exercise in NOVA for reporting leveraged funds and instructional hours. Members agree to share CAEP funded financial expenditure and progress reports with the members of NVAEC."

All CAEP expenses will be expended in the CAEP seven program areas, and services provided are consistent with the Three-Year Plan, the Annual Plan, and respective members' work plans and budgets as submitted in NOVA (EC 84913 (1-7), 84906, 8914(a)). All CAEP expenditures will match the objectives/activities included in the Annual Plan and the member Work Plan and adhere to allowable uses of funds identified in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide."

Protocol: As a direct-funded Consortium, each member maintains fiscal management of its respective allocation. Available CAEP funds and expenditures are evaluated at each meeting of the Board of Directors. Actuals and percentage of funds expended are reviewed quarterly to determine if members are on track for expending budget. MOUs are in place between members for certain shared costs (e.g., salary for Program Manager, annual contract for MyPro, etc). Funds for the current year are evaluated at the March meeting of the Board of Directors during the review, discussion, and approval of fund distribution for the subsequent year and prior to the writing and submission of the Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD) and submission in NOVA.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP, Section 3 - Board of Directors: "Each of the organizations in Section 2 must have representation on the Board of Directors by the official designated by their respective local governing boards or Superintendent/President. Additional representatives from each member organization may attend the Board of Directors’ meetings."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 1 - Composition and Responsibility of the Board of Directors: "Each of the organizations listed in Article II, Section 2 will appoint Representatives to serve as voting participants on the NVAEC Board of Directors. All Representatives are expected to abide by the bylaws of the NVAEC. Each member Representative is expected to understand adult education and college systems, processes, and budgetary issues that could affect the consortium Purpose and Plan."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 2 - Appointment to the Board, Terms, and Compensation: “The Representative to the Board must be appointed and approved by the member institution’s governing board, which determines the Representative’s term of service. The Representative must be employed by the member institution while serving on the Board. The Board must retain records of Representative approval by member governing board. The Representative is the designee of the member institution for all policy directives and Board votes. Representatives receive no compensation to serve on the Board."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 3: Voting,  Decision-Making, and Approval: "All members of the NVAEC  shall participate in any decision made by the consortium (EC 84905 (d)(1)(A)). All decisions under the jurisdiction of the Board will be decided by a simple majority vote unless otherwise indicated in these bylaws. Whenever possible Board Representatives shall strive for unanimous decisions as a demonstration of consortium cohesion and collaboration.  All decisions made by the consortium and its members are final (EC 84905 (d)(1)(F))."

"In the case a Representative is not able to be present for a Board vote the Representative may name a Proxy to vote on behalf of the member Representative. Notification of intent to use a Proxy must be delivered in writing to the Board Chairperson within a reasonable time in advance of the Board meeting. Representatives can have a standing Proxy, which would require no advanced notice."

"Only members as described in ARTICLE II, Section 1 (and in EC 84905) are allowed to participate in decision-making and approvals whether in a public meeting, or via the NOVA planning, budgeting & expense reporting system."

"Annual Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD Budget) must be approved by consensus of all voting members as required by legislation."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE V - MEETINGS, Section 1 - Board of Directors' Meetings: "Board members unable to attend a Board of Directors meeting in person may participate by phone provided the agenda and documents have been posted according to Section 2, and the posted agenda specifically includes that the member will be calling from a designated place open to the public."

6. What will be the relative voting power of each member?

1 member = 1 vote

7. How will decisions be approved?

by majority vote of 51%

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 3 - Voting and Decision Approval: "For issues brought before the Board for vote, each member Representative has one vote. In order to cast a vote, at least three of the five member organizations must be present. In case of a tie, the discussion will continue until the tie is broken. Summary of votes by participants: Napa Valley College - 2 votes (two Representatives; one vote per Representative); Napa Valley USD/Adult Education - 2 votes (two Representatives; one vote per Representative); Napa County Office of Education - 1 vote (one Representative); Calistoga Joint Union School District  - 1 vote (one Representative); St. Helena Unified School District - 1 vote (one Representative)"

Protocol: The decision-making model and composition of the Board of Directors was determined when the Adult Education Grant was first established in Napa County. At that time only three partners were included on the Board of Directors: Napa Valley Unified School District/Napa Valley Adult Education, Napa County Office of Education, and Napa Valley College. Since NVAE and NVC had the only programs providing non-credit classes for adults in Napa County covered by these funds, it was unanimously agreed that NVAE and NVC would have two members each on the Governing Board and NCOE would have one making a five-member Board of Directors. Four years ago, NVAE agreed to share a portion of its funding with St. Helena USD and Calistoga USD to provide services "upvalley" (transportation had been identified as a barrier) since neither district supports its own K-12 adult education program. One Representative appointed by the governing board from each of these two districts joined to form our current seven-member Board of Directors. This composition and decision-making model were formalized in bylaws in October 2019.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE V - MEETINGS, Section 1 - Board of Directors' Meetings: "At Board meetings, the Board will receive reports on the activities of the consortium members in relation to the plan from Staff and members. Opportunities will be provided for public input (both written and in person)."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 1 - Composition and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors:  "The Board of the NVAEC is responsible for overall policy and direction of the consortium. The Board votes on issues the NVAEC members deem critical to achieving the Purpose of the NVAEC. The Board must make all reasonable efforts to include member, partner, and public input and dialogue when deliberating and voting upon issues put before the Board."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 2 - Notice of Board of Director Meetings: "The Board of Directors’ meetings will be noticed at least 72 hours in advance. The agenda and documents for the meeting shall be posted at each member’s main office and on the Consortium website in a location easily accessible by the public."

Protocol: All Board of Directors' meetings follow Brown Act requirements. Board agendas include a standing item for public comment. Agendas and prior meeting minutes are posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at all locations where board members work in Napa County and on our website ( Once the meeting is called to order, the Chairperson follows agenda items including public comment. After the opening/closing of formal public comment, the meeting proceeds with remaining agenda items. Items that require a vote for approval, such as the budget, or annual plan, always allow time for discussion prior to final motion for approval. During the discussion any member of the public who wishes to make a comment would be allowed to do so.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 2: Notice of Board of Director Meetings:  "The Board of Directors’ meetings will be noticed at least 72 hours in advance. The agenda and documents for the meeting shall be posted at each member’s main office and on the Consortium website in a location easily accessible by the public."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article V - MEETINGS, Section 3: Decision Making Procedures and Public Notice Requirements: "Per the directive of the Education Code 84905 (C-D), the Board will provide the public with adequate notice of decisions, request comments (both written and in person), and will consider and respond to comments. Notice will specify if a decision includes, but is not limited to: 1) approval of a three-year plan (pursuant to E.C. 84906) and prioritization of activity objectives and outcomes as identified in the Plan, and as required by the state; 2) developing and approving an annual fund distribution schedule determining funding amounts and reporting for appropriate legislated actions (pursuant to E.C. 84913); 3) receiving and certifying deliverables as identified in the annual activities and the Plan, and as required by the state; 4) determining the need to amend either the annual activities or the Plan itself and approving such amendments."

Protocol: Adequate notice of a proposed decision is provided by following the requirements of the Brown Act. A brief description of the item is included on the agenda, and the agenda is posted at least 72 hours in advance at all locations where Board of Director members work. Any comments submitted in writing by the public would be shared with board members during the designated public comment time on the agenda. Time for verbal comments by members of the public would occur either during the agendized public comment period or during discussion of an agenda item prior to final vote for approval.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article V - MEETINGS, Section 3: Decision Making Procedures and Public Notice Requirements: "The Board will assure that all meetings where the above listed decisions are discussed and approved will: 1) be held during public meetings with public comment solicited, both written and in person; 2) include posting “decision-making” meeting notices and agendas on the NVAEC website and disseminated to established lists of community partners, stakeholders, and interested public as needed; 3) include announcing meetings, and inviting public comment (both written and in person), through the members’ own communication channels; and, 4) include posting meeting minutes and other supporting documents on the NVAEC website. All consortium meetings will follow the Brown Act thereby ensuring these requirements.''

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article V - MEETINGS, Section 5: Board Minutes: "The Board is responsible for providing minutes for all regularly scheduled or special Board meetings. The Board can employ Staff to complete minutes for each meeting and have Staff include these minutes in the following meeting’s agenda. Once approved, minutes will be posted on the NVAEC website."

Protocol: Comments submitted by members of the public would be distributed publicly in the follow manners: 1) read out loud during the regular meeting of the Board of Directors; 2) captured in the Board of Director minutes; 3) disseminated as needed to our established list of community partners; and, 4) posted to the NVAEC website.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article V - MEETINGS, Section 3: Decision Making Procedures and Public Notice Requirements: "The Board will assure that all meetings where the above listed decisions are discussed and approved will: 1) be held during public meetings with public comment solicited, both written and in person; 2) include posting “decision-making” meeting notices and agendas on the NVAEC website and disseminated to established lists of community partners, stakeholders, and interested public as needed; 3) include announcing meetings, and inviting public comment (both written and in person), through the members’ own communication channels; and, 4) include posting meeting minutes and other supporting documents on the NVAEC website. All consortium meetings will follow the Brown Act thereby ensuring these requirements."

Protocol: The NVAEC has compiled a list of community partners with contact names and email addresses. These partners represent local public agencies, departments, offices of social services, workforce investment board, and community-based organizations. These are the same contacts that participated on the  "Advisory Committee" to provide input for NVAEC's Three-Year Plan. If the consortium needed to solicit comments and input regarding a proposed decision, it would do so through multiple means from inviting members to attend an in-person meeting, participating in an online discussion, or requesting input via email. All Board meetings are open to the public. As Pairin/MyPro expands throughout Napa County, community partners will be able to use this resource to provide additional two-way communication when needed. Furthermore, members of the NVAEC serve on advisory committees for the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay, North Bay TIP, and Napa Valley College Outreach Committee. Through these interagency partnerships members of the consortium are able to solicit comments and input regarding a proposed decision and serve as liaisons to the Management Team and Board of Directors.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE IX – ALLOCATION OF AEBG FUNDS, Section 1: Distribution of Initial Allocation of AEBG Funds: "NVAEC members will work together ethically and fairly to allocate financial resources and achieve efficiency in meeting the needs of NVAEC students. Thus, initial distribution of AEBG Allocation will be done in a fair, transparent method to address gaps individual members have in achieving the NVAEC Purpose. Allocation deliberations are expected to be thoughtful and professional."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE IX – ALLOCATION OF AEBG FUNDS, Section 2: Reduction of Member Allocation: "The Board may reduce a member’s Allocation for the following reasons: i) The member no longer wishes to provide services consistent with achieving the NVAEC Purpose and the NVAEC Annual Plan; ii) The member cannot provide services that address the needs identified in the NVAEC; iii) The member has been consistently ineffective in providing services that address the needs identified in the NVAEC Plan and reasonable interventions have not resulted in improvements."

"The member must return unused Allocation to NVAEC within 15 days of written notification of forfeiture of funds. As outlined in Article II, Section 5, the Board will determine how to redistribute forfeited Allocation funds."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 3: Voting and Decision Approval: "Annual Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD Budget) must be approved by consensus of all voting members as required by legislation."

Protocol: Funds are distributed according to a formula based on prior percentages allocated to each member to carry out the goals and activities allowed in legislation and included in the NVAEC Three-Year Plan and Annual Plan. At its March meeting, the Board of Directors discusses the prior year expenditures, determines adjustments, and approves the distribution of funds for the following year. Approval must be by consensus.

14. Has the consortium A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program or B) chosen to have a funds flow directly to the member districts based upon the approved distribution schedule?

B) chosen to have funds flow directly to the member districts based upon the approved distribution schedule

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article II MEMBERSHIP, Section 1 - Membership: "Membership in the NVAEC is governed by current California State legislation."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article II MEMBERSHIP, Section 5 - Removal of Members, Members Leaving, or Addition of New Members: "Members can voluntarily leave the consortium but must provide written notice thirty (30) days prior to vacating membership. Any member that voluntarily chooses to leave the consortium must return its Allocation to the NVAEC within 15 days of the effective date of leaving, or as stipulated in Article IX, Section 1. The NVAEC Executive Board (described in Article III) will determine how to redistribute the Allocation returned by the departing member."

"The decision to add a new member requires a two-thirds majority vote. The decision to remove a current member requires each Representative (as defined in Article III, Section 1) to obtain the acknowledgement and approval from the Superintendent/President of the member institution. Vote for approval to remove a member must be a two-thirds majority."

"Members may be dismissed from the Consortium for the following reasons: a) Failure to adhere to laws and regulations governing adult education programs and services; b) Failure to submit annual plans; c) Failure to adhere to reporting requirements for expenditures and student data; d) Failure to designate at least one “official representative” (in writing and approved by the governing board) to serve on the Board and represent the interests of the member organization; e) Failure to participate in the decision-making process for development of regional adult education programs and services; f) Failure to deliver adult education programs and services in accordance with standards established in AB 104, Section 39, Article 9, Section 84900."

Protocol: There is one K-12/Adult Education program, one community college, one county office, and two K-12 school districts in Napa County. All five educational agencies are represented on our Board of Directors. Any additional member who would consider joining would be reviewed by the Board of Directors to determine if their services fall within the parameters of Section 84913 and current California State legislation. Any member who wished to leave the NVAE Consortium would need to follow the protocols outlined in the NVAEC Bylaws Article II MEMBERSHIP, Section 5.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article IX - Allocation of AEBG Funds, Section 3: “Excessive carryover” for a member is defined by NVAEC as exceeding 20% of project funds.”

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article IX - Allocation of AEBG Funds, Section 3 (amended 3/28/2023):  "A consortium that makes a finding by majority vote based on a member having excessive carryover for at least two consecutive fiscal years may reduce the member’s allocation by no more than the amount of the member’s carryover. NVAEC will provide technical assistance and reasonable interventions to the member before making a finding. NVAEC will track expenditures and carryover at the member level in NOVA quarterly and will share the information as part of the reasonable intervention. Should NVAEC determine that a member has excessive carryover, NVAEC may consider carrying over funding for consortium-wide projects and/or consortium-approved projects by a majority vote of members."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: Article IX - Allocation of AEBG Funds, Section 4 Consortium Carryover (amended 3/28/2023: "If NVAEC has a carryover from one or more prior fiscal years exceeding 20 percent, beginning with the 23-24 fiscal year, NVAEC shall be required to submit a written expenditure plan, including future corrective actions to reduce the consortium’s carryover to below 20 percent, to the chancellor and the Superintendent. For each fiscal year that a consortium has carryover of more than 20 percent, the chancellor and the Superintendent shall prescribe and assign technical assistance to that consortium to ensure that adequate adult education services are provided to the region in proportion to the region’s available funding. The State will also assign technical assistance to ensure effective use of funds as specified by policy, and to ensure that the consortium’s annual carryover does not continue to exceed the 20% threshold so that it continues to provide adequate adult education services to the region."

Member effectiveness is determined by: 1) all members agreeing to the Assurances included in the CFAD regarding Membership and Decision-Making, Public Meetings, and Reporting Requirements; 2) a deep commitment to the "Purpose" (NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE I, Section 2) for the consortium; 3) adherence to NVAEC's "Guiding Principles" (NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE I, Section 3); 4) implementation of the objectives in the Three-Year Plan and Annual Plan; and, 5) outcomes measured on identified metrics.

In addition NVAEC has developed norms for the Board of Director and Management Team meetings. Our expectation is that NVAEC members  ensure projects, activities, and strategies align with objectives of adult ed legislation and support implementation of the Three-Year Plan. Members commit to an evaluation of current levels and types of AE programs in our region, evaluate current needs, agree to integrate existing programs and create seamless transitions into post-secondary education/workforce, address gaps, accelerate student progress toward academic/career goals, collaborate in the provision of ongoing PD opportunities to help staff achieve greater program integration and improve student results, and leverage existing regional partners.

Members: 1) place high value on students achieving educational and career goals; 2) strive to improve Napa County by providing adults with educational pathways to the workforce, skills to advance, and opportunities to transition to higher education; 3) work collaboratively and fairly to allocate financial resources; 4) share responsibility and accountability for all project and student outcomes; 5) adhere to open, transparent, and collegial communication. 

Metrics include, but are not limited to: 1) number of students enrolled overall and in respective programs; 2) students making educational skills gains (measured by CASAS); 3) student persistence (12+ hours of instruction); 4) graduating from HSD/GED, certificate or degree programs; 5) completing ABE; 6); enrolled in/completing non-credit CTE courses; 7) parents/caregivers enrolled in ASK12; and, 8) number of NVAE students transitioning to NVC or other post-secondary institutions.

There are two sections that address members adhering to the “Purpose” and “Guiding Principles” of the NVAEC.

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE I - Section 2 - Purpose: "NVAEC will ensure that  projects, activities, and strategies are aligned with objectives of legislation for adult ed and included in the 3-Year Plan: 1) an evaluation of current levels and types of AE programs within its region; 2) An evaluation of current needs for AE programs within its region; 3) Plans for parties that make up the consortium to integrate their existing programs and create seamless transitions into post secondary education or the workforce; 4) Plans to address identified gaps; 5) Plans to employ approaches to accelerate a student’s progress toward academic/career goals; 6) Plans to collaborate in the provision of ongoing PD opportunities for staff to help them achieve greater program integration and improve student outcomes; and, 7) Plans to leverage existing regional structures, including local workforce investment areas."

As stated in the NVAEC Bylaws: ARTICLE I -  Section 3 - Guiding Principles: "The NVAEC: 1) places the highest value on students achieving educational and career goals; 2) strives to help improve the community by providing adults with educational pathways to the workforce, advancement within the workforce, skill building advancement, and higher education; 3) works collaboratively and fairly to allocate financial resources and achieve efficiency in meeting the needs of students; 4) shares responsibility and accountability for all project and student outcomes; 5) adheres to a transparent process of open and collegial communication. Adult education programs are open to all adults in accordance with current laws and regulations."

20. Does the consortium have a formal document detailing its work beyond the questionnaire?


Napa Valley Adult Education Consortium Bylaws are posted at:

Member Agencies

Member AgencyMember TypeContactPhone
Napa Valley CCDDistrictShawntel Ridgle
Napa Valley UnifiedUnified School DistrictColeen Petersen(530) 592-6873
Calistoga Joint UnifiedUnified School DistrictMaureen Hester(707) 942-4703 ext: 6890
Napa Co. Office of EducationCounty Office of Education (COE)Kelly Bucy Napa County Office of Education(707) 253-6833
St. Helena Unified School DistrictUnified School DistrictKay Vang(707) 967-2704

Certification & Assurances

By clicking "Approve" on the approval cards below, you are certifying the CFAD as well as confirming that you and ALL consortium members agree to the Assurances listed below.


Membership & Decision-Making
  • I certify that any community college district, school district, or county office of education, or any joint powers authority consisting of community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or a combination of these, located within the boundaries of the adult education region shall be permitted to join the consortium as a member (EC 84905 (a)(b). (See Membership Box above).
  • I certify that only members as described above (and in EC 84905) are allowed to join my consortium as members and participate in decision making and approvals whether in a public meeting, or via the NOVA planning, budgeting & expense reporting system.
  • I certify that as a condition of joining a consortium, as a member, I shall commit to reporting any funds (as described in EC 84916) available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds through the annual Program Area exercise in NOVA for reporting leveraged funds, and instructional hours.
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium my district shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member (EC 84905 (c)).
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium, I shall participate in any decision made by the consortium (EC 84905 (d)(1)(A)).
  • I certify that all decision made by the consortium and its members is final (EC 84905 (d)(1)(F)).
  • I certify that I will adhere to the consortium rules and procedures and, as agreed upon by the consortium members, to any additional by-laws, charters, etc.
Public Meetings
  • I certify that a proposed decision is considered at an open, properly noticed public meeting of the consortium at which members of the public may comment (EC 84905 (d)(1)(B)).
  • I certify that the consortium has provided the public with adequate notice of a proposed decision and considered any comments submitted by members of the public, and any comments submitted by members of the public have been distributed publicly (EC 84905 (d)(1)(C)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has considered input provided by pupils, teachers employed by local educational agencies, community college faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff, and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community college districts before it makes a decision (EC 84905 (d)(1)(E)).
  • I certify that in addition to the meeting requirements listed in EC 84905, and as agreed upon by the consortium members, that I will follow the public meeting requirements listed in the Ralph M. Brown Act as the Brown Act applies to the governing body of any “local body created by state or federal statute.” (Ed. Code, section 54952.)
Reporting Requirements
  • I certify that I will participate in completing and updating any consortium long range and/or short range planning efforts and/or budget work plans (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended in the CAEP seven program areas, and services provided are consistent with the 3-year plan, the annual plan, and my district’s work plan & budget as submitted in NOVA (EC 84913 (1-7), 84906, 8914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds match the objectives/activities included in the annual plan and the member work plan (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds adhere to the allowable uses of funds as identified in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide.
  • I certify that I will report student level enrollment data and outcomes as prescribed by the State CAEP Office (EC 84920).
  • I certify that I will share financial expenditure and progress reports with the members of my regional consortium.
  • I certify that I understand that as a member if I do not meet any of these items I have certified, I will be deemed an ineffective member which may result in a loss or reduction of CAEP funding (EC 84914(b)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended only for the education of persons 18 years of age or older (EC 84901(a)).

Calistoga Joint Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Maureen Hester

03/22/2024 05:43 PM PDT

Napa Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Kelly Bucy Napa County Office of Education

04/30/2024 12:28 PM PDT

Napa Valley CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Shawntel Ridgle

03/22/2024 02:24 PM PDT

Napa Valley Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Coleen Petersen

03/22/2024 03:12 PM PDT

St. Helena Unified School District - Member Representative

Approved by Kay Vang

03/22/2024 03:54 PM PDT