Produced: May 1, 2024, 08:12 PM UTC - By Araceli Chavez

37 North Orange County Regional Consortium for Adult Education (NOCRC)


Fiscal Declaration - Consortium Approved

Consortium Name
37 North Orange County Regional Consortium for Adult Education (NOCRC)
Funding Channel
Fiscal Agent
Fiscal Agent
North Orange County CCD
NOCCCD will continue to be the fiscal agent for NOCRC, managing all CAEP funds and ensuring compliance with budgetary and programmatic requirements. NOCRC's Advisory groups will continue vetting CAEP activities aligned with the NOCRC annual plan and CAEP outcomes. The NOCRC Executive Committee will continue to be responsible for the final approval of the CAEP activities and budgets. Both funded and non-funded members understand the importance of carrying over only 20 % of CAEP funds to abide by AB 1491. While there is no carryover limit for the individual consortium service-providing members, the consortium as a whole is committed to keeping its annual carryover amount at or under the 20% threshold by practicing the established procedure of redistribution of the carryover funds to other members. CAEP activities will continue to be funded based on CAEP outcomes and student needs using a regional collaborative success.
To provide budget stability for all service-providing NOCRC members and sustainability of adult education offerings across the region, NOCRC made the decision to increase the amount of funding for the Garden Grove Unified School District to $125,000 and make it an ongoing allocation and the funding level for the North Orange County ROP to $475,000 making it an ongoing allocation as well.

Member Allocations

Member Name (2024-25) (2023-24) (2022-23)
North Orange County CCD $4,758,354 $4,718,533 $4,313,388
Total Allocated to Members $4,758,354 $4,718,533 $4,313,388
Total CAEP Funds $4,758,354 $4,722,465 $4,363,761
Total Remaining $0 $3,932 $50,373

Carryover Threshold

Input a percentage of carryover that your consortium agrees will be considered an excessive amount.

Should a member, or members, exceed this carryover percentage upon certification of their Q4 report, they will be flagged as non-compliant with the carryover legislation (EC 84914). One year of non-compliance does not carry a penalty. However, should the same member, or members, have two consecutive years of non-compliance the consortium may agree, by majority vote, to reallocate an amount that does not exceed the carryover to other members.

A consortium does have the ability to opt-out. To do so, simply toggle the carryover threshold button to the off position.

Carryover Threshold

Consortia Report on Governance Compliance of Rules and Procedures v.2

1. Have all community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or any joint powers authority, located within the boundaries of the adult education region been allowed to join the consortium as a member?


2. Have all members committed to reporting any funds available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds?


All adult education funds held by each member agency will be reported by September 30th, with this report shared with the NOCRC Executive Committee. When proposing or maintaining CAEP-funded activities, each member will assess the feasibility of funding from other eligible sources. NOCRC's CAEP carryover funds are reported at the May Executive Committee Meeting, where projections and encumbrances are reviewed. Members receive monthly and quarterly expenditure reports from the fiscal agent. Unspent funds can be allocated to other members in alignment with the goals and objectives of the NOCRC Annual Plan.

Since its establishment, NOCRC's bylaws mandate that each Executive Committee voting member and alternate must receive board approval from their district and provide a copy of this approval to the NOCRC administrative department. The Executive Committee includes one designee and, optionally, one alternate member from each organization. All appointees and alternates must be officially appointed by their organization's Governing Board, as recorded in official minutes. Only board-appointed Executive Committee members or their alternates are eligible to vote, and proxies are not permitted.

Under NOCRC's Decision-Making Guidelines or bylaws, each consortium member holds rights and responsibilities. Members have the right to partake in developing regional adult education plans and in deciding how Consortium funding is allocated. However, they do not possess the unilateral authority to veto funding decisions, as these are determined through a vote of the NOCRC Executive Committee. Members are obligated to comply with laws and regulations governing adult education programs, including submitting annual plans and reporting expenditures and student data. Furthermore, members agree to implement both regional three-year and annual plans.

6. What will be the relative voting power of each member?

1 member = 1 vote

7. How will decisions be approved?

by majority vote of 51%

Decision-making and fiscal processes were implemented at the consortium's inception and have since become integral to its operations. Over time, these procedures and practices have evolved into a structured decision-making model. NOCRC formalized this model by approving a comprehensive Decision-Making Guidance document in 2020, which outlines the respective responsibilities of the NOCRC Executive Committee, member agencies, and Advisory Workgroups.

NOCRC's Executive Committee convenes monthly, with meetings open to the public. Agendas are made available on the consortium's website, accessible to members and the public alike. Contact information for the NOCRC office is also provided on the website for inquiries or concerns. Additionally, members of the public may attend Executive Committee meetings to provide comments if they wish.

In accordance with the Brown Act, the CAEP department submits all business items to the Executive Committee meeting within a specified timeframe of 72 hours for review and feedback. Additionally, NOCRC agendas are published on the consortium's website, ensuring public access to meeting information.

Members' input is disseminated via email to all consortium members, facilitating redistribution to relevant designees and the public as necessary. Furthermore, minutes from Executive Committee meetings are posted on the NOCRC website for transparency and accessibility.

All decisions are shared with all consortium members in advance, allowing sufficient time for soliciting feedback. Members are encouraged to consult with community partners, particularly those affected by decisions, through open sessions or special meetings. NOCRC's Executive Committee meetings are open to the public, and the calendar dates for the year's meetings are accessible on the consortium's website.

The NOCRC Executive Committee approves the budget for the following year during its March and April meetings. Subsequently, both NOCRC's Executive voting members and all service providers receive monthly budget expense reports to monitor expenditures. Budget reports are included as a standing agenda item in the monthly Executive Committee meetings.

14. Has the consortium A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program or B) chosen to have a funds flow directly to the member districts based upon the approved distribution schedule?

A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program

New members may join the consortium after their request is approved by the NOCRC Executive Committee. Similarly, approval from the Executive Committee is required for written requests to withdraw membership. Voting members of NOCRC are recruited according to CAEP guidelines and must receive approval and appointment from their district within the North Orange County region. Advisory members are selected based on their expertise in program areas or their provision of adult education programs and services. NOCRC partners are chosen for their contributions to supporting adult employment and academic advancement.

. NOCRC chose not to specify excessive carryover amounts for individual members. Nonetheless, all NOCRC-funded members pledge to maintain the consortium's carryover below the designated threshold of 20%. With the implementation of AB 1491, collective carryover for all members will not exceed 20%. Quarterly discussions of the CAEP budget will occur through budget and expenditure reports. The objective is to support all members without labeling them ineffective, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment among members.

CAEP carryover funds for NOCRC are reported at the May Executive Committee Meeting, during which projections and encumbrances are assessed. Monthly and quarterly budget reports are also provided for member review. If members need to return funds to the consortium, they become available for redistribution to another funded member or for regional spending. All service providers have the first right to repurpose carryover funds previously approved for them, provided proper justification is submitted to the Executive Committee. Approval from the Executive Committee is required for items exceeding $60,000.

NOCRC members collectively agree that member effectiveness is determined by CAEP metrics and the alignment with the consortium's mission, vision, and values.

NOCRC members collectively agree that member effectiveness is determined by CAEP metrics achieved by each service provider as outlined in the approved strategies and assessed in the annual NOCRC Evaluation Report. Additionally, NOCRC member effectiveness is gauged by each funded member's ability to adhere to the 20% threshold for annual carryover. 

20. Does the consortium have a formal document detailing its work beyond the questionnaire?


Member Agencies

Member AgencyMember TypeContactPhone
North Orange County CCDDistrictValentina Purtell(714) 808-4670
Anaheim Union HighHigh School DistrictAraceli Chavez
Fullerton Joint Union HighHigh School DistrictMelissa Freeman Ed.D.(714) 870-2805
Garden Grove UnifiedUnified School DistrictM'Liss Patterson(714) 663-6305
Los Alamitos UnifiedUnified School DistrictMrs. cara Vienna(562) 370-3032
North Orange County ROPRegional Occupation Center/Program (ROC/P)Jennifer Pesavento Ed.D.(714) 713-3239
Orange County Department of EducationCounty Office of Education (COE)Fatinah Judeh(714) 349-3073
Placentia-Yorba Linda UnifiedUnified School DistrictRebecca Allen(714) 986-7170 ext: 44001

Certification & Assurances

By clicking "Approve" on the approval cards below, you are certifying the CFAD as well as confirming that you and ALL consortium members agree to the Assurances listed below.


Membership & Decision-Making
  • I certify that any community college district, school district, or county office of education, or any joint powers authority consisting of community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or a combination of these, located within the boundaries of the adult education region shall be permitted to join the consortium as a member (EC 84905 (a)(b). (See Membership Box above).
  • I certify that only members as described above (and in EC 84905) are allowed to join my consortium as members and participate in decision making and approvals whether in a public meeting, or via the NOVA planning, budgeting & expense reporting system.
  • I certify that as a condition of joining a consortium, as a member, I shall commit to reporting any funds (as described in EC 84916) available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds through the annual Program Area exercise in NOVA for reporting leveraged funds, and instructional hours.
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium my district shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member (EC 84905 (c)).
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium, I shall participate in any decision made by the consortium (EC 84905 (d)(1)(A)).
  • I certify that all decision made by the consortium and its members is final (EC 84905 (d)(1)(F)).
  • I certify that I will adhere to the consortium rules and procedures and, as agreed upon by the consortium members, to any additional by-laws, charters, etc.
Public Meetings
  • I certify that a proposed decision is considered at an open, properly noticed public meeting of the consortium at which members of the public may comment (EC 84905 (d)(1)(B)).
  • I certify that the consortium has provided the public with adequate notice of a proposed decision and considered any comments submitted by members of the public, and any comments submitted by members of the public have been distributed publicly (EC 84905 (d)(1)(C)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has considered input provided by pupils, teachers employed by local educational agencies, community college faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff, and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community college districts before it makes a decision (EC 84905 (d)(1)(E)).
  • I certify that in addition to the meeting requirements listed in EC 84905, and as agreed upon by the consortium members, that I will follow the public meeting requirements listed in the Ralph M. Brown Act as the Brown Act applies to the governing body of any “local body created by state or federal statute.” (Ed. Code, section 54952.)
Reporting Requirements
  • I certify that I will participate in completing and updating any consortium long range and/or short range planning efforts and/or budget work plans (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended in the CAEP seven program areas, and services provided are consistent with the 3-year plan, the annual plan, and my district’s work plan & budget as submitted in NOVA (EC 84913 (1-7), 84906, 8914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds match the objectives/activities included in the annual plan and the member work plan (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds adhere to the allowable uses of funds as identified in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide.
  • I certify that I will report student level enrollment data and outcomes as prescribed by the State CAEP Office (EC 84920).
  • I certify that I will share financial expenditure and progress reports with the members of my regional consortium.
  • I certify that I understand that as a member if I do not meet any of these items I have certified, I will be deemed an ineffective member which may result in a loss or reduction of CAEP funding (EC 84914(b)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended only for the education of persons 18 years of age or older (EC 84901(a)).

Anaheim Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Araceli Chavez

05/01/2024 01:12 PM PDT

Fullerton Joint Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Melissa Freeman Ed.D.

04/19/2024 04:00 PM PDT

Garden Grove Unified - Member Representative

Approved by M'Liss Patterson

04/22/2024 09:55 AM PDT

Los Alamitos Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Mrs. cara Vienna

05/01/2024 12:33 PM PDT

North Orange County CCD - Member Representative

  • Director, California Adult Education Program
  • (714) 462-9579
Approved by Valentina Purtell

04/19/2024 04:05 PM PDT

North Orange County ROP - Member Representative

Approved by Jennifer Pesavento Ed.D.

04/22/2024 10:31 AM PDT

Orange County Department of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Fatinah Judeh

04/19/2024 04:40 PM PDT

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Rebecca Allen

04/30/2024 09:47 AM PDT