Produced: May 14, 2024, 12:42 AM UTC - By Elizabeth O'Shea-West

40 Education to Career Network of North San Diego County (Palomar/Vista)


Fiscal Declaration - Consortium Approved

Consortium Name
40 Education to Career Network of North San Diego County (Palomar/Vista)
Funding Channel
Fiscal Agent
Fiscal Agent
Vista Unified
Each year, our member district representatives determine the goals and objectives of our annual and/or three-year plans. When determining member district allocations for the CFAD, we also prepare a line item budget that aligns to consortium goals and calls out specific elements identified in our plan. For example, several of our member districts employ staff members who support the entire consortium. (Escondido UHSD employs our data coordinator, Vista USD employs our Support Counselor for Students with Disabilities, and Poway USD employs both our Technology Integration Specialist and our Partnerships Coordinator.) As our fiscal agent, Vista USD employs an Accountant who supports the consortium on a part-time basis and contracts with an entity to provide support to the consortium overall - a consultant for Curriculum and Planning. Also denoted in the line item budget are specific priorities developed for the consortium. These include, but are not limited to, four of our six member districts each hiring both a Transition Specialist and a Career Advisor, accommodations to students with disabilities, tutoring, hosting special events (career fairs, community forum, and college information night), professional development, and outreach and marketing.
No Changes

Member Allocations

Member Name (2024-25) (2023-24) (2022-23)
Escondido Union High $3,409,898 $3,315,780 $3,025,448
Palomar CCD $606,467 $535,780 $484,143
Poway Unified $2,058,430 $1,975,577 $1,800,314
Ramona City Unified $113,611 $47,070 $37,396
San Marcos Unified $187,695 $120,483 $104,501
Vista Unified $3,333,428 $3,633,585 $3,349,766
Total Allocated to Members $9,709,529 $9,628,275 $8,801,568
Total CAEP Funds $9,709,529 $9,636,297 $8,904,355
Total Remaining $0 $8,022 $102,787

Carryover Threshold

Input a percentage of carryover that your consortium agrees will be considered an excessive amount.

Should a member, or members, exceed this carryover percentage upon certification of their Q4 report, they will be flagged as non-compliant with the carryover legislation (EC 84914). One year of non-compliance does not carry a penalty. However, should the same member, or members, have two consecutive years of non-compliance the consortium may agree, by majority vote, to reallocate an amount that does not exceed the carryover to other members.

A consortium does have the ability to opt-out. To do so, simply toggle the carryover threshold button to the off position.


Corrective Action Fiscal Reporting Quarterly Thresholds

If member carryover is over the threshold set below, a corrective action narrative will be required to complete.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
% of Carryover Threshold





Consortia Report on Governance Compliance of Rules and Procedures v.2

1. Have all community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or any joint powers authority, located within the boundaries of the adult education region been allowed to join the consortium as a member?


2. Have all members committed to reporting any funds available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds?


Our consortium members (who are governing board-designated representatives) meet monthly along with our shared positions and the fiscal agent. At each meeting, the fiscal agent provides a report of planned v. actual expenditures to date. On a quarterly basis, our leadership council, shared positions, and common positions meet to review progress toward goals and associated metrics. The leadership council members and the fiscal agent also review expenditure reports at that time. On occasion, we have had members identify that they will be unable to fully expend their allocations and offer to return funds in order to meet overall consortium or individual member district needs. At the monthly meetings, the leadership councilmembers and the fiscal agent also track carry-over, and member districts with carry-over bring plans for future spend-down or intent to save for larger capital outlay projects for approval to these meetings. One of the specific duties of the Leadership Council members (spelled out in both our Memorandum of Agreement for Participation and our Governance Charter) is to: regularly monitor expenditures to ensure that CAEP funding is spent in accordance with the annual plan, the Funding Philosophy, and state guidelines.

We update the Memorandum of Agreement for Participation in the Consortium with each district every two years. This MOA requires board approval and indicates the board designated representative and alternate who will serve on the consortium's leadership council. We collect and maintain the Board agenda items designating the representative and alternate from each member district. When turnover occurs off -cycle, we work with member districts to take board action to replace the member district representative.

As noted earlier, we update the Memorandum of Agreement for Participation in the consortium with each member district every other year. This MOA spells out the roles and responsibilities of the member district and the the leadership council designated representative. The first duty listed for the leadership council representative is to ensure regular attendance and participation in both the formal and informal Leadership Council meetings. Moreover, the MOA spells out the responsibility of the member district and its representative to carry out the activities and priorities of the regional plan.

6. What will be the relative voting power of each member?

1 member = 1 vote

7. How will decisions be approved?

by consensus

This model was determined in our initial Governance Charter (developed during the AB86 planning phase). Specifically,governance charter states:

All Leadership Council members commit to continue the model of decision making and negotiation that has been usedthrough the AB86 process that produced the Plan. Decision making is through consensus. Discussion of issues continues untilalI members are able to accept the decision. If, for any reason, consensus cannot be reached:

  • A subgroup of Leadership Council Members will be charged to negotiate a solution.
  • The subgroup charged with negotiating a solution will bring back the resolution to the Leadership Council for consensus.
  • If there is still no consensus, the Leadership Council members will vote; a two-thirds majority vote is required on items when consensus cannot be reached.

ETCN has adopted a “one member, one vote” policy.

The Education to Career Network has both informal and formal meetings. Formal meetings are open to the public and occur anytime the consortium members adopt or make changes to the regional or annual plan, the annual CAEP funding allocations, and activities. The following excerpt from our governance charter defines Formal Meetings:

Formal Meetings will adhere to the public process described and agreed to in this Charter. All members participate in all decisions regarding the Plan, the annual activities funding allocation schedule and the reception, evaluation and certification of required state deliverables. The Leadership Council meets in formal meetings to:

  • establish the annual activities’ funding distribution schedule,
  • make amendments to the Plan or the annual activities and funding distribution schedule,
  • receive formal reports on implementation in order to review and certify the deliverables as required by the state.

For these formal meetings the date, time and place, the agendas and supporting documents will be posted on the ETCN website no later than three days before the meeting date. Meeting agendas and supporting documents will be disseminated to all interested parties with the explicit intention of eliciting public comment. Public comment will be requested directly from the essential community-based partners, and other critical stakeholders including but not limited to the faculties of the consortium members. In these formal meetings the Leadership Council will follow public meeting protocols in the conduct of meetings, motions, and discussion. In these formal meetings public comment, written in advance or received in person, will besought and carefully reviewed.

For these formal meetings the date, time and place, the agendas and supporting documents will be posted on the ETCN website no later than three days before the meeting date. Meeting agendas and supporting documents will be disseminated to all interested parties with the explicit intention of eliciting public comment. Public comment will be requested directly from the essential community-based partners, and other critical stakeholders including but not limited to the faculties of the consortium members. In these formal meetings the Leadership Council will follow public meeting protocols in the conduct of meetings, motions, and discussion. In these formal meetings public comment, written in advance or received in person, will besought and carefully reviewed.

Speaker slips are provided for any member of the public who wishes to provide comment. Public comments are recorded inthe minutes of the Formal Meeting and those minutes are posted on the ETCN website.

The Education to Career Network hosts a community and business forum annually with the intent of soliciting feedback regarding gaps and needs in our region's adult education pipeline from other entities that provide education and workforce services to adults. In addition, one of the ETCN shared positions is a Partnership Coordinator and that person regularly attends meetings from other education and workforce service providers in the region. Finally, at the monthly Leadership Council meetings, a regular agenda item is updates from other regional meetings and we frequently invite guests from other providers to address the group.

As noted earlier, the role of the fiscal agent and each individual consortium designated representative is to ensure that CAEP funding is spent in accordance with the annual plan, the Funding Philosophy, and state guidelines (pursuant to Section 84913).Additionally, we have contracted annually with an accounting firm to perform an audit of the fiscal agent and each member districts' expenditures to promote transparency and ensure that funds are spent in accordance with the plan and the state guidelines.

14. Has the consortium A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program or B) chosen to have a funds flow directly to the member districts based upon the approved distribution schedule?

A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program

Our governance charter defines the process for any of the local education agencies in the ETCN boundaries to become consortium members. It states: New members will be required to submit a letter of intent to become a member, a written needs analysis, and plan for serving the adult education needs in their community in alignment with the Regional Plan. These items must be submitted to the Leadership Council chair prior to December 31, so that they can be incorporated in the Formal Meeting in which priorities and plans for the subsequent year are established and voted upon. The fiscal year for the California Adult Education Program runs from July 1 through June 30.

The governance charter also defines the Leadership Council's ability to remove the voting rights of a member. It states: The Leadership Council may invoke the right to remove the voting rights of a member if they fail to fulfill the duties of an ETCN member and/or fail to attend three Leadership Council meetings (either formal or informal) during the fiscal year. To be reinstated as a member the following year, the member must follow the process of a new member.

Finally, the governance charter defines the difference between a member district and a partner. ETCN actively encourages all districts, community-based organizations, agencies, and other stakeholders to partner with us. A partnership pledge form is available on our website. Partners are key community stakeholders that will assist our eff orts in creating education programs and services for adult learners. Partners are non-members and do not have the voting rights of members

The Education to Career Network has established that more than 20% carryover to be excessive.

This threshold has been documented in our Funding Philosophy (attachment 3 of our MOA for Participation):

Within the parameters established by the CAEP, in the event that a district does not fully expend the CAEP funds allocated, the district may carry-over funds; these funds may only be used as outlined in the ETCN’s annual plan. The consortium carry-over may not exceed the state threshold for excessive carry-over. Member districts with carry-over in excess of 20% will be required to submit for approval to the Leadership Council an expenditure plan to reduce carry-over to 20% or below within a two-year time frame. Carry-over amounts will be monitored annually until the carry-over amount falls below 20%, and the plans for carry-over expenditures may be modified with Leadership Council approval. If a member district is unable to reduce its carry-over to 20% or below within a two-year period, the Leadership Council may withhold additional CAEP allocations to reduce the carry-over to the established level (20%). Once the carry-over has been reduced to the acceptable level, then the member district allocation would be restored, unless the member district requests an ongoing reduction to its allocation. Any surplus funds held at the consortium level, including funds recaptured from a member district with excessive carry-over, will beallocated to member districts that opt in proportional to each districts’ CAEP allocation (when member districts have carry-over less than the maximum amount established) unless the Leadership Council has approved a plan for use of the surplusfunds in the following fiscal year(s).

Our current Funding Philosophy (which is Attachment 3 to our Memorandum of Agreement for Participation) addresses how the Education to Career Network will monitor and administer carryover funds.

Specifically, we state:

Within the parameters established by the CAEP, in the event that a district does not fully expend the CAEP funds allocated, the district may carry-over funds; these funds may only be used as outlined in the ETCN’s annual plan. The consortium carry-over may not exceed the state threshold for excessive carry-over. Member districts with carry-over in excess of 20% will be required to submit for approval to the Leadership Council an expenditure plan to reduce carry-over to 20% or below within a two-year timeframe. Carry-over amounts will be monitored annually until the carry-over amount falls below 20%, and the plans for carry-over expenditures may be modified with Leadership Council approval. If a member district is unable to reduce its carry-over to 20% or below within a two-year period, the Leadership Council may withhold additional CAEP allocations to reduce the carry-over to the established level (20%). Once the carry-over has been reduced to the acceptable level, then the member district allocation would be restored, unless the member district requests an ongoing reduction its allocation. Any surplus funds held at the consortium level, including funds recaptured from a member district with excessive carry-over, will be allocated to member districts that opt in proportional to each districts’ CAEP allocation (when member districts have carry-over less than the maximum amount established) unless the Leadership Council has approved a plan for use of the surplus funds in the following fiscal year(s).

In terms of technical assistance and reasonable intervention processes, the frequency of our Leadership Council meetings(monthly) and the involvement of our Fiscal Agent in both monthly leadership council meetings and quarterly goal review meetings with Leadership Council members have provided the structure and data to identify and resolve issues related to members' expenditures.

Our consortium defines member effectiveness in our Governance Charter. The elements of member effectiveness include participation in monthly Leadership Council meetings (both formal and informal), timeliness in reporting; making progress toward goals as defined in the Regional Plan, and ensuring that CAEP funding is spent in accordance with the annual plan, the Funding Philosophy, and state guidelines.

As noted above, expectations of Member Districts (and member district designated representatives) are defined in both ourMemorandum of Agreement for Participation and in our Governance Charter

20. Does the consortium have a formal document detailing its work beyond the questionnaire?


Member Agencies

Member AgencyMember TypeContactPhone
Escondido Union HighHigh School DistrictTom Allison(760) 737-8021
Palomar CCDDistrictUte Maschke(760) 744-1150 ext: 3758
Poway UnifiedUnified School DistrictKathleen Porter(858) 668-4016
Ramona City UnifiedUnified School DistrictMrs. Erin Kent(760) 787-4302
San Marcos UnifiedUnified School DistrictJessica Sanchez
Vista UnifiedUnified School DistrictVista Adult School Elizabeth O'Shea-West(760) 758-7122

Certification & Assurances

By clicking "Approve" on the approval cards below, you are certifying the CFAD as well as confirming that you and ALL consortium members agree to the Assurances listed below.


Membership & Decision-Making
  • I certify that any community college district, school district, or county office of education, or any joint powers authority consisting of community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or a combination of these, located within the boundaries of the adult education region shall be permitted to join the consortium as a member (EC 84905 (a)(b). (See Membership Box above).
  • I certify that only members as described above (and in EC 84905) are allowed to join my consortium as members and participate in decision making and approvals whether in a public meeting, or via the NOVA planning, budgeting & expense reporting system.
  • I certify that as a condition of joining a consortium, as a member, I shall commit to reporting any funds (as described in EC 84916) available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds through the annual Program Area exercise in NOVA for reporting leveraged funds, and instructional hours.
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium my district shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member (EC 84905 (c)).
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium, I shall participate in any decision made by the consortium (EC 84905 (d)(1)(A)).
  • I certify that all decision made by the consortium and its members is final (EC 84905 (d)(1)(F)).
  • I certify that I will adhere to the consortium rules and procedures and, as agreed upon by the consortium members, to any additional by-laws, charters, etc.
Public Meetings
  • I certify that a proposed decision is considered at an open, properly noticed public meeting of the consortium at which members of the public may comment (EC 84905 (d)(1)(B)).
  • I certify that the consortium has provided the public with adequate notice of a proposed decision and considered any comments submitted by members of the public, and any comments submitted by members of the public have been distributed publicly (EC 84905 (d)(1)(C)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has considered input provided by pupils, teachers employed by local educational agencies, community college faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff, and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community college districts before it makes a decision (EC 84905 (d)(1)(E)).
  • I certify that in addition to the meeting requirements listed in EC 84905, and as agreed upon by the consortium members, that I will follow the public meeting requirements listed in the Ralph M. Brown Act as the Brown Act applies to the governing body of any “local body created by state or federal statute.” (Ed. Code, section 54952.)
Reporting Requirements
  • I certify that I will participate in completing and updating any consortium long range and/or short range planning efforts and/or budget work plans (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended in the CAEP seven program areas, and services provided are consistent with the 3-year plan, the annual plan, and my district’s work plan & budget as submitted in NOVA (EC 84913 (1-7), 84906, 8914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds match the objectives/activities included in the annual plan and the member work plan (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds adhere to the allowable uses of funds as identified in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide.
  • I certify that I will report student level enrollment data and outcomes as prescribed by the State CAEP Office (EC 84920).
  • I certify that I will share financial expenditure and progress reports with the members of my regional consortium.
  • I certify that I understand that as a member if I do not meet any of these items I have certified, I will be deemed an ineffective member which may result in a loss or reduction of CAEP funding (EC 84914(b)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended only for the education of persons 18 years of age or older (EC 84901(a)).

Escondido Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Tom Allison

04/30/2024 03:29 PM PDT

Palomar CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Ute Maschke

04/30/2024 05:44 PM PDT

Poway Unified - Member Representative

  • Executive Director, Career Technical, Adult and Alternative Education
  • (858) 668-4016
Approved by Kathleen Porter

04/30/2024 06:12 PM PDT

Ramona City Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Melissa Marovich

05/09/2024 08:19 AM PDT

San Marcos Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Garth Phillips

04/30/2024 03:51 PM PDT

Vista Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Vista Adult School Elizabeth O'Shea-West

05/13/2024 05:42 PM PDT