
CAEP Annual Plan: 2021-22 42 Northern Alameda Consortium for Adult Education

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2021-22 Produced: Aug 16, 2021, 07:07 PM UTC Paula Armstead

42 Northern Alameda Consortium for Adult Education

Plans & Goals - Consortium Approved

Executive Summary
In the 2021-22 program year, NAC and its members plan to continue providing adult education programming and service to the communities of Northern Alameda county and surrounding areas. We will strive to develop more transparent operations for the budget review and allocation process, build deeper connections with community based and regional organizations that are serving the justice impacted population in order to increase our delivery of programming and service for reentry, expand our outreach and marketing efforts to inform those in need we are here to support their success and increase enrollment, seek additional funding and collaboration opportunities to expand pre-apprenticeship and workforce offerings, and leverage member resources such as physical space for colocation, develop agreements that will free up instructional resources and increase concurrent enrollment of our adult learners. The goals identified are in alignment with CAEP priorities, consistent with our planned allocations, as well as the current NAC three year plan. Our vision for the coming year is to intentionally and strategically operate as “One Collective” as we continue to advocate for student success through programming and services; expand our “Open Communication” to share plans, processes, deliverables and outcomes through data; and mutually demonstrate “Accountability” as we develop and implement clear accountability measures and accept responsibility for our individual and collective plans to achieve student success.Indicators listed as strategies/activities we planned to do in our 2020-2021 Regional Annual Plan are listed as completed in the key accomplishments below:1) Establish improved program alignment of ESL & Basic Skills courses2) Increase advertising efforts: radio, print, digital ads, email marketing. 3) Expand noncredit healthcare pathway.4) In design planning for English/Math alignment (AB705).5) Noncredit college courses offered at adult school sites.6) Partner adult school and college counseling team to improve transition of adult school students to college.
Regional Planning Overview
GOAL 1: Develop and implement instructional, curricular, program and career pathway alignment informed by regional and local data.Increasing Concurrent Enrollment:* Berkeley City College increased the number of concurrent enrollments from last year.* Alameda Adult School and COA continue to work together to enroll HS students as adult school special admit. * The Consortia and Transition Liaisons revamped the concurrent enrollment form to help speed up and streamline the enrollment process. To be implemented for summer and Fall 2021.Improving alignment of high school diploma program to college courses:* Alameda Adult School developed a College and Career Portfolio Independent Study Module encouraging students to think critically about their own skills and the next steps of their career path.* Berkeley Adult and Berkeley City College convened a working group of instructors to develop a bridge course for math and English transition students* Piedmont Adult School expanded their HS Diploma course offering to include online UCOP-approved courses via Accelerate Platform.Adult Schools offering basic skills (remedial Courses) for AB705:* The Peralta CCD Colleges have reduced the number of remedial English and math sections providing the space for adult schools to offer these insteadImplementing GED scores as college Math/English placement into transitional level courses:* All of the colleges, under AB705, eliminated the reliance on college placement tests or other scores to enter transfer level courses. They instead place students in college level English and math with or without support depending on HS GPA. We want to align those scores with GED scores, so students coming in with only GED scores on no HS GPA will be placed correctly. Build Career and Noncredit Bridges:* Berkeley City College introduced the Education School Readiness Certificate Program in collaboration with Berkeley Adult and the YMCA Emeryville* OACE was selected as a finalist in the reThink Adult Ed Challenge to build a Cybersecurity Pre-Apprenticeship program in collaboration with Love Never Fails, CCSF and Merritt College.* The Consortia successfully held an Annual Retreat focusing on Bridge and Career Pathways* Alameda Adult School offers Modern Office Technology I and II to help bridge the gap for ESL students who have minimal to no computer skills. Students learn internet and Google Suite fundamentals and basic use needed for school and a workplace office setting. Language support is offered in Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese. * Piedmont Adult school offered two CTE Basic Skills Computer courses to help buildConsideration of mirroring ESOL courses:* Laney college has completed their ESOL noncredit courses that mirror the credit offerings* Laney College has launched Business English as the final course in a new VESOL certificate that includes English for Job Search and English for Customer Service. All now available in noncredit as well as credit.* College of Alameda has also completed their ESOL noncredit courses that mirror the credit offeringsGoal 2: Build student support continuum throughout the adult education pathway (onboarding, retention, completion, etc.)COVID-19 Pandemic unplanned services provided:* Various members provided technology for students upon the COVID-19 shelter in place via hotspots and chromebooks to students so they were able to participate in remote learning. * Berkeley City College Transition Liaison and Berkeley Adult School counselor have developed a student referral system that allows* Laney College collaborated with World Central Kitchen to serve meals to students during the pandemic.*Laney College moved its onboarding and guided self-placement tool online. Students can now learn about the program, participate in a short orientation and conduct a self-placement 100% remotely.* Berkeley City College created video tutorials of how to access online learning modules and other orientation topics to continue services during the COVID 19 pandemic.* During the pandemic as all of our member organizations developed new offerings and canceled others to meet the emerging needs of distance learning and the labor market shift, the course finder function was completely updated to provide the most accurate information virtually for our students and partners.* Alameda Adult School implemented new technology courses to help students access distance learning (Modern Office Technology. AAS also continued to provide HS Equivalency Exam in-person as an essential service.Collaboratively markets all members jointly via Radio, online:* The Consortia increased the comprehensive marketing campaign that promoted all members by adding Univision radio and television advertising which was included to expand the consortia's outreach to include the Latinx populations in northern Alameda county. More in the plan google document.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
A gap in our service or a primary need in our region is to skill and upskill the unemployed and near poverty or less populations in our region. Our members continue offering programs that meet the basic skill and High School Equivalency/Diploma needs, however, the need to offer pathways that lead to employment is high. We intend to strategically address this gap through development of our Bridge/Pathways Taskforce - a group of administrators, faculty and staff that will lead the larger body to development of educational career pathways with employer engagement and interest in hiring our students.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
This gap was identified through the labor market data which identify the top fastest growing occupations and industries offering a livable wage in our region. Additionally, the census data that depicts the number of adults in our region that are unemployed and near poverty or less.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Effectiveness for addressing this gap will be measured by the number of bridges/pathways we are able to develop that have employer engagement/interest in hiring our students included in it. We will also track the number of students enrolled in the pathways that obtain livable wage employment. Benchmarks for ESL, ABE and serving HS students who are severely credit deficient will also be a measure of effectiveness as not all populations will enter the Bridge Pathway.

Regional Need #2

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Another gap in service or primary need in our region is to serve the justice impacted population in our region. While this target population may be among the unemployed and near poverty or less population groups, they have the added impediment of being justice impacted which increases their chances of remaining unemployed, near poverty or less, and being at risk for recidivism if they are not properly looped into education, training and services.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
This gap was identified via the Alameda County Adult Reentry Strategic Plan as it was reported that nationally, an estimated 1 in 4 individuals had a criminal record. As of 2019, it is estimated that 1 in 3 individuals have a criminal record. Extrapolating from the national estimate, and considering Alameda County’s population of approximately 1.6 million, the number of individuals with a criminal record is estimated to be approximately 528,000. The number of individuals under some type of supervision is noted below:Adult Probation 8,969California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Paroles 1,500Court Probation 20,871Federal Probation 455Subtotal 31,795Post Sentence (estimate) National reports 1 estimate that 1 in 3 individuals have criminal records, which include individuals with arrests only, diversions (and deferred entry of judgment, civil settlements, etc.), felony and misdemeanor convictions. The reported post sentence estimate is based on national data and the population of Alameda County is 496,205.TOTAL ALAMEDA COUNTY REENTRY POPULATION (Estimate) is 528,000.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Effectiveness for addressing this gap will be measured by:1. Percent of target population enrolling and completing High School Equivalency Exam (GED/HiSET) or High School within two years of release.2. Percent of target population enrolling and completing college level courses within one year of release.3. Percent of target population attaining a higher education degree or certificate within four years of release.4. Percent of target population completing Career Technical Education within two years of release.5. Number and percent of viable, short-term Career Technical Education programs available for the target population, pre- and post-release.

Regional Need #3

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
ESL/ English Language ability gap. Per the 2019 CAEP Data Fact Sheet Regional Demographics, the Northern Alameda County demographic report shows a total population of 536,271 of adults 18+. Out of this total population, 19%, or 103,841 persons reported having less than very well English Language abilities. In 2019-2020 Academic Year, the Adult Ed Pipeline shows that although 63% of the students served were in ESL or ESOL programming, this only accounts for 3605 students or 3% of the adults who identified with this need. Only 2892 students were served through Q3 in 2020-2021 Academic Year.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
2019 CAEP Data Fact Sheet Regional Demographics
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Increase in ESL enrollment. ESL level advancement gains.

Regional Need #4

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Out of the total NAC 18+ population, 15%, or 77,923 adults reported as having no High School Diploma or Equivalency. According to the Launchboard, the NAC (excluding Opportunity Academy*) served 2094 students (3%) in ABE and ASE or around 3% of the total population in need. In 20/21, the number served to date (through Q3) in ABE and ASE increased to 2,650. *Opportunity Academy does not report student outcomes in TE, ASAP or PSFT.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
2019 CAEP Data Fact Sheet Regional Demographics and Launchboard.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Enrollment increase in HSE and HSD programs. ABE & ASE literacy gains.

Gaps In Service

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Explore the alignment of the ESOL placement process across colleges to facilitate the transition of adult school students. While we have done some work in the area of ESOL curriculum alignment, we would like to uniformly address the placement from adult school levels into college levels where we can. Laney and OACE will explore the alignment of the ESOL placement process across adult schools through the use of the new ESOL guided self placement tool, potentially working with adult schools to provide feedback regarding the usability and efficacy of the tool as well.
Strategy #2
Implement Instructional Services Agreements (ISA) between adult schools and colleges to implement in 21-22, we will continue the work to leverage the instructional resources where possible.
Strategy #3
Participate in community events collectively (outreach). As the marginalized and minority communities are fighting for equal opportunities and resources, we need to establish a presence in the community via tabling, presentations, hosting events, etc. to support and engage the communities we are seeking to serve.
Strategy #4
Develop consistent material that can be shared with government and prospective students. Program pathway maps, course materials in various languages, etc are some documents we will complete in 21-22 to ensure clear communication about the programs and services available.
Strategy #5
Project managers continue to work with adult school administrators and teachers to recruit students to concurrently enroll in the college courses. An outreach marketing campaign will be developed to highlight the benefits of concurrent enrollment this year to increase student participation.

Seamless Transitions

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Enhance Bridge and Orientation Programs: Bridge courses in Math and English will be developed and piloted to better prepare High School Equivalency (HSE) and High School Diploma (HSD) graduates for Math and English transfer level college courses. College and Career Readiness course curriculum will be enhanced, building the foundation for the next steps of their career path. To address the High School Equivalency need in our region, an ABE math bridge course to HSE was developed preparing students to be more successful in High School Equivalency programs. Transitions will also be supported through managed registrations & providing orientations to educate learners on pathways and special programs available.
Strategy #2
Review and align the ESOL Placement process: Uniformly address the placement from adult school levels into college ESOL levels through the use of the new ESOL guided self-placement tool. Colleges will also continue to offer and expand noncredit ESOL mirrored courses providing more opportunities for Adult School students to transition to Peralta Colleges and advance their English skills.
Strategy #3
Co-location of services: College Transition Liaisons will continue to co-locate transitional services by holding office hours at various locations such as adult schools, social service agencies and the Alameda County Parole Office providing direct support to prospective students ensuring that transition paths between providers are understood and supported across all systems.

Student Acceleration

New Strategies

Strategy #1
We will continue to develop co-teaching (contextualized) course offerings so that students are able to get the basic skills and training they need at the same time, decreasing the need for student’s to take remedial courses as a stand alone which prolongs student progress.
Strategy #2
We will continue to educate and advocate students to enroll concurrently in college courses while pursuing their high school equivalency or diploma. This promotes accelerated learning and saves the student the cost of college coursework. They are exposed to college courses and gain the confidence to pursue higher education once they complete their adult school education.
Strategy #3
Additionally, we are researching the labor market and seeking employers to develop strong partnerships to utilize existing or develop new programs that would bridge a student into employment from our training. Creating bridges from the employers perspective will accelerate our students' progress into viable employment within a shorter time frame than traditional Career Education Training programs.

Professional Development

New Strategies

Strategy #1
In the 21/22 year, we will revisit the iBest or co-teaching model as a strategy to improve upon learner persistence and goal achievement. The adult school Basic Skills instructors have worked with the college’s faculty to offer “iBest like” programming in the past, however, we strive to incorporate stronger partnership for course development and a holistic co-teaching model through an iBest professional development series. We would like to bring in colleagues from Washington State and our neighboring Bay Area institutions who implemented the iBest model to share best practices, tools and knowledge with our faculty and administrators who will champion this learner model throughout our consortium. Such a professional development series could help us create a curriculum that will best support our non-credit students in the non-credit Bridge to Medical Assistant Certificate of Completion program. College faculty have researched an I-Best-type professional development training throughout the country, but have not found anything that would specifically help best navigate their specific pathway. As we seek to develop pathways from our adult schools and community based organizations into college programs and employment, we would benefit from professional development geared to successful program design involving various institutions/organizations. We hope to offer a series that could address the gamut of ways in which our members could partner in a co-teaching model.
Strategy #2
As we strive to offer the best programming and services to our learners, we also need to better understand the population that is in our community, but have not accessed our offerings. How do we attract, engage, and matriculate the adults within our region who need services, but have not enrolled? We understand this is not a NAC issue, rather it’s a statewide or even a nationwide problem that many institutions are facing. In our efforts to outreach to our communities, we are seeking professional development that will offer best practices, skills, tools and knowledge around effective outreach and marketing strategies to increase our curb appeal with prospective students.
Strategy #3
As we strategize to improve our support of the justice impacted population, we seek to more deeply understand the barriers, challenges, needs, and opportunities most effective in supporting the formerly incarcerated. Professional development is needed to ensure we learn from experts how to best serve a high need, vulnerable population.
Strategy #4
How do we integrate technology that is accessible and not intimidating to the populations we serve and seek to serve? How do we better utilize technology to report, analyze and interpret student outcomes to help us continuously improve? What technology exists to improve our processes, reporting and information sharing. We need PD on ways to improve our technology use to address reporting, referrals and methods to improve our accessibility to the populations we serve/seek to serve.
Strategy #5
The English Language Learners (ELL) are the largest group of enrolled students across our member institutions, therefore, it is imperative we continue to learn and grow in this area. The state is offering grant monies to support ELL students in Career Education & Workforce which could lend us the resources needed to improve the ELL placement process, give faculty release time to work on articulation in our ELL programs and offer professional development on varying topics to improve ELL student outcomes. Professional development throughout the year that focuses on the ELL population and best practices would assist us in continuing to improve.

Leveraging Resources

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Our members will continue to seek grant opportunities, WIOA funding, Strong Workforce funding, donations, Alameda County Probation contract, and other opportunities that arise. We participate in the East Bay Interagency Technology Council, BACCC Adult Education Pathways, Alignment Bay Area, and other initiatives that encourage cross collaboration among education providers, the workforce, and community based organizations.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.
The annual allocations are aligned with the plans of our CAEP annual and 3 year plans. Funds are distributed appropriately to support the CAEP program areas with staffing, instruction, program development, professional development, planning and maintenance of programming and services. We developed an internal member effectiveness process to encourage a deeper level of checks and balances. Regular and transparent expenditure reports and assessment of the spending and program plans is how we will continue to ensure consistent budgeting.
An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2021-22.
Our carry-over spending will be used in various ways in the current year: 1) To pay for our community needs assessment that will be used in the next 3 year planning cycle. 2) To support an adult education counselor to support our adult school students transition into college. 3) To redistribute for one-time projects that our members apply for.


Alameda Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Monica Vaughan

08/12/2021 05:31 PM PDT

Alameda Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Lisa Gonzalves

08/13/2021 02:09 PM PDT

Berkeley City College - Member Representative

Approved by Lisa Cook

08/12/2021 04:44 PM PDT

Berkeley Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Thomas Reid

08/12/2021 04:18 PM PDT

College of Alameda - Member Representative

Approved by Paula Armstead

08/16/2021 12:07 PM PDT

Laney College - Member Representative

Approved by Elizabeth Maher

08/12/2021 04:17 PM PDT

Merritt College - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. David Johnson

08/12/2021 11:23 PM PDT

Oakland Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Kim Jones

08/12/2021 08:29 PM PDT

Peralta CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Shemila Johnson

08/12/2021 04:14 PM PDT

Piedmont City Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Randall Booker

08/13/2021 09:35 AM PDT