Annual Plan
42 Northern Alameda Adult Education Collective


California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2023-24 Produced: May 31, 2023, 06:41 PM UTC Donald Evans

42 Northern Alameda Adult Education Collective

Plans & Goals

Executive Summary

The Northern Alameda Adult Education Collective's 2023-2024 annual plan was derived from the overall three-year plan. As a team, we reviewed, assessed, developed, revised and compiled a comprehensive plan for each member to contribute to and be held accountable for outcomes in the coming year based on each member's identified second year goals. In the annual plan we utilized the goals, strategies and target setting approach from our last year annual plan to determine the strategies to carry forward. Quarterly our Working Group meetings will include review and discussion of the strategies to ensure we are consistently working toward completion and able to reiterate where appropriate throughout the year to meet our goals. Each member developed their specific strategy descriptions and outcomes designed to fit within their institutional plans and scope, as well as to meet the needs of the Collective's work. Some accomplishments we will highlight from the previous year include: Increased overall enrollment by approximately 20 percent, transition to Canvas platform for adult school teachers which enables adult education students to access the platform before enrolling in a college course, increased noncredit course enrollment,  increased student transfer into 4-year institutions, new noncredit program development, increased outreach at community events, increased Career Technical Education pathways,  addressing need by expanding program offering in new areas. Our primary goals for the 23/24 year include making progress in all strategies/activities planned over the three-year cycle, which are to continue offering flexibility of delivering programs and services; increasing CTE pathways and course offerings leading to job placement; Increasing students requisite skills development; expanding co-location offerings; establishing concrete student supports; implementing a SIS and data system that works across agencies; and developing student facing material to communicate the student journey through completion. We seek to accomplish our goals through a shared overall vision of the Collective providing right-fit opportunities to those seeking adult education in our region, focusing on accessibility and through partnerships, removing barriers and connecting learners with the resources they need to build a bridge to a better future. 

Regional Planning Overview

NAC has discussed the idea of inviting regional partners to join us in a regional planning effort.  If acted upon, the planning session will occur in the spring of 2024. We will also continue to participate in region wide efforts such as the BACCC Adult Pathway meetings, Alameda County Probation Education Committee and the AJCC MOU regional planning process. We seek opportunities to engage community based organizations and leverage resources to offer our community what they need. We will collect, analyze, share and dissect the data to ensure our work is indicative of meeting the needs and preparing our learners to meet their goals. Through collaboration, MOU development, leveraging of resources, constant communication and strategic planning efforts we will work to implement our three-year plan. 

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs

Fifteen percent (15%) or 77,923 adults have less than a high school diploma.

How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?

Utilizing the state CAEP fact sheets, our CBT community assessment report, labor market data and our own member effectiveness process has helped us to evaluate the educational needs of adults in our region and develop the strategies for each objective. The below high school completion percentage is 11.9% which equates to nearly 71,000 people in our service area. The underemployed and near poverty or less percentage is approx. 18% or nearly 107,000 people in our service area. And those adults with disabilities is approx. 12% which equates to approx. 71,394 people in our service area. These statistics give us a good starting point of who we need to serve and where we can start with the planning to address specific populations. 

How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?

HSD or equivalent program enrollment, retention and completion.

Regional Need #2

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs

Nineteen percent (19%) or 103,841 adults speak English less than very well.

How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?

Utilizing the state CAEP fact sheets, our CBT community assessment report, labor market data and our own member effectiveness process has helped us to evaluate the educational needs of adults in our region and develop the strategies for each objective. ESL is our most popular program based on enrollment.  Some major findings that derived from our Community Needs assessment findings include that our current student and potential student interest is to expand knowledge, enter or re-enter the workforce, courses of interest are ESL and workforce preparation or short-term trainings that lead to job opportunities and interest in Intermediate/ advanced computer classes is high. 

How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?

We will measure it by the number of ESL courses offered, the enrollment numbers of the course offerings, looking at the offerings that include contextualization for Career Training.

Address Educational Needs

2023-24 Strategies

Flexibility of delivery of courses/programs

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Flexibility of Delivery (schedules/ online)

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

Strategy to address program offerings: online, face to face, hybrid, asynchronous and synchronous.

Computer Literacy classes and Requisite Skills Development

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Computer Literacy Classes/Soft Skills

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (credit college) (AE 637 - Overall)

Strategy to address improved technology skills and soft skills

CTE-related for jobs & pathways

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

CTE-related for jobs, pathways and CTE bridge

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)

Strategy to address CTE bridge and program development 

Co-location of offerings

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Co-location of offerings

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)

Strategy to address access and program offerings to increase exposure for transition from adult school to college.

Improve Integration of Services & Transitions

2023-24 Strategies

Increase support services

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase Student Support Services

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Transition: Participants with Transition to ASE (AE 500 - Overall)

Strategy to address barriers to progress for students such as wellness, childcare, housing and food insecurity, etc.

Full time college counselor

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Access to Counseling to Improve Transitions

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)

Hire a full time college counselor for each campus to support adult education transition students.

Professional Development

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Iterating Consortia Operations

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

Host professional development trainings on retention and completion to aid us in the development of high yielding strategies. 

Increase partnership with Community Based Organizations

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Partnerships with CBOs

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Student Barriers: Low Income (AE 310 - Overall)

Seek new partnerships where appropriate. 

Improve Effectiveness of Services

2023-24 Strategies

Partnerships with Workforce Development and Employers

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Increase WFDB and Employer Partnerships

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Transition: Participants with Transition to Postsecondary (CTE) (AE 636 - Overall)

Strengthen partnership with Oakland and Alameda County WFDB through AJCC Mandated Partners MOU. Better align CAEP efforts with SWF efforts. 


Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Communicate journey to students ("map")

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Student Barriers: Low Literacy (AE 311 - Overall)

Design a student journey map for virtual display and physical display in alignment with college district's CE map. 

Data capabilities

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Data Capabilities- gather, interpret, inform

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

Attend CAEP data trainings for TE. Launchboard, etc. 

Iterating consortia operations

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Iterating Consortia Operations

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

Continue to improve upon consortium operations to enhance member transparency, student outcomes, and partnership evolution. 

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.

The CAEP funds received will continue to fund appropriate staffing of the adult schools and consortium. We will continue to invest in collective outreach/marketing efforts on behalf of the members. Our goal is to increase professional development opportunities over the next year, additionally, we will be working to strengthen relationships with the college departments that significantly overlap with our efforts, such as Strong Workforce, Career Education and Noncredit programming. As we seek to implement a consortium wide tracking system, some of our funds will certainly be allocated to that tremendous effort. All member allocations will continue to fund the adult school operations as their primary source of funding to staff the classrooms with teachers and the school with appropriate management and staff. The adult education programming will continue to be the focus of the allocation to serve the adults in our region who need and access our programs and services. As other grant opportunities become available, we will seek to secure those funding opportunities to help expand and maintain our levels of programming and service. We are working with the college district's Career Education committee to access Strong Workforce and noncredit funding that can be leveraged with our CAEP dollars. 

An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2023-24.

We have developed an internal approach to incorporating our carry-over known as the "One-Time Funding" process. This process was developed as a part of our Member Effectiveness process. In this process members with carry-over amount exceeding twenty percent (20%) of its current year allocation remaining must deposit the overage into a shared pot that other members may apply for. There is an application process, all members must agree to fund the one-time projects, and the Cabinet votes. Funds are then redistributed to the approved applications with specific spend down dates and progress report deadlines. 


Alameda Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Monica Vaughan

05/30/2023 05:31 PM PDT

Alameda Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Joy Chua

05/30/2023 11:55 AM PDT

Berkeley City College - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Angelica Garcia

05/30/2023 10:02 PM PDT

Berkeley Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Thomas Reid

05/31/2023 07:21 AM PDT

College of Alameda - Member Representative

Approved by Kawanna Rollins

05/31/2023 10:17 AM PDT

Laney College - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Rudolph Besikof

05/30/2023 10:54 PM PDT

Merritt College - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. David Johnson

05/30/2023 12:18 PM PDT

Oakland Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Kim Jones

05/30/2023 12:01 PM PDT

Peralta CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Tina Vasconcellos

05/30/2023 12:30 PM PDT

Piedmont City Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Donald Evans

05/31/2023 11:41 AM PDT