California Adult Education Program
Fiscal Reporting

San Diego CCD

2022-23 Q3

Submitted by Mark Nesbit
Approved by Kelly Henwood
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$379,173 133.58% $758,346 66.79% $251,843
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$2,152,664 53.15% $4,305,327 26.58% $3,161,184
3000 - Employee Benefits


$501,125 150.49% $1,002,249 75.24% $248,129
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$76,387 4.62% $152,773 2.31% $149,241
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$807,545 58.37% $1,615,090 29.19% $1,143,697
6000 - Capital Outlay


$30,000 396.66% $60,000 198.33% -$58,997
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$99,537 111.74% $199,073 55.87% $87,852
Totals $3,109,909 $4,046,429 76.86% $8,092,858 38.43% $4,982,949

Summary Analysis of Expenses to Date

Overall SDCCE is close to 65% spent out of plan year 21/22 funding @ $2,998,688.

Analysis by Object Code

  • Salary and Benefits are approximately 77% of expenditures to date including the following % of total expenditures: 16% Certificated Salaries 37% Classified salaries both contract and NANCE Positions and 24% benefits.
  • Supplies are underbudgeted. The large increase in supplies expected for the Instructional program from the Campus Expo will be shown in Q4.
  • Other Operating make up 15% of expenditures to date and will also see increases showing by Q4 for various SEMP costs related to onboarding projects and processes as well as Campus Expo costs.
  • Capital Outlay is close to 4% of expenditures to date, however, over the projected budget amount in NOVA. A budget adjustment in NOVA may be needed.
  • District Indirect is under expended based on the 10% of direct costs expended to date.

Additional Costs expected before the end of the year.

  • There are placeholders for Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP) Projects cost expected such as onboarding, marketing, outreach, and transitions.
  • Additional costs are expected for Professional Development focused on DEI efforts and contracts.
  • Finally, there will be additional costs focused on transition efforts with member agency and community partnerships.

San Diego Unified

2022-23 Q3

Submitted by Nate Sachdeva
Approved by Kelly Henwood
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$190,175 281.19% $760,698 70.3% $225,942
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$37,500 230.26% $150,000 57.57% $63,652
3000 - Employee Benefits


$91,250 309.44% $365,000 77.36% $82,638
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$125,000 9.96% $500,000 2.49% $487,552
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$10,000 160.43% $40,000 40.11% $23,957
6000 - Capital Outlay


$0 100% $0 100% $0
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$21,073 206.53% $84,293 51.63% $40,771
Totals $975,479 $474,998 205.36% $1,899,991 51.34% $924,512

Our consortium partners at SDCCD participated in our March team meeting to discuss opportunities available for students and to discuss how we can collaborate and ensure students are aware of Credit by Exam opportunities. San Diego Adult School continues to offer in person support and remote options for students while they complete their independent study coursework on Edmentum.