
CAEP Annual Plan: 2021-22 49 San Francisco Adult Education Consortium

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2021-22 Produced: Aug 10, 2021, 11:09 PM UTC Jen Fong

49 San Francisco Adult Education Consortium

Plans & Goals - Consortium Approved

Executive Summary
Allocations: Adult Education in San Francisco takes place in a different context than it does in other regions across California. Adult Education in San Francisco is delivered by the community college district, where ongoing funding is derived from apportionment. There has been no Regional Occupational Program (ROP) since 2006, there are no Adult Schools, and a single K-12 district serves the region. High school diploma-granting charter schools operated by Five Keys have served adults in and out of custody in the San Francisco County Jails since 2003. The goals of the Consortium are to expand access to and heighten the impact of Adult Education delivered by City College of San Francisco (CCSF); to improve transitions from the community and from San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) to CCSF for students in AEP priority populations; and to deepen relationships between CCSF and community partners in order to achieve this impact. Vision: The San Francisco region’s shared vision for Adult Education is that San Francisco residents may be aware of and able to access the breadth of CCSF noncredit programs, and that all noncredit students receive high-quality instruction and student supports that accelerate their progress toward educational and career goals. The San Francisco Adult Education Consortium (“the Consortium”), led by CCSF and SFUSD in collaboration with multiple public sector and community-based stakeholders, seeks to improve the educational and career outcomes of Adult Education students. The Consortium maintains a deep commitment to ensuring equitable access, progress, and outcomes for all Adult Education students and to student-centered inquiry, reflection, and design. The Consortium prioritizes strategies that improve educational access and success for Adult Education students; foster seamless student transitions into CCSF and between school and work; and build Adult Education provider capacity through professional development and data alignment. Addressing systemic racism: CCSF will continue working in alignment with its Student Equity and Achievement Plan, and will implement Chancellor Oakley’s call to action. SFUSD will continue to address systemic racism through five focus areas: (1) Student-centered – we put students' needs first; (2) Fearless – we persist through challenges; (3) United – we celebrate and build on each other’s strengths; (4) Social justice – we stand with those most vulnerable in our community; and (5) Diversity-driven – we respect and seek to understand each person. 2020-21 Accomplishments: 1. Implemented Chromebook & WiFi hotspot loan program for AE students. 2. TRST department completed second year and ESL completed first year of 3-year plans to develop and deliver online programs. 3. In response to COVID, Mission Center Family Resource Center pivoted to provide its services online, expanding the reach of the center to student-parents beyond the Mission Campus. 4. AEP maintained the level of service in the county by supporting additional course sections in TRST and noncredit ESL that, were it not for AEP funding, were beyond CCSF's budgeted schedule. 5. As part of our dual-enrollment collaboration SFUSD Early College staff hosted at least two online sessions per CCSF course to support students with coursework, in addition to more intensive 1:1 support with students. 6. SFUSD and CCSF continued to collaborate on improving pathways and connections from K-12 to college, especially for students not on track to graduate with a high school diploma, immigrant and newcomer students aging out of SFUSD with limited English proficiency, and students with disabilities. Primary Goals for 2021-22: The COVID emergency and subsequent shift to remote delivery have spotlighted increased need for academic, career, and social support of AE students. And, although equitable access to all services has been a core value of the Consortium since its inception, this year we will give particular focus on examining and seeking to remove elements of institutional racism that exist in our current programs, processes, and services. 1.Expand CCSF's capacity to train noncredit TRST and ESL faculty in developing and delivering hybrid and online courses, and correspondence education. 2.Develop and implement student success networks for noncredit students, including student coaches and mentors. 3.In collaboration with SFUSD, increase the capacity of the CCSF offices of Outreach and High School Programs to connect adult education students to educational resources. 4.Maintain the level of service in the county by supporting additional course sections in TRST and noncredit ESL that were it not for AEP funding, are beyond CCSF's budgeted schedule.
Regional Planning Overview
The Consortium’s 2021-22 plan includes continuation of previous successful efforts and pursuing newer strategies and activities that surfaced during the pandemic. SFAEC has adopted the following guidelines for our planning: (1) service gaps and student needs are identified through data and evidence, and (2) planned strategies and activities must be responsive to needs, realistic, and measurable.Continuing efforts: Both CCSF and SFUSD will continue working on projects and strategies that have been successful in previous years. This includes building on-ramps for SFUSD students to transition to CCSF; providing professional development opportunities to those who serve adult education students; bringing technology upgrades to adult education classes; expanding hybrid and online course and program options for noncredit students; and increasing CCSF’s capacity to collect and use data to improve adult education in the region.Newer strategies: In collaboration with CCSF RiSE (Reimagining the Student Experience) guided pathways team, AEP will help lead the development and implementation of a Student Success Network specifically focused on noncredit students’ needs for academic and socio-emotional support. The Success Network will connect AE students to resources that help them overcome barriers to achieving their academic, career, and life goals. Additionally, CCSF and SFUSD will continue to work together create and sustain clear pathways for adult education students, and support transition to credit through the design and delivery of noncredit bridge courses that prepare students for success in transfer-level English and Math courses at the college and increase integrated student support and counseling to increase rates of college transition and success.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
As described in our previous three-year plan, San Francisco is home to many more potential adult education students (adults lacking a high school diploma or its equivalent, speaking English less than very well, having a documented disability, or who are un- or under-employed) than are served by CCSF’s noncredit programs. Although the demographics of the city are changing -- a growing number of residents with advanced degrees, a lower immigration rate, and fewer students in the SFUSD system -- there is still evidence of an unmet need for adult education services. During the pandemic and the resulting switch to remote delivery of almost all adult education services, CCSF’s enrollment in noncredit has continued to decrease. This suggests the need to re-visit outreach efforts and create easier points of entry to expand AE student access and enrollment based in a deeper understanding of the potential student population and of the AE student experience. We hope to tailor programs and services to best address Adult Education students’ goals and the potential barriers they face. Declining enrollment, and fewer potential students in the region also highlights the importance of retaining and supporting the students we have by providing the academic and socio-emotional support they need to attain their goals.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Gaps in service and regional needs were identified through extensive data analysis. Sources included: (1) demographic data of the Consortium’s current Adult Education students from CCSF, SFUSD, and community partners; (2) demographic data of the San Francisco community from the US Census and the WIOA Regional plan; (3) regional labor market data; and (4) consideration of the alignment between the needs for Adult Education in the region and the level and types of services offered by the Consortium. The data analysis was complemented and reinforced through a collaborative planning process undertaken by the Consortium to develop the AEP Three-Year Plan. Findings have been expanded by subsequent deep-dive discussions with CCSF and SFUSD departments and divisions that serve AE students to identify unmet student needs and possible solutions.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
For the 2021-2022 program year, the Consortium has selected indicators of progress that reflect the priorities of Consortium members and will guide activities to address needs related to each of the three goals. These indicators define desired increases over the 2017-2018 baseline and include: (1) Student Connection and Entry: stabilizing CCSF noncredit enrollments, which have decreased annually for the past ten years; (2) Student Progress: CCSF noncredit student successful course completion and persistence to subsequent semester will increase cumulatively by 3-5% over the current three-year plan; (3) Student Transition: CCSF noncredit students who transition to credit-bearing instruction or employment will increase by 3-5% cumulatively by 3-5% over the current three-year plan; and (4) Professional Development: 25% of all full time CCSF faculty serving adult education students will complete at least one Student Equity professional development training.

Gaps In Service

New Strategies

Strategy #1
General marketing and outreach: In order to improve Adult Education students’ points of connection and entry to CCSF from the broader community, we need to deepen and substantiate connections between CCSF’s Outreach department and noncredit programs through dedicated staffing and collaborative activities to improve visibility and access. Specific activities include: (1) filling CCSF’s vacant noncredit outreach specialist position (fall 2021); (2) conduct broad community outreach and maintain a presence at events to publicize adult education offerings; (3) continue to translate all outreach materials into the major San Francisco languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Russian, Arabic); and (4) host noncredit welcome events, including development of a noncredit FRISCO Day.
Strategy #2
Improve connections between SFUSD and CCSF: In order to improve Adult Education students’ points of connection and entry to CCSF from SFUSD, we need to improve coordination between SFUSD and CCSF—building upon a long history of collaboration through Bridge to Success, California Career Pathways Trust, AEP, K-12 SWP—to deliberately improve student awareness of and enrollment in noncredit courses; and facilitate access to CCSF noncredit programs through bridge programs and an online application. Specific activities include: (1) develop new on-ramp programs from SFUSD into CCSF noncredit programs; (2) co-design improved SFUSD-CCSF transition counseling for summer credit recovery students; and (3) deliver Transitional Studies (TRST) courses to SFUSD students in need of summer credit recovery.
Strategy #3
Improve the student experience in getting in and through the front door of CCSF: Since January 2021, CCSF has made over 35 process and technology improvements to its online registration and enrollment systems. However, potential students still experience challenges in navigating to and through the front door. We will identify and address those problems by (1) conducting a series of “digital equity walks” that ask students and employees to try to accomplish certain tasks online, and identify areas needing improvement; (2) work with all stakeholders to resource needed process improvements; and (3) continue to utilize Language Line Services at all student-facing service desks to provide on-demand interpretation services so students can access information in their first language.
Strategy #4
Following the same trend seen in other districts, SFUSD lost quite a few adult education students once the pandemic forced the schools to conduct instruction virtually. One of the top priorities for our teams is to re-engage the students in school and subsequently in CCSF classes that are supported by SFUSD staff. The two primary AEP groups falling into this category are seniors who need to be enrolled in TRST high school credit recovery and the students participating in Early Dismiss

Seamless Transitions

New Strategies

Strategy #1
In order to increase the number of adult education students transitioning out of noncredit courses into credit (post-secondary) education, or to work, we need to improve how we support them in their journey. Building on a model of success teams developed by CCSF’s RiSE team (guided pathways), AEP will lead the development (fall 2021) and implementation (spring 2022) of a Student Success Network focused solely on our noncredit students. The goal will be to link students to college resources (academic and career supports, and resources to address socio-economic needs such as food, housing, childcare) so they can successfully complete coursework, persist, and achieve their goals. Additionally, we will continue to support the Mission Family Resource Center that provides services to our students who are parents.

Student Acceleration

New Strategies

Strategy #1
In order to facilitate Adult Education student progress toward education and career goals we need to continue to make improvements to instructional and student support service offerings. In addition to the previously-mentioned Noncredit Student Success Network to provide full support services to our students, we will expand the use of distance learning in noncredit. Specific activities include (1) continue the training of TRST and ESL faculty in teaching online, and develop new noncredit flipped or hybrid courses; (2) continue to invest in software products that enhance learning, such as Newsela, Pronto, and others; and (3) deliver equity-centered professional development training to instructional and counseling faculty, and staff.

Professional Development

New Strategies

Strategy #1
CCSF, SFUSD, and community partners will continue to collaborate to provide professional development to those who serve adult education populations in the region. Specific activities include (1) Expand the capacity of CCSF’s Office of Online Education and Technology to train adult education faculty in teaching distance learning courses, online course development, and online attendance tracking; (2) continue to provide sessions of “CCSF 101” to inform community partners of CCSF services; (3) facilitate noncredit faculty participation in equity-minded professional development such as “Teaching Men of Color”; and (4) continue exploring shared professional development opportunities between SFUSD and CCSF counselors and special education/DSPS.

Leveraging Resources

New Strategies

Strategy #1
The Consortium will continue to leverage existing regional resources and structures to improve services to our adult education populations. Specific activities include: (1) CCSF currently receives 87% of the region’s Federal WIOA Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act funds that support ABE and ESL, which the Consortium leverages to expand services and progress assessments for students; and (2) leverage CCSF’s Fan5 integrated planning, budgeting, and implementation structure to align the Consortium’s activities with those of other categorical funds (SEAP, RiSE, SWP, Perkins), to achieve common goals of improving student access and success, promote student equity, commit to best practices through professional development, streamline student services, and improve assessment and evaluation.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.
Allocation among membership is driven by planning: Our three-year plan and this annual plan reflect the unique characteristics of the San Francisco Consortium, and drive how the Consortium allocates funds among the members. Roughly 10% of our annual allocation goes to SFUSD; the remaining 90% is allocated to CCSF. The vast majority of current services, planned improvements, and expansion surfaced during the planning process lie largely within CCSF. SFUSD remains a critical partner in the delivery of these services. The Consortium opts for the direct allocation method for its two members. The Consortium is characterized by the predominant role of CCSF, which has served as the primary provider of Adult Education services in the City and County of San Francisco since the 1970’s. SFUSD ceased to deliver Adult Education courses at that time due to financial constraints, and voters elected to move programs to the community college district. CCSF began offering an array of noncredit courses, leading to the establishment of the TRST Department and expansion of ESL and DSPS. Today, the vast majority of students enrolled in Adult Education in San Francisco are CCSF students, and the region has no system of Adult Schools or ROP. San Francisco is served by CCSF’s Ocean Campus and multiple Centers, all administered by the San Francisco Community College District. SFUSD does not deliver Adult Education through an Adult Education division or Adult Schools. SFUSD does provide services to several populations of students ages 18 and over whose education has deviated from the traditional K- 12 sequence, however. These students are of particular interest to the San Francisco Adult Education Consortium, both because the students are of the age and skill level that meet AEP definitions, and because they are a priority high-need population to be served by CCSF’s Adult Education programs.
An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2021-22.
Consortium members CCSF and SFUSD use the “first in – first out” (FIFO) method to manage AEP expenditures. A large percentage of the members’ respective budgets is used to fund personnel involved in ongoing operations, multi-year projects, and new pilots. Although allowed three years to spend each annual allocation, members attempt to spend funds within 18 months. Funds not spent within the year they were allocated are rolled into the subsequent year’s budget to ensure continuity of staffing and services to adult education students.


San Francisco CCD - Member Representative

  • Wendy Miller
  • Interim Dean of Grants, Resource Development and Adult Education Programs
  • (415) 239-3370
Approved by Wendy Miller

08/09/2021 04:41 PM PDT

San Francisco Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Jen Fong Ed.D.

08/10/2021 04:09 PM PDT