
CAEP Annual Plan: 2021-22 51 South Bay Consortium for Adult Education

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2021-22 Produced: Aug 13, 2021, 04:02 PM UTC Aaron Tolbert

51 South Bay Consortium for Adult Education

Plans & Goals - Consortium Approved

Executive Summary
Entering year three of the active Three Year Regional Plan for Adult Education, SBCAE’s mission - to deliver innovative adult education programs designed with human-centered values, and realize an effective, more easily navigable system, where there are safe and supportive spaces, and where there is no wrong door - remains the north star for 2021-22. SBCAE’s Universal Pathways Linking Adult Education and Community College Model continues to be a guiding framework for our collective work, and will be shared, interpreted and implemented widely among internal and external stakeholders.The South Bay Consortium for Adult Education’s 2021-22 Annual Plan focuses, first and foremost, on post-COVID stabilization. After a year of disruption of services and diminished enrollment, a primary focus of the 2021-22 Annual Plan is for SBCAE and its members to seek enrollment recovery through effective programming, targeted outreach and community engagement. In addition to spreading the word about education and training programs available in the consortium, members will also continue to build program alignment across the Adult School/Community College continuum. Foundational work done in year one and two of the current Three Year Plan, such as increased understanding of the Universal Pathway Model among Steering Committee representatives (many of them new to SBCAE), and our expanded capacity for consistent data collection and analysis, will lead SBCAE to strategic program development in priority sector pathways. Responding to significant shifts in ESL program delivery, particularly in the Community College system, such as AB705 implementation and, increasingly, expansion of noncredit ESL, we will review and update existing Memoranda of Understanding that outline agreed upon transitions points for English Learners. An important goal called out in the Three Year Regional plan was to assign clear responsibilities to consortium level staff or contractors to coordinate planning, outreach, implementation and accountability; and to assure adequate resources to achieve goals. Consortium-wide functions have been thoroughly reviewed and clarified over the course of the last two program years, and are ready to be formalized in 2021-22. Consortium-wide positions will be established at member districts, and filled in order to achieve maximum capacity to implement the goals and activities of the active Three Year and Annual Plan. With an eye towards the next Three Year Regional Plan, the Steering Committee will seek to make resource allocations supporting consortium-wide functions explicit in the SBCAE Charter or otherwise establish formal agreements to that effect.As has been our practice, strategic priorities for the upcoming program year will be organized into a number of projects, each with their own deliverables, work plans and target outcomes attached. For the 2021-22 program year, SBCAE has decided on seven consortium-wide projects, as follows:1)Organizational Structure: Charter review and update, formalization of consortium-wide functions, stakeholder engagement.2)Data: collect, report and analyze data effectively and regularly.3)Program Alignment: alignment of existing programs, and new instructional programs and curricula fill pathway gaps designed using human-centered approaches, expansion of consortium-wide infrastructure for strategic and collaborative program development.4)Transitions: students transition to postsecondary education, workforce or community through programs of seamless and guided pathways. Provide resources and supports for Transition Specialists to facilitate student transitions to postsecondary, workforce or community. 5)Support services/partnerships: expand effective partnerships with local workforce and community service providers. Provide equitable access to supports and resources for all SBCAE students, regardless of class schedule or location.6)Outreach/marketing/enrollment recovery: formal, strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships established between SBCAE and key community organizations. Outreach to under-served communities. Enhanced online and community presence. 7)Professional development: coherent, responsive, and organized process to identify, develop and deliver professional development opportunities.Activities of the 2021-22 program year will be set against the backdrop of the next Three Year Regional planning period, a process in which SBCAE will seek comprehensive and meaningful engagement of a variety of regional stakeholders, not in the least the very adult learners for whom we design and deliver educational opportunities. In summary, 2021-22 will be a year to recalibrate consortium operations after a year of significant disruption, recover enrollment that was lost during the pandemic and - now more than ever - provide equitable access to educational opportunities for all community members who might benefit from adult education services.
Regional Planning Overview
Building on, and consistent with, SBCAE’s Three-Year Regional Planning process, the development of the 2021-22 Annual Plan encompassed comprehensive data review and broad stakeholder input.Data review included an in depth progress report on the goals and activities of the active Annual Plan, and how this progress relates to the overall progress on meeting the ambitious goals of the Three Year Regional plan. The Steering Committee also reviewed enrollment and student outcome data, as well as regional economic and labor market data. A copy of the Silicon Valley Index, published annually by Joint Venture Silicon Valley, was shared with Steering Committee members and other stakeholders to increase understanding of regional needs data.Steering Committee members and other stakeholders such as Faculty Work Groups, Transition Specialists and Consultation Council were invited to provide their reflections on the above mentioned data reports, first in individual and small group meetings, and later collectively during an Annual Plan retreat. Insights from this process provided direct input into the formulation of priority goals and activities of the 2021-22 Annual Plan. As has been our practice, SBCAE’s Annual Plan is internally organized into project areas, each including specific goals and activities. The seven project areas for the 2021-22 program year build on prior year’s projects (organizational structure, data and accountability, professional development, seamless transitions, support services) and address the immediate needs of our community and members (CTE focused program alignment). Each project will be guided by Steering Committee members, following the two-system representation principle. Project specific work plans will be developed that will include specific activities, milestones, timelines and indicators of success. Progress towards meeting Annual Plan goals, as measured by agreed upon indicators of success, will be reported on and reviewed regularly with all stakeholders in quarterly data study sessions.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Educational Attainment and English Language ProficiencyAcquisition of both 1) functional English language skills 2) High School Diploma/Equivalency are paramount for individuals to attain gainful employment and to enable further progression in education and the workforce. This progression is necessary for economic mobility as the regional cost of living is extraordinarily high, primarily driven by housing costs, and maintaining a foothold in the region is increasingly difficult as residency in Santa Clara County and San Jose in particular is extraordinarily expensive. 7.3% (~139,000) of SCC residents are flagged as living in poverty (2018) but this is based on the national threshold of approximately 18-20K/year for a family of 2 with 2 or fewer children. For the purposes of housing in SJ-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara HUD Metro FMR area, a household of 2 earning anything less than 89,750 is considered “low income.” Over two dozen San Jose area census tracks have an average income less than $70,000 per year, most of them in East San Jose. Contrasting that to housing costs, between 2017 and 2018, median property value increased 14.3% and less than 10,000 housing units in SJ are designated as affordable family housing units. More granularly, $2,459 is the average median monthly housing cost in the San José metro area, which ranks 1st in the nation, and $3,104 is the average rent for an apartment in the San José metro area, which ranks 2nd in the nation.1) Santa Clara County is home to approximately 1.94 million people with approximately 985,000 of those speaking a language other than English at home of which, 36% (~354,000) speaking English less than “very well.” Santa Clara County residents have diverse native languages and of those ~354,000; around 189,000 speak an Asian or Pacific Island language, ~100,000 speak Spanish and the remaining 65,000 are composed of a dozen Indo-European and other languages. Finally, it should be noted that standard population estimation instruments can under-report the undocumented population. Supplementary sources estimate that anywhere between 138,000 to over 200,000 Santa Clara County residents over the age of 5 are undocumented, 81% being over the age of 25 with 38% of undocumented immigrants over the age of 5 speak English “not well”/“not at all.” 2) There are a great many South Bay residents who have a need for Basic Skills and Secondary Education. ~163,000 Santa Clara County adults (18+) do not have a high school diploma or equivalency. Of this, over 87,000 residents over the age of 25 have less than a 9th grade educational attainment. ~225,000 adult residents' educational attainment tops out at the high school diploma/equivalency level, which limits their employment prospects to the lowest paying jobs. Further, an additional 197,000 adults 25+ years old identify as having completed some college but hold no degree at any level. Finally, the intersection of English Language Proficiency and Educational Attainment is noteworthy, given the large populations in either category. Over 122,000 adults over 25 who speak a language other than English at home have less than a high school education, with an additional 106,000+ having completed high school but no college.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
These metrics were gathered from publicly available data from the following sources including; the US Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service,, (which leverages the Bureau of Economic Affairs, Census Data and others), the Silicon Valley Pain Index, the Migration Policy Institute, the 2019 Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS), the Kaiser Permanente 2019 Santa Clara Community Health Needs Assessment the Valley Transit Authority Brief.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
The number of Santa Clara County residents who could benefit from CAEP participation is large as evidenced above and tapping into the unreached potential of the local community is paramount. The consortium has dedicated resources to community outreach to increase awareness of consortium adult education services. As a consortium, student level data on demographics, program enrollment, HSE/D and EFL gain outcomes, and barriers to employment will be tracked and studied to examine key metrics related to the success of adult students in achieving their stated goals within and between agencies. Further, quarterly data study sessions at the consortium level will continue as a mode of regular data review with members and stakeholders.

Regional Need #2

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
COVID-19 Impact on regional economyWhile each region is currently in some form of reopening from over a year of COVID-19 lockdowns, closures, and limited business operations, the effects of the pandemic are still being felt. Unemployment claims are still over 2x pre-pandemic rates. Jobs in all sectors besides Professional & Business Services and Construction have shrunk with job growth at approximately -9% for 2020. Those with the lowest earning potential have been hit particularly hard, with employment for those making over $60,000/year declining by ~4%. This shrinking effect is 3x higher for those making $27-60K and approximately 5x higher for those making <$27K. Further, as pandemic boosts to unemployment benefits begin to sunset, the need for upskilling to fill labor market shortages becomes more urgent. Regional labor market statistics point to several industries that have significant projected openings. Regional LMI estimates updated in Q1 2020 for low-skill (entry level) industries where increasing English proficiency can allow access; Home Health and Personal Care, Retail, Point of Sale and Foodservice project to have ~202,000 job openings. These jobs require English language skills, basic skills and high school equivalency, meaning that they have a lower barrier to entry, however their median hourly wage is between ~$13.00-$17.00 per hour, which does not provide a self-sufficient income in the South Bay (as previously highlighted), thus an emphasis on bridging these skills to programs that allow access to Middle Skill Occupations is critical to support economic mobility. These programs can only be accessed by accelerating students beyond ESL and ASE skills programs as these occupations require some post-secondary programing, CTE certificates, on-the-job training, or associate's degrees. Regional research identifies similar labor market needs for middle-skill occupations with ~89,000 jobs in bookkeeping/accounting, computer user support specialists, teaching assistants, electronic and Electrical Engineering technicians and Drafters, Paralegal, Legal and Human Resources Assistants, and nursing assistants will need to be filled in the coming years. These jobs lend themselves to short term Career and Technical Education programs and pay between ~$42,000 and 89,000.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Metrics from the previous section were collected from; EDD LMI reporting on the Santa Clara County Labor market, the Pew Research Center, the Migration Policy Institute, and the American Institute for Research.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Closing this gap can be achieved by successfully increasing the offering of (and subsequent enrollment in) programs in the vein of short term CTE in relevant industries based on the opportunities available in the South Bay. Further, ongoing projects to solidify program alignment across the consortium agencies are of high priority to ensure that students can access existing programs between agencies as quickly as possible. To ameliorate gaps, contextualized bridge programs will continue to be developed to ensure smooth transitions between ESL and ASE programs and short term CTE and Community College certificate programs. To measure this effort, particular attention and emphasis will be placed on job placement tracking and surveying employment outcomes as part of CAEP and WIOA data collection.

Regional Need #3

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
COVID-19 hit regional Adult Education enrollment hard. Preliminary Enrollment analysis indicates that consortium-wide CAEP participant enrollment decreased from 2019-20 to 2020-21 by ~25%. Looking closer, a vast majority of this reduction is from the lowest level ESL courses, between 40% and 65% depending on the agency. Anecdotally the cause is clear, inability to access courses that were forced online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This barrier was from a combination of lack of access to technology / broadband or insufficient ability to use technology to access curriculum due to language barriers. Current statistics indicate that less than 80% of households in the East Side Union High District had broadband access, with 20% of students being ELL and 48% qualifying for FRPL. Overall in San Jose, 95,000 residents lacked internet access at home. Clearly, household income is also an indicator of the likelihood a household possesses the necessary technology to effectively participate in online learning; PC’s, laptops, cameras, microphones, tablets, etc. Further, simply having access to the necessary devices is insufficient; knowledge of how to use these devices as well as a variety of software platforms is also required.These barriers have a much farther-reaching impact on the regional population than just access to education. They also contribute to inability to access COVID-19 vaccinations, challenges in supporting children with their access to K-12 and challenges in accessing critical community support services. For example, 93% of Los Altos residents, a predominantly White and wealthy community has been vaccinated for COVID-19, compared to 66% of residents from an East Side San Jose community—a predominantly Latinx and working-class community area that has had one of the highest death rates from COVID-19.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
These metrics were obtained by examining Consortium Enrollment, discussions with Agency Administration, faculty and staff as well as COVID-19 impact surveys to students and the Silicon Valley Pain Index.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
All consortium agencies engaged in a wide variety of tech and access outreach programs, all homegrown or with support of local community organizations. PD was engaged in to support teachers delivery of online curriculum and an “Alternative Delivery Community of Practice” was formed. Diving deeper into which agencies’ strategies were most effective at reaching students and including the understanding of this gap in enrollment recovery and community outreach projects will further refine the understanding of how to connect the hardest to reach community members with education services. The creation of a community liaison role will dedicate resources to these efforts and coordination of services going forward.

Regional Need #4

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
A top-level equity in achievement analysis was done by leveraging LaunchBoard to compare the percentages of our top four racial demographics (Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic and White) in regard to ASE and CTE program participation to program completion. For Asian students, ASE participation versus outcomes is 16% (participation) to 10% (completion), for Black or African American students 4% to 5%, Hispanic students 63% to 62%, and White students 11% to 13%. CTE for Asian students 32% (participation) to 36% (completion), Black or African American students 4% to 4%, Hispanic students 36% to 38%, and White students 14% to 9%. Though relatively similar percentages are observed, deeper statistical analysis must be performed to check for significant differences across disparate denominators. Further, program enrollment must be compared to regional populations to ensure equity of access. Previously existing consortium-wide data reporting has consisted of the examination of program enrollment, and yearlong outcomes, for the purposes of studying trends across years and between agencies. This critical push for a lens on equity highlights the need to grow the analytical capacity of the consortium by creating a framework for analyzing course level data such that demographic comparisons can be made. In doing so, at the consortium level, it will enable the examination of discrete outcomes and provide the ability to observe the presence of differences among demographic groups. In 2019-20, the Immigrant Integration Indicator (indicating the successful passing of an ESL COAAP) became available on the AEP Pipeline and enabled us to examine the consistency between demographic groups. In 2019-20, the percentages of those completing an EL Civics course or a COAAPS milestone appear to be significantly different between groups, with Asian students being much more likely to achieve this outcome than their peers.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
As last year, this effort was guided by an examination of AEP Pipeline data and by completing an examination of existing consortium-wide data structures and their current capabilities. Having identified those needs and built the frameworks for consistent analysis, the piloting stage is underway to set the consortium up to include regional population-to-enrollment metrics and outcome achievement metrics, how these relate to demographic categories and to include these metrics in their regular Data Study Sessions.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
The plan going forward for an equity analysis at the consortium and agency levels will be a continuation of projects begun in response to this need last year. Namely projects to create a standard framework to compare enrollment to the regional population demographics and to standardize outcomes to cogently compare outcomes across groups and between agencies to ensure equitable achievement. A successful pilot of the framework for comparing agency level demographics to regional census data was created to act as the methodological foundation for a repeatable top level ‘equity in service’ analysis and this will be expanded to cover the whole consortium. Further, work to unify the logic behind how outcomes are assigned to students will continue in order to enable the logical comparison of outcomes across consortium agencies. This will lead to the establishment of benchmarks and provide concrete metrics upon which to build our understanding of institutional equity by comparing enrollment and results to the demographics of the regional population.Given the inconsistency in I-3 outcome achievement across groups, deeper analysis will occur to identify gaps and help inform plans to ameliorate them, with attention being paid to ensuring that these outcomes are assigned with sufficiently similar logic to warrant such a comparison being the tip of the spear. Confirming that, subsequent analysis at the student level will occur to understand the level to which COVID-19 enrollment impacts intersect with this phenomenon or if other demographic factors are significant as understanding the commonalities will help guide interventions at the agency level.

Gaps In Service

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Enrollment recovery through increased outreach and marketingThe COVID-19 pandemic, an omnipresent backdrop to program year 2020-21, has had a profound impact on enrollment across SBCAE members. Overall, third quarter enrollment was down approximately 25% compared to the same period in 2019-20. A bright spot however is that enrollment has progressively increased as we entered the second half of the year, indicating a willingness and ability of adult learners to re-engage with adult education programs. A closer look at enrollment numbers reveals that enrollment was not down equally across program areas. ASE (High School Diploma/Equivalency) enrollment remained relatively strong, and some members even saw CTE enrollment increases. ESL enrollment at adult schools seems to have suffered more than noncredit ESL enrollment at Community Colleges, which may be an indicator of how the pandemic has disproportionately impacted the more vulnerable adult school populations. Adult school students, so often essential workers, neighbors who live in crowded multi-family settings or parents, primarily women, needing to take on increased childcare duties to support their children’s distance learning have carried a disproportionate pandemic burden. Undeniably, the abrupt shift to distance education has left out adult students who lack the digital literacy skills or lack internet connectivity. Virtual learning environments, while no doubt beneficial for many learners, proved to present an equity challenge for many others. In the 2021-22 program year, SBCAE will deploy a variety of enrollment recovery efforts, with a preliminary goal of recovering 20% overall program enrollment. The consortium will increase its capacity to effectively market its programs and conduct targeted outreach directed at communities that could benefit from its services. SBCAE’s partner network of community-based organizations will be instrumental in messaging the consortium’s programs and services to populations that may be hard to reach through traditional communication channels. The SBCAE Open Doors student portal, including a CTE Pathway Tool, will be updated to reflect the most recent program information, and will be advertised more widely within the consortium and the community at large. To gain a deeper understanding of current and potential students’ interest in, barriers to and motivational drivers for engaging in virtual or hybrid learning delivery formats, SBCAE plans to conduct a human centered design study focused on equitable access to adult education. Findings of this study will inform future program design and outreach strategies. In a region with glaring wealth and opportunity gaps, at a time when societal disruption has the potential and momentum to lead to transformative change, SBCAE is committed to no longer accepting that adult education is the best kept secret in town.
Strategy #2
Consistent data collection and reportingIn this third year of the active Three Year Regional plan for Adult Education, we will continue year one and year two efforts to achieve consistent data collection, reporting and analysis across SBCAE members, with an eye towards establishing baseline data for the next Three Year Planning cycle. The consortium has greatly expanded its capacity to be a data informed consortium through filling a vacant full time Data Analyst position. The SBCAE data team, consisting of the Data Analyst, a TE specialist and data leads at each agency, meets regularly as a Community of Practice to ensure consistent understanding and collection of CAEP data elements. One way this group is moving towards consistent data collection is the development of a framework for CAEP outcomes data entry. This tool will be finalized and rolled out to SBCAE members in the 2021-22 program year, setting the consortium up for increased data validity going into the Three Year Planning period. SBCAE will also continue the implementation of Community Pro Suite (CPS) across consortium members, through the development of tech manuals and documentation for data ingestion, assessment of completeness and accuracy of ingested data, validation of business rules for dual enrollment and transitions calculations and documentation of user data entry requirements. We will streamline the process for community catalogue usage and maintenance and develop a common CPS intake and referral process, including students’ strengths/assets, education goals, career goals, barriers and supports needed to address those.The Steering Committee will continue its practice of holding quarterly Data Study Sessions where members review and analyze student data, fiscal data and Annual Plan progress indicators. Additions to the Data Study Sessions for 2021-22 will include regular labor market data review, immigrant integration metrics (I-3 reports) review and regional demographic data summaries through an equity lens. Consortium leadership will also continue to monitor CAEP data and accountability guidance, keep members informed of data submission deadlines and provide technical assistance to members as needed.
Strategy #3
Infrastructure for strategic & collaborative program developmentA persistent challenge in a consortium as complex as SBCAE - the only consortium in the state including two Community College districts - is providing space, time and processes for strategic and collaborative program development. As SBCAE’s Universal Pathway Model is increasingly understood by members, there is a real need for regular review of existing pathways and pathway gaps, as well as agreed upon communication protocols when new programs are added to ensure new pathway elements fit within existing program structures. An expanded program alignment team will review ESL and CTE pathways and identify opportunities for increased linkages that will accelerate students’ journeys along their educational path. Existing capacity measurement tools such as the consortium-wide CTE Matrix and ESL level alignment chart will be maintained and updated to identify key transition points across program areas, following the CAEP definition of transitions. Visual pathway maps will be developed to increase staff’s, including Transition Specialists’, understanding of available pathways across consortium members; as well as their ability to communicate pathway options clearly and consistently to current and prospective SBCAE students. To strategically build and expand on existing pathways and fill pathway gaps, guidelines for new program development will be drafted with member input. Consortium members will also explore the establishment of a communication protocol to inform all members of new programs in the early stages of development. An important strategy to ensure programs are developed with the student at the center will be the above mentioned human centered design project that will seek to understand students’ barriers and motivational drivers to access adult education opportunities, including their ability to attend and persist in adult education programs and the necessary conditions for equitable access to online or hybrid delivery of instructions. Finally, an evaluation of student journey data will provide insights into best practices for increased transitions, completion and successful student outcomes that can be replicated in additional programs.
Strategy #4
Support services, including targeted support for adults with disabilities, immigrants and refugees Historically, adult schools have capitalized on strong relationships with community-based organizations, public libraries, local government, workforce development boards and social services agencies that serve the same population. Understanding that adult schools generally don’t have the resources to address the many barriers that prohibit adult learners from achieving success in their education and training, SBCAE intentionally invested significant time and resources in engaging community partners in a collaborative impact model centered on the development of a mutually beneficial, reciprocal referral partner network. In addition to being a mechanism to provide adult learners with the supports they need in order to be successful in their education pathway, the project is also deeply embedded in our commitment to immigrant integration, and the provision of holistic services to students. The network expanded significantly in the 2019-20 program year, going from one to three participating adult schools and from five to over ten community partner organizations. In year two of Three-Year Regional Plan implementation, SBCAE engaged all its member schools and colleges in the network, and shared the findings, products and resources developed during the piloting phase of the project with all stakeholders. COVID-19 has greatly increased the need for safety net services such as food assistance, medical and mental health services, financial assistance, unemployment services and internet connectivity. Though key partners in the existing network provide services in the above-mentioned areas, SBCAE re-assessed student needs to determine the highest priority needs and identified the appropriate partners that can help address those. The network was able to sustain itself during the many challenges of the 2020-21 program year and even organized a virtual resource fair open to all adult learners in the consortium. In the 2021-22 program year, we will continue our efforts to establish memoranda of understanding and data sharing agreements with core partners to facilitate a seamless referral process and accurate data tracking of the number of referrals. In that regard, the project will continue to be responsive to the AB2098/immigrant integration in adult education legislation that permits adult education consortia to report immigrant integration outcomes as part of the regular data reporting cycle. Responding to the increased need for services for adults with learning disabilities (AWD) enrolled in SBCAE programs, SBCAE will fill a vacant AWD Specialist position to provide diagnostic services and support faculty and staff in accommodating the diverse learning needs of students. Through the already established AWD Faculty Work Group, professional development resources related to serving adults with learning disabilities will be identified and disseminated among consortium members.

Seamless Transitions

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Clearly defined transition points linking foundational skills with advanced pathwaysEver since its inception, SBCAE has iterated on its Universal Pathways Model, originally developed in the first Three Year Regional Planning process. During program year 2020-21, consortium stakeholders have reimagined the Universal Pathways Model from a student journey perspective, and added a Student Journey Map indicating multiple transition points and mechanisms for student acceleration such as dual enrollment, bridge programs and contextualized ESL/Basic Skills. While achieving a consortium-wide understanding of this pathway model in an ever-changing staffing landscape will be a persistent challenge, SBCAE feels confident members are familiar with the Universal Pathway Model concept to the point where it can be used more intentionally as a framework from program development and transition support. In particular, the consortium plans to model sector specific pathway maps after the Universal Pathway Model in order to identify linkage opportunities and augment existing outreach materials. Together with a comprehensive, consortium-wide CTE Matrix and an ESL alignment chart, in 2021-22, these various tools will be employed to inform program development, transition support and updated memoranda of understanding between members formalizing agreed upon transition points along ESL, ABE/ASE and CTE pathways. The CAEP definition of transitions will be applied to all pathway maps, and will be used to inform targeted transition support for students at key points in their educational journey.As has been our principle over the years, these pathway maps will take into account a diverse group of learners, diverse learner goals, multiple points of entry and multiple points of exit. True to our commitment to data-informed decision making, we will continue our efforts to regularly review student data, in particular how it relates to transitions as defined by AB104 and AB2098. In the past few years, we have expanded our capacity to collect, report and analyze the data sets necessary to accomplish this activity, and we look forward to analyzing data reports on student transitions, and be responsive to those analyses by improving our supports and services to students determining the next step in their education and training.
Strategy #2
Targeted pathway navigation and transition support from an effective network of Transition SpecialistsExpanding programs and supports for students transitioning to postsecondary education, workforce or community engagement is one of seven goals in SBCAE’s Three-Year Regional Plan. Building on the progress made in year one and year two, we will continue to identify and expand upon best practices to transition students to college, career and community. Adult School to Community College transitions will continue to be supported by our network of Transition Specialists, who conduct activities such as campus tours, outreach events, or individual support services. Furthermore, more attention will be given this year to the transition from ESL/Basic Skills to ASE/CTE, regardless of where those transitions occur, i.e. within Adult Schools, from Adult School to Noncredit, Adult School to Credit, or Noncredit to Credit. Following a year of economic disruption, it’s imperative that we increase efforts to transition students to the workplace and explore avenues to make on the job training more accessible for English learners and basic skills students. Transition specialists will continue to strengthen relationships with the two workforce development boards serving our region to connect students with job search, networking and resume writing skills, as well as promote co-enrollment in workforce development and training services. Additionally, we will maintain a consortium level job board that will be readily accessible to members and their students. Foundational to achieving seamless transitions for students will be the continued resourcing and professional development of SBCAE Transition Specialists. Training on the TS Resource Hub, a living repository of critical information guiding TS’ interactions with students, will be rolled out to all Transition Specialists, and potentially other staff in the consortium that may benefit from the information present on the Hub. A longstanding goal, dating back to SBCAE’s first Regional Plan for Adult Education and re-affirmed in the second Three Year Plan, is to establish common intake and assessment tools and procedures, leading to an individual education plan for each student. We will continue implementation of Community Pro Suite as a case management tool used by Transition Specialists and their partners, leading towards such a common TS intake and referral process.

Student Acceleration

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Commitment to upward progress for SBCAE adult learnersAs described in Strategy #1 above, there are many mechanisms SBCAE consortium members will employ to ensure educational pathways include accelerated options connecting programs at member agencies themselves, or across the five adult schools and four community colleges that make up the South Bay Consortium for Adult Education. The CAEP definition of transition, as well as SBCAE’s Universal Pathways Model will serve as a framework for informing students of their options, and helping them make informed decisions about the next steps they may want to take to achieve their goals. The persistent misconception that adult education consortia should focus solely on transitions from Adult School to Community College, has resulted at times in students - ESL students in particular - making lateral transitions between Adult School and Noncredit programs at the Colleges. Our focus in the upcoming program year will be to ensure that transitions within and among Adult Schools (for example from ESL/ASE to CTE) are equally valued and promoted. To promote the upward progress of ESL students we will revise and update existing memoranda of understanding between our members to ensure that ESL students make upward transitions to the highest levels of ESL offered in Noncredit, to Credit ESL courses or to CTE courses offered by any of our members, including Adult Schools.
Strategy #2
Expansion of pathway linkages through bridge programs, dual enrollment and contextualized courses Organized under the broader umbrella of ‘program alignment’, we will continue to focus our alignment efforts on a strategic set of well-articulated career ladders in priority career sectors. Foundational work to advance this project took place in 2020-21, in the form of updating and disseminating a common framework for pathway design, grounded in SBCAE’s principles articulated in the original Three Year Regional Plan. Also in 2020-21, the consortium identified pathway gaps and possible linkages between member program offerings in the following sectors, among others: Early Childhood Education, Hospitality, Automotive, Laser, HVAC, Accounting/Bookkeeping, and IT. Members are committed to collaborating on these pathways and will move implementation forward in the 2021-22 program year.In addition to these member specific collaborations, SBCAE also identified three consortium-wide priority sectors: Health Care, Entrepreneurship and (Pre)Apprenticeship. More work needs to be done in these areas to map out existing courses, programs and pathways, and analyze student data to increase members’ understanding of opportune transition points. Cross-program pathway development teams will be charged with mapping out existing pathway elements, identifying gaps and developing or improving onramps for ESL and Basic Skills students by way of contextualized ESL (IET) or contextualized ABE/ASE programs. Where feasible, we will employ human centered design principles in the development of the career ladder, and seek employer engagement to ensure a close connection between training and employment opportunities. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of bridge programs and contextualized ESL classes currently offered within the consortium’s structure will help inform program expansion. The increased capacity of SBCAE’s data infrastructure, including a functional data warehouse tool, will help us understand how students move between SBCAE schools and colleges, and where they transition into and from pathway ‘onramps’ such as bridge programs, contextualized ESL or dual enrollment courses.

Professional Development

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Consortium-wide Professional Development Day and Cross-consortium Communities of PracticeSBCAE’s professional development strategies for 2020-21 will include a consortium-wide professional development day, as well as the facilitation of two communities of practice: one focused on alternative (online or hybrid) delivery of programs and another one exploring best practices in serving adults with learning disabilities. Due to COVID-19 related public health orders, SBCAE held its first ever virtual consortium-wide professional development day in the spring of 2021. The event featured consortium updates, recognitions, networking opportunities and workshops led by member faculty and staff. Based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback received on the event, we will plan another edition of a conference-style full day event in the 2021-22 program year for all consortium members, either virtually or in person. A community of practice formed around the topic of online/blended learning founded in the midst of COVID disruption will continue in the next program year. Members will take turns facilitating meetings and proposing topics for discussion. To increase understanding of best practices in serving adults with learning disabilities, the AWD Faculty Work Group, together with the SBCAE AWD specialist, will help the consortium identify resources and professional development opportunities to be shared with member faculty and staff. Other professional development activities include the continuation of the data admin group, a cross-member team of data leads, peer to peer (online) networking opportunities for role-alike staff representing all members and a calendar of member PD offerings posted on the consortium website. As always, members will be encouraged to access training and professional development resources made available by state and national technical assistance providers, including CAEP TAP, OTAN, CalPro, CCAE, COABE and World Education.

Leveraging Resources

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Leveraged funding streams and resource developmentAB104 calls for CAEP funding allocated to consortia to be supplemented by established funded streams in the K-12 Adult School and Community College systems. SBCAE will continue its efforts to accurately identify and report where funding streams such as WIOA, Strong Workforce Program, or Perkins, among others, are leveraged in support of the stated goals in the consortium’s Three Year and Annual Plan for Adult Education. Expected increases in funding sources in the 2021-22 California budget such as increased Strong Workforce Program funds, and one time funds for workforce development strategies, including apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship available in the Community College system need to be closely monitored for alignment and collaboration opportunities. Member representatives on the SBCAE Steering Committee will ensure that the interests of the consortium are adequately represented in decision-making bodies of the above-mentioned funding streams, so that collectively, consortium members can ensure complementary programming is designed in a way that is responsive to the needs of adult learners in the region. Through participation and representation in regional collaborative networks such as Opportunity Youth Partnership, the Refugee and Immigrant Forum, the Bay Area Community College Consortium (BACCC) and Bridge to Recovery (B2R), SBCAE has the opportunity to access employer connections, labor market information, regional need data and other research. As has been our practice, we will monitor WIOA regional plans in partnership with the Workforce Development Boards in our region and explore avenues for closer collaboration. In addition to publicly funded resources available among consortium members, the consortium will boost its efforts to apply for additional public (local, state, federal) or private grants. Wherever possible, we will seek to jointly apply for funding with partner agencies who share the same mission and goals as SBCAE, and serve the same target audience.Finally, we will continue to explore how existing student support services within the Community Colleges might support adult school students, beginning with a pilot college to adult school student tutoring project.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.
Per California Adult Education Program requirements, SBCAE’s Annual Plan will be aligned with the active Three Year Regional Plan for Adult Education, while also being responsive to current community needs and conditions. The Annual Plan will be approved by the SBCAE Steering Committee in a formal public governance meeting, and Steering Committee members are responsible and accountable to align their CAEP allocations with the objectives in the Annual and Three Year Plan through the budget submission and approval process in NOVA. Furthermore, in accordance with the SBCAE Charter, members will provide regular updates on expenditures, and their alignment with the Annual and Three Year Plan, at public Steering Committee meetings. Allocations made explicitly to support consortium-wide needs will be included in this regular budget review cycle.
An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2021-22.
Given the pandemic disruption of 20-21, carry-over funds are expected until all SBCAE members can resume normal operations. We are confident our current established practices, designed to foster transparency and accountability among members, can facilitate the right conversations about using carry-over funds appropriately, in alignment with the 21-22 Annual Plan. We anticipate carry-over funds be used in innovative ways to enhance services in the post-pandemic adult education context, with a particular focus on enrollment recovery and equitable access to online or hybrid education. Per our Charter, and following a budget summary template established in 20-21, we will review how member’s CAEP funds have been used, and how those uses effectively align to the consortium’s Three Year and Annual Plans. This process of transparent fiscal accountability, conducted at formal public governance meetings, will show where carry-over funds exist, and will be fundamental to discussions on how they should be used. The annual budget review will include a review of funds used to support consortium-wide functions, with a goal to establish transparent agreements on member allocations, including allocations for consortium-wide functions, in preparation of the 2022 CFAD submission. When making decisions about funds our Steering Committee has routinely referred to an agreement developed for our first Regional Plan. This agreement defined five “tiers of priorities'' for decisions about funding, especially if or when additional funding is available. The first priority, or first tier, is to maintain regional capacity for delivering basic skills programs for adults. The other tiers describe how pilot projects and innovations are supported, without diminishing regional capacity of adult education programs. It is an assumption that these fiscal values and operational principles will be used in this year’s discussions about members’ funding and effectiveness, including monitoring carry-over funding from past years.


Campbell Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Dr. Usha Narayanan

08/11/2021 08:13 AM PDT

East Side Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Traci Williams

08/09/2021 12:34 PM PDT

Metropolitan Education District - Member Representative

Approved by Alecia Kelley

08/09/2021 01:45 PM PDT

Milpitas Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Milpitas Unified School District Giuliana Brahim

08/09/2021 08:00 AM PDT

San Jose-Evergreen CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Kishan Vujjeni

08/09/2021 03:26 PM PDT

Santa Clara Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Christine Berdiansky

08/09/2021 10:21 AM PDT

West Valley-Mission CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Aaron Tolbert Ph.D.

08/13/2021 09:02 AM PDT