California Adult Education Program
Fiscal Reporting

Santa Barbara CCD

2022-23 Q1

Submitted by Corlei Prieto
Approved by Corlei Prieto
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$158,750 22.94% $635,000 5.74% $598,580
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$28,500 5.95% $114,000 1.49% $112,304
3000 - Employee Benefits


$50,500 23.7% $202,000 5.93% $190,030
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$27,750 31.63% $111,000 7.91% $102,222
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$157,199 20.04% $628,795 5.01% $597,295
6000 - Capital Outlay


$87,500 1.28% $350,000 0.32% $348,880
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$20,000 0% $80,000 0% $80,000
Totals $91,484 $530,199 17.25% $2,120,795 4.31% $2,029,311

Please note, Q1 Indirect Costs, in addition to a high volume of end-of-year expenses will be posted in Q2.