
CAEP Annual Plan: 2022-23 55 Santa Clarita Valley Adult Education Consortium

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2022-23 Produced: Sep 15, 2022, 03:55 PM UTC Bryan Wilson

55 Santa Clarita Valley Adult Education Consortium

Plans & Goals

Executive Summary

The Santa Clarita Community College District (COC) and the William S. Hart Union High School District (Hart District) have established collaborative efforts for over 45 years. As the only community college and high school district in the service area, the districts work collaboratively to achieve AB104 outcomes. Our goal is continuing to develop strategies which enhance equity, access, and comprehensive adult education to the Santa Clarita Valley Region while improving and expanding upon adult education programs and partnerships. The GatewaySCV consortium located in Santa Clarita, California, strives to improve the role of Adult Education within our area by creating and offering support to adult learners through career pathways, basic skills, high school equivalency and diploma as well as ESL. Further, the consortium works with community partners to provide access and equity for our adult learners through services such as educational counseling and both credit and non-credit program areas which fall under the California Adult Education Program parameters. In this ever-changing global economy, we pride ourselves in preparing adult learners to improve their lives and gain education.

According to the Claritas data received by College of the Canyons t for the Santa Clarita Valley Adult Education Consortium, or GatewaySCV, roughly 11% percent of adult residents in our valley have less than a high school diploma, and 10% of adults have limited English proficiency. In addition, nearly 13% adults in the valley are fully unemployed as updated March 2021. This all speaks to a substantive demand for our two agencies to collaborate and align in the most efficient manner possible to quickly yet strategically launch new opportunities and expand upon existing adult education programs to a larger number of residents in the valley. This three-year plan focuses squarely on alignment and partnership in order to more efficiently reach our potential student population. In the previous years of our consortium work, much of the attention was paid to improvement of our existing programs. In this plan document, we identify the service gaps that still exist and construct a strategy for better collaboration and minimization barriers for our students. Through these efforts and more intentional planning as a consortium, we seek to strengthen the identity of the consortium to build awareness of services within the Santa Clarita Valley and to aid students in accessing educational opportunity and career mobility regardless of which member institution they attend.

Regional Planning Overview

Three main items on the GatewaySCV Three Year Plan include data protocols, pathway mapping, and transition services, the initial steps toward each to begin in year one, as reflected in the Annual Plan. The Coordinator will track data, due dates, and insure the consotrium timeline for execution is met. Tasks will be divided among staff to reflect the collaborative nature of GatewaySCV, and benchmark dates will be included. Additionally, data will be used to track outcomes, subcommittees such as budget and curriculum will delve deeper into the needs of students and report back to the Management Team for decision making and preparation of Board presentations. 

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs

The identified gaps relate to data collection, educational pathways, transition services and community facing communication. 

How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?

These gaps were identified utilizing a variety of data sources including:  Launchboard, MIS, TopsPro, Student, Faculty, and Staff surveys, Claritas, Labor Department and Census information, and the community college Institutional Research team.  

How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?

Data Protocol:  The data protocol document will be put in to process in Quarter 4 of year one, and Quarters 2 and 4 of year two. This will enable members to track outcomes and deliverables with more current data, allow for strategies and implementation in a more clear time frame, foster greater collaboration between members on behalf of student success, and create an atmosphere of student-centered approaches to program development.

Address Educational Needs

2022-23 Strategies

Data Protocols: Driving Strategies and Programs

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Data Protocols

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • Student Barriers: English Language Learner (AE 305 - Overall)

A data protocol document has been created, including the data sharing MOU between members. These data sets are necessary for real-time information with which to strategize, plan, and determine if objectives and goals are being met. This protocol will be launched during the first year of the Three Year Planning cycle (short-term outcome). Personnel from the adult school will upload raw data to the secure site which has been created at the Quarter 2 and 4 marks as these are the only quarters both members are reporting at the same time. Personnel from College of the Canyons will upload their same data, and then the employee will download the data groups and combine them for an overall consortia illustration. The data protocol will be carried out in year one by the Coordinator or other appointed representative of the consortia. The process of obtaining current data will contribute to all CAEP objectives and targets related to the ESL student population throughout the Three Year Plan and beyond by allowing members to collaborate more effectively, strategize more meaningfully, an move more quickly to adjust to student needs. 

The data protocol document will be put in to process in Quarter 4 of year one,. This will enable members to track outcomes and deliverables with more current data, allow for strategies and implementation in a more clear time frame, foster greater collaboration between members on behalf of student success, and create an atmosphere of student-centered approaches to program development. 

Improve Integration of Services & Transitions

2022-23 Strategies


Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Transition Services

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Adults who Became Participants (AE 202 - Overall)

Transition Services:  A pilot program will begin this year. The number of hours, service types, and students will be tracked in order to evaluate effectiveness of the services in conjunction with our Three Year plan.  This area, including career pathways for the ESL community, has needed bolstering as services become more available post-COVID restrictions. This particular community may have higher success rates, transition rates, and degree/certificate, employment, or wage-increase rates with the program suggested as part of the Three Year Plan. The data protocol which is being put in place may also guide the consortium regarding efficacy of this new program. 

Improve Effectiveness of Services

2022-23 Strategies

Student Pathway Maps

Activity that Applies to this Strategy

Pathway Mapping

Metrics that Apply to this Activity/Strategy

  • All: Number of Adults Served (AE 200 - Overall)

Both staff and student-facing pathway maps in the areas of ESL and Medical programs will be created to assist students in reaching their educational or career goals.  Within the first year, appropriate programs within ESL and Medical will be identified with the purpose of incorporating them into pathway maps. This will be completed by August of 2023. Initial paths will be for ESL and Medical (non-credit and adult school) programs. 

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.

The breakdown of deliverables in years one through three have been disaggregated into our Annual Plan.  The allocations are consistent with consortium bylaws to support the needs of communities served by both GatewaySCV members as well as institutional need to deploy, maintain, and track programs offered. For the current year, the Board has approved the additional COLA allocations in addition to the base allocations.  

An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2022-23.

Golden Oak Adult School:  

For 2022/23 Golden Oak Adult School will be addressing the carry over money with four crucial areas that will increase accessibility and equity for our adult student learners. These crucial areas include transforming traditional K-12 classrooms, increased computer access and ease, upgraded technology and telecommunications, and lastly, increased staffing.

Golden Oak Adult School currently occupies three modular buildings on the Placerita Junior High school campus with additional classrooms on other sites throughout the district. Addressing these learning areas will increase our adult student’s access to Golden Oak’s vast community programs which will in turn increase our revenue with increased student participation. Golden Oak Adult School has historically relied on classrooms that are designed for K-12 education and these rooms are not conducive to adult learning. We need classrooms that foster a higher-level adult learning environment. In particular, there are two classrooms set up as medical classrooms that don’t have running water which is a critical necessity to the function of the course. Therefore, we need modifications so each room has running water and can fully function as a viable classroom.

Golden Oak needs additional fully functioning technology which can be utilized by all adult learners. Right now, we have a limited number of devices for student use and the learning labs are not fully accessible by all of our adults who participate. There are tall chairs which have fixed arms which restrict the ability for varied adults to utilize them. We would like to add devices and more flexible work stations for our students to comfortably engage in online learning. Due to restrictions in electricity in the modular classrooms we will likely need to purchase a laptop cart which will enable us to serve more learners without needing extensive electrical reconstruction.

To keep up with the current trends in technology, Golden Oak Adult School needs an overall upgrade in all computer software and telecommunications. A software upgrade will increase our data collection and submission (to both the state and the school district). Golden Oak would also like to investigate better ways of sharing data within the consortium to help capture our adult learners moving on to College of the Canyons. Improving our technology also means upgrading our telephone infrastructure to include Caller ID which will help us return calls to prospective students. At this time, Golden Oak does not have a perimeter fence to keep the campus secure meaning we have to keep our main doors locked during business hours. Having an intercom system at the main door would enable staff and students to be secure.

Golden Oak does not have any full time teachers as there is normally not a demand from students throughout the day. However, Golden Oak is starting to see an increase in students needing classes during the day, especially students who are interested in taking the HiSet. Having a full time teacher who is dedicated to teaching our adult learners would enable us to offer more learning options to our potential students. Historically, adult learners have utilized our evening and weekend programs but there is now a demand to offer these courses full time. Providing adults with varied access to our valuable programs is our goal in order to ensure we are supporting the needs of all of our adult students.

College of the Canyons ( School of Personal and Professional Learning) will also use any carroyver for marketing new programs which may be approved to offer in 22/23.  The joint marketing efforts of Golden Oak Adult School will continue with logos and links to programs of both institutions so that community members can make the best choices to meet their goals. 

Further, instructional supplies will be purchased by PPL for new programs  so that the cost is not passed on to the students. For example, our new culinary arts program in non-credit requires materials and supplies be purchased and used in order to successfully complete the course. 

Of additional importance, it is iimperative that funding of instructional supplies remain intact for the Rising Scholars Program (for incarcerated individuals) offered through the non-credit program.  This program provides much needed support and education for this marginalized community, and GatewaySCV has determined and pledged that all members of our Santa Clarita Valley community deserve a path to bettering their lives through education. 

It is through collaboration, dedication, and care for the needs of Santa Clarita residents that GatewaySCV wishes to maintain and nurture this wonderful partnership with Golden Oak Adult School, a staple of the community.  


Santa Clarita CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Kim Haglund

09/11/2022 12:55 PM PDT

William S. Hart Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Bryan Wilson

09/15/2022 08:55 AM PDT