Produced: May 17, 2024, 06:10 PM UTC - By Noah Levinson

59 Sierra Joint Consortium


Fiscal Declaration - Consortium Approved

Consortium Name
59 Sierra Joint Consortium
Funding Channel
Fiscal Agent
Fiscal Agent
Roseville Joint Union High
The allocations were reviewed and approved on April 17, 2024. For the fiscal year 2024-2025, we added the increase(COLA) in the budget in the equivalent amount to each member agency. However, Tahoe Truckee's allocation and Nevada Union's allocation were redistributed to Placer School For Adults and Roseville Adult School, per discussion on April 17, regarding the disbanding of those schools (see the new allocation amounts).
Tahoe Truckee and Nevada Union districts are voluntarily disbanding their adult schools. After discussion with CAEP state personnel and amongst the consortium representatives, it was decided that Placer School for Adults would provide services to both districts and that Roseville Adult School would provide services to Lincoln as PSA could not continue. This will change the funding percentages going forward to: PSA- 59.16%, RAS- 40.0%, Sierra College- .84%

Member Allocations

Member Name (2024-25) (2023-24) (2022-23)
Nevada Joint Union High $0 $453,400 $408,435
Placer Union High $2,455,126 $2,153,820 $1,886,265
Roseville Joint Union High $1,659,990 $1,277,684 $1,259,610
Sierra Joint CCD $34,860 $34,557 $31,161
Tahoe-Truckee Unified $0 $195,786 $176,431
Total Allocated to Members $4,149,976 $4,115,247 $3,761,902
Total CAEP Funds $4,149,976 $4,118,676 $3,805,834
Total Remaining $0 $3,429 $43,932

Carryover Threshold

Input a percentage of carryover that your consortium agrees will be considered an excessive amount.

Should a member, or members, exceed this carryover percentage upon certification of their Q4 report, they will be flagged as non-compliant with the carryover legislation (EC 84914). One year of non-compliance does not carry a penalty. However, should the same member, or members, have two consecutive years of non-compliance the consortium may agree, by majority vote, to reallocate an amount that does not exceed the carryover to other members.

A consortium does have the ability to opt-out. To do so, simply toggle the carryover threshold button to the off position.

Carryover Threshold

Consortia Report on Governance Compliance of Rules and Procedures v.2

1. Have all community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or any joint powers authority, located within the boundaries of the adult education region been allowed to join the consortium as a member?


2. Have all members committed to reporting any funds available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds?


Funds will be reported and evaluated IN NOVA.

Each member voting representative is approved by their governing board, and a letter stating their board approval is sent to the consortium for record keeping as per the SJC bylaws. 

The SJC Consortium board meets monthly to discuss and vote on items on the agenda published 72 hours before the meeting. All members asked and offered the opportunity to contribute to the agenda.

6. What will be the relative voting power of each member?

1 member = 1 vote

7. How will decisions be approved?

by consensus

The decision to approve by consensus was initially decided and voted upon by voting members at the consortium's origination through the creation of the consortium bylaws. The designation to keep consensus voting was revisited in the latest update of the consortium bylaws in the fall of 2023. 

All proposed decisions and discussions are documented in public meeting agendas, which are appropriately notified and made available for the public on the SJC webpage of the PSA website and at the meeting site. The public is welcome to attend the meetings and provide feedback on the agenda items.

All meeting agendas are posted onsite and online 72 hours before an SJC board meeting to give the public prior notice and the opportunity to attend and/or submit comments (either in person at the meeting or in writing before the meeting) on the agenda and items for voting and discussion. 

All minutes taken during the open session of a meeting are posted publicly after they are approved by the board. Any public comments made during the open session are reflected in the meeting minutes. 

At every meeting, we provide a dedicated time for members of the public to share their comments. Once all the public comments have been heard, the SJC board will consider all the input received and will include any relevant discussions in the upcoming meeting agendas for further decision-making.

We follow CAEP guidelines and divide the payments equally throughout the year. 

14. Has the consortium A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program or B) chosen to have a funds flow directly to the member districts based upon the approved distribution schedule?

A) designated a member to serve as the fund administrator to receive and distribute funds from the program

This item would be added to the meeting agenda, discussed, and voted on according to the bylaws approved by the SJC board.

According to the SJG bylaws, consortium members cannot carry over more than 20% of their CAEP allocation for two consecutive fiscal years. If a member has a one-year carryover exceeding 20%, they must share their plans for the excess funding with the consortium members in writing. If no plan is provided, the consortium may take necessary supportive actions to address the member's carryover if no plan is provided.

The SJC follows the CAEP guidelines for monitoring and administering carryover funds, which are written into the SJC bylaws. If a member should carry over more than the allowable 20% in a single fiscal year, the consortium asks that they share their plans for the excess funding with the consortium members in writing. If no plan is provided, the consortium may take necessary supportive actions to address the member's carryover. The consortium lead, along with the fiscal agent shall provide technical assistance and reach out to CAEP TAP for further technical support when needed to ensure that all members are compliant.   

In accordance with CAEP guidance and compliance with AB 104 and AB 1491, Member Effectiveness shall be determined by the following criteria:

  1. Meeting CAEP and consortia requirements: Adult school certificated administrator that actively participates in consortium business, meetings, and decisions as a collaborative voting member, helping ensure that the consortia remain in compliance with the state (program area reporting, quarterly expenditures, development of 3-year and annual plan, CFAD, quarterly reports in TopsPro)

  1. Services Provided: Alignment of programs and expenditures with seven program areas,  as approved within the annual plan. The efficiency of CAEP Services will be measured as

defined by CAEP assurances, including student enrollment, CAEP outcomes, programs, and expenditures, quarterly and EOY data including but not limited to: 

  1. How many adults are served by members of the consortium

  1. How many adults served by members of the consortium have demonstrated the following:

    1. Improved literacy skills

    2. Immigrant integration in the areas consistent with, but not limited to, those already identified for English literacy and civics under Title II of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Public Law 113-128), including increased participation in civic and community life 

    3. Completion of high school diplomas or their recognized equivalents 

    4. Completion of postsecondary certificates, degrees, or training programs 

    5. Placement into jobs 

    6. Improved wages T

    7. Transition (added later by State CAEP Office)

  1. Cost Effectiveness: Ensuring expenditures are necessary, reasonable, allocable, and not supplanting. Efficiency of CAEP Allocations: CAEP Outcomes per CAEP Dollar Spent

  1. Overall Member/Consortia Effectiveness as recommended in the CAEP Guidance Document and Compliance with AB 1491

Member Responsibilities and Effectiveness

  1. Members shall adhere to laws and regulations governing CAEP programs and services, including submission of 3-year and annual plans and reporting requirements for student enrollment, CAEP outcomes, programs, and expenditures as stipulated by the CAEP certification and assurance document. 

  1. Members shall be familiar with and agree to abide by the current 3-year and annual plans. 

  1. Members shall designate at least one “official representative” and may designate one alternate representative to serve on the steering committee and represent the interests of the member organization. Each member LEA representative shall hold a current California administrative services credential and be employed as an administrator of the adult school. The list of official representatives and alternates from each agency will be submitted to the consortium director annually at a steering committee meeting.   

  1. Members shall actively participate in Consortium meetings, activities, and the decision-making process for developing regional adult education programs and services. 

  1. Members shall ensure their CAEP-funded programs and expenditures align with the seven CAEP program areas, as approved within the 3-year and annual plans, and will share as described in CAEP assurances quarterly and EOY data that includes enrollment, CAEP outcomes, programs, and expenditures according to state established timelines.

  1. Members shall ensure that all CAEP expenditures are necessary, reasonable, allocable, and not supplanting.

7. When representing a member institution, alternates unfamiliar with the issues under discussion shall abstain from voting.

20. Does the consortium have a formal document detailing its work beyond the questionnaire?


Member Agencies

Member AgencyMember TypeContactPhone
Nevada Joint Union HighHigh School DistrictNoah Levinson(916) 494-9975
Placer Union HighHigh School DistrictRandy Ittner(530) 885-8585
Roseville Joint Union HighHigh School DistrictLisa Voss
Sierra Joint CCDDistrictJill Alcorn(916) 781-6281
Tahoe-Truckee UnifiedUnified School DistrictDr. Todd Wold(530) 582-2591

Certification & Assurances

By clicking "Approve" on the approval cards below, you are certifying the CFAD as well as confirming that you and ALL consortium members agree to the Assurances listed below.


Membership & Decision-Making
  • I certify that any community college district, school district, or county office of education, or any joint powers authority consisting of community college districts, school districts, county offices of education, or a combination of these, located within the boundaries of the adult education region shall be permitted to join the consortium as a member (EC 84905 (a)(b). (See Membership Box above).
  • I certify that only members as described above (and in EC 84905) are allowed to join my consortium as members and participate in decision making and approvals whether in a public meeting, or via the NOVA planning, budgeting & expense reporting system.
  • I certify that as a condition of joining a consortium, as a member, I shall commit to reporting any funds (as described in EC 84916) available to that member for the purposes of education and workforce services for adults and the uses of those funds through the annual Program Area exercise in NOVA for reporting leveraged funds, and instructional hours.
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium my district shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member (EC 84905 (c)).
  • I certify that as a member of the consortium, I shall participate in any decision made by the consortium (EC 84905 (d)(1)(A)).
  • I certify that all decision made by the consortium and its members is final (EC 84905 (d)(1)(F)).
  • I certify that I will adhere to the consortium rules and procedures and, as agreed upon by the consortium members, to any additional by-laws, charters, etc.
Public Meetings
  • I certify that a proposed decision is considered at an open, properly noticed public meeting of the consortium at which members of the public may comment (EC 84905 (d)(1)(B)).
  • I certify that the consortium has provided the public with adequate notice of a proposed decision and considered any comments submitted by members of the public, and any comments submitted by members of the public have been distributed publicly (EC 84905 (d)(1)(C)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has requested comments regarding a proposed decision from other entities located in the adult education region that provide education and workforce services for adults (EC 84905 (d)(1)(D)(i)).
  • I certify that the consortium has considered input provided by pupils, teachers employed by local educational agencies, community college faculty, principals, administrators, classified staff, and the local bargaining units of the school districts and community college districts before it makes a decision (EC 84905 (d)(1)(E)).
  • I certify that in addition to the meeting requirements listed in EC 84905, and as agreed upon by the consortium members, that I will follow the public meeting requirements listed in the Ralph M. Brown Act as the Brown Act applies to the governing body of any “local body created by state or federal statute.” (Ed. Code, section 54952.)
Reporting Requirements
  • I certify that I will participate in completing and updating any consortium long range and/or short range planning efforts and/or budget work plans (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended in the CAEP seven program areas, and services provided are consistent with the 3-year plan, the annual plan, and my district’s work plan & budget as submitted in NOVA (EC 84913 (1-7), 84906, 8914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds match the objectives/activities included in the annual plan and the member work plan (EC 84906, 84914(a)).
  • I certify that my expenditures of CAEP funds adhere to the allowable uses of funds as identified in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide.
  • I certify that I will report student level enrollment data and outcomes as prescribed by the State CAEP Office (EC 84920).
  • I certify that I will share financial expenditure and progress reports with the members of my regional consortium.
  • I certify that I understand that as a member if I do not meet any of these items I have certified, I will be deemed an ineffective member which may result in a loss or reduction of CAEP funding (EC 84914(b)).
  • I certify that all CAEP expenses have been expended only for the education of persons 18 years of age or older (EC 84901(a)).

Nevada Joint Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Noah Levinson

05/17/2024 11:10 AM PDT

Placer Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Steven Casperite

04/29/2024 02:45 PM PDT

Roseville Joint Union High - Member Representative

Approved by Lisa Voss

04/29/2024 12:40 PM PDT

Sierra Joint CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Anna Mostafavi

04/29/2024 02:41 PM PDT

Tahoe-Truckee Unified - Member Representative

  • Manager of College and Careers: Career Technical and Adult Education
  • (530) 582-2591
Approved by Shaun Roderick

05/16/2024 09:37 PM PDT