Program Area Reporting: 2022-23

Produced: Dec 7, 2023, 01:10 AM UTC - By Janice Fera

Program Area Hours

Hours of Instruction

LaunchBoard Data Reported By Solano Community College
0% of 20 adults served has 12+ contact hours (participants) in 2020-21.
Program Area% of Adults Served# of Adults Served
*ABE **
*ASE **
*AWD **
*ESL **
*El Civics **
*K12 Success **
*Pre-Apprenticeship **
*Short Term CTE **
*Workforce Reentry **

*No LaunchBoard data.

We arehte community college partner in the consortium so do not report program area hours.

CAEP Program AreaLaunchBoard Data AvailableArea of Focus on WorkplanQ1 - Q4 Hours of Instruction
*El Civics N/A
*K12 Success N/A
*Pre-Apprenticeship N/A
*Short Term CTE N/A
*Workforce Reentry N/A
Total N/A

*No LaunchBoard data.