
California Adult Education Program Fiscal Reporting 63 South Bay Adult Education Consortium/Southwestern

Coronado Unified

2021-22 Q4

Submitted by Dr. Megan Battle
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$110,000 100% $110,000 100% $0
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$175,000 94.92% $175,000 94.92% $8,883
3000 - Employee Benefits


$118,159 89.23% $118,159 89.23% $12,721
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$80,000 100% $80,000 100% $0
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$85,000 38.88% $85,000 38.88% $51,950
6000 - Capital Outlay


$0 100% $0 100% $0
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$23,450 97.23% $23,450 97.23% $650
Totals $517,405 $591,609 87.46% $591,609 87.46% $74,204
Not Entered

Southwestern CCD

2021-22 Q4

Submitted by Isabelle Saber
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$182,113 97.88% $303,522 58.73% $125,266
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$225,048 166.22% $375,080 99.73% $1,000
3000 - Employee Benefits


$147,000 166.26% $245,000 99.76% $591
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$32,232 135.64% $53,720 81.38% $10,000
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$9,000 148.08% $15,000 88.85% $1,673
6000 - Capital Outlay


$0 100% $0 100% $0
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$23,847 137.04% $39,745 82.22% $7,066
Totals $886,471 $619,240 143.15% $1,032,067 85.89% $145,596

In Q4 SWC CAEP funding supported activities related to the current Consortium 3-year and annual plans, as well as continued and expanded work around planning for outreach and implementation of the SB554 pilot project for fall 2022. Consortium member and partner agency related activities from earlier quarters continued and collaborative consortium member planning for the next 3 years was completed. Highlights of work this quarter included attendance at the ASCCC Noncredit and Career Education Institute, launching for approval new AB705 noncredit curriculum, and planning for the SWC 1 year plan that will be provided to the consortium advisory committee in August.  Emphasis continues to be placed on leveraging resources and this quarter that included planning for mobile outreach efforts for AY 2022-23 using a district acquired van that is being retrofitted and equipped to provide one-stop, wrap-around services on wheels.  This will result in expanded services being provided to adult learners in the community.

Sweetwater Union High

2021-22 Q4

Submitted by Dr. Vernon Moore
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$2,551,263 198.29% $5,669,474 89.23% $610,581
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$978,338 212.54% $2,174,084 95.64% $94,732
3000 - Employee Benefits


$1,520,036 192.78% $3,377,858 86.75% $447,525
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$3,468,302 25.47% $7,707,337 11.46% $6,824,048
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$391,581 156.8% $870,180 70.56% $256,164
6000 - Capital Outlay


$54,000 0% $120,000 0% $120,000
7000 - Other Outgo


$9,875 0% $21,945 0% $21,945
Indirect Costs


$438,300 133.65% $974,001 60.14% $388,230
Totals $12,151,654 $9,411,696 129.11% $20,914,879 58.1% $8,763,225

At the conclusion of Quarter 4, Sweetwater Adult Ed completed one full year since the return to full in-person services to students. In this year, 119 students graduated with a high school diploma, 177 students achieved their high school equivalency, 804 students obtained an Educational Functioning Level Gain, and 38 students passed their US Citizenship exam. When compared to similar schools statewide, Sweetwater Adult Education surpassed California’s Performance Goals in all ABE and ESL levels offered.