California Adult Education Program
Fiscal Reporting

Coronado Unified

2022-23 Q3

Submitted by Dr. Megan Battle
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$97,103 115.75% $121,379 92.6% $8,984
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$55,374 125% $69,217 100% $0
3000 - Employee Benefits


$55,557 125% $69,446 100% $0
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$19,520 17.34% $24,400 13.87% $21,015
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$19,440 125% $24,300 100% $0
6000 - Capital Outlay


$0 100% $0 100% $0
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$12,334 125% $15,417 100% $0
Totals $294,160 $259,327 113.43% $324,159 90.75% $29,999

In Q3, CUSD Adult Ed continues to provide courses in ESL and CTE.  CUSD continues to promote its Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) program.  At a consortia level, CUSD is working closely with its partners to create a variety of opportunities for our students. For example, ESL for Community, ESL for Employment (or CTE pathways), and ESL for Academics/Credit. This will allow us to contextualize and tailor the rigor of learning experiences according to interests and needs. 

Southwestern CCD

2022-23 Q3

Submitted by Isabelle Saber
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$119,980 91.32% $184,584 59.36% $75,022
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$159,589 108.58% $245,522 70.58% $72,236
3000 - Employee Benefits


$75,993 174.38% $116,913 113.34% -$15,602
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$45,324 25.23% $69,729 16.4% $58,293
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$20,292 13.98% $31,218 9.08% $28,382
6000 - Capital Outlay


$0 100% $0 100% $0
7000 - Other Outgo


$0 100% $0 100% $0
Indirect Costs


$17,870 96.17% $27,492 62.51% $10,307
Totals $446,820 $439,048 101.77% $675,458 66.15% $228,638

In Q3, ongoing activities related to the one and three-years plans were conducted, with emphasis on acceleration and transitions.  This included targeted efforts related to the SB554 pilot project, which was extended into the spring semester, as well as initial work to create a curriculum, awards, programs and services coding crosswalk that will be used to improve data collection and representation of the adult learner journey in the district noncredit dashboard. Aspects of this work will also contribute to the district pathways efforts with inclusion of noncredit/CAEP courses/programs in the newly established local eight Fields of Study for which district funds will be used to provide targeted information dissemination and services to all students enrolled in those fields of study designations.  Additionally, the district has now expanded its peer ambassador services to include on-site regular access to adult learners at our local CAEP consortium adult schools. 

Sweetwater Union High

2022-23 Q3

Submitted by Dr. Vernon Moore
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure YTD Forecast % Expended of YTD Forecast Project Budget % Expended of Project Budget Budget Remaining
1000 - Instructional Salaries


$2,460,111 158.92% $8,483,142 46.09% $4,573,506
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries


$903,610 182.54% $3,115,897 52.94% $1,466,429
3000 - Employee Benefits


$1,501,463 154.04% $5,177,459 44.67% $2,864,599
4000 - Supplies and Materials


$1,013,751 51.49% $3,495,692 14.93% $2,973,739
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services


$708,034 81.17% $2,441,497 23.54% $1,866,814
6000 - Capital Outlay


$182,113 0% $627,976 0% $627,976
7000 - Other Outgo


$6,782 16.06% $23,385 4.66% $22,296
Indirect Costs


$294,196 0% $1,014,470 0% $1,014,470
Totals $8,969,689 $7,070,060 126.87% $24,379,518 36.79% $15,409,829

Quarter 3 had several highlights for Sweetwater Adult Education (SAE) for both students and staff when the Chula Vista Adult School site hosted a state training conference for professional educators designed to present best instructional practices to support student educational outcomes. This effort was performed in collaboration with SAE and the state Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN). The event was such a success, there are plans to implement this professional development every other year. Additionally, SAE spent the last year reviewing, designing and submitting our Western Association of Schools Colleges (WASC) program report. The SAE staff was appreciative of the WASC accreditation process as a means to engage in the continuous school improvement process that focuses on high-quality learning and well-being for all students. However, one of our challenges has been to utilize some additional carryover dollars in a meaningful way that associate with the difficulty to recruit and retain part and full time staff due to global and regional labor shortages.