California Adult Education Program
Fiscal Reporting
Produced: Sep 1, 2023, 10:29 PM UTC - By Crystal Robinson
Coronado Unified
2022-23 Q4
Submitted by Dr. Megan Battle
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code | Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure | YTD Forecast | % Expended of YTD Forecast | Project Budget | % Expended of Project Budget | Budget Remaining |
1000 - Instructional Salaries | $115,297 | 100% | $115,297 | 100% | $0 | |
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries | $81,566 | 100% | $81,566 | 100% | $0 | |
3000 - Employee Benefits | $80,365 | 100% | $80,365 | 100% | $0 | |
4000 - Supplies and Materials | $1,720 | 100% | $1,720 | 100% | $0 | |
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services | $34,516 | 100% | $34,516 | 100% | $0 | |
6000 - Capital Outlay | $0 | 100% | $0 | 100% | $0 | |
7000 - Other Outgo | $0 | 100% | $0 | 100% | $0 | |
Indirect Costs | $10,695 | 100% | $10,695 | 100% | $0 | |
Totals | $324,159 | $324,159 | 100% | $324,159 | 100% | $0 |
Southwestern CCD
2022-23 Q4
Submitted by Isabelle Saber
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code | Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure | YTD Forecast | % Expended of YTD Forecast | Project Budget | % Expended of Project Budget | Budget Remaining |
1000 - Instructional Salaries | $120,000 | 125% | $150,000 | 100% | $0 | |
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries | $202,666 | 125% | $253,333 | 100% | $0 | |
3000 - Employee Benefits | $146,702 | 125% | $183,378 | 100% | $0 | |
4000 - Supplies and Materials | $46,706 | 125% | $58,383 | 100% | $0 | |
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services | $2,298 | 125% | $2,872 | 100% | $0 | |
6000 - Capital Outlay | $0 | 100% | $0 | 100% | $0 | |
7000 - Other Outgo | $0 | 100% | $0 | 100% | $0 | |
Indirect Costs | $21,994 | 125% | $27,492 | 100% | $0 | |
Totals | $675,458 | $540,366 | 125% | $675,458 | 100% | $0 |
Sweetwater Union High
2022-23 Q4
Submitted by Dr. Vernon Moore
Approved by Crystal Robinson
Object Code | Year to Date (YTD) Expenditure | YTD Forecast | % Expended of YTD Forecast | Project Budget | % Expended of Project Budget | Budget Remaining |
1000 - Instructional Salaries | $2,969,100 | 187.72% | $8,483,142 | 65.7% | $2,909,417 | |
2000 - Non-Instructional Salaries | $1,090,564 | 209.98% | $3,115,897 | 73.49% | $825,968 | |
3000 - Employee Benefits | $1,812,111 | 178.76% | $5,177,459 | 62.57% | $1,938,085 | |
4000 - Supplies and Materials | $1,223,492 | 78.69% | $3,495,692 | 27.54% | $2,532,975 | |
5000 - Other Operating Expenses and Services | $854,524 | 94.64% | $2,441,497 | 33.12% | $1,632,764 | |
6000 - Capital Outlay | $219,792 | 0% | $627,976 | 0% | $627,976 | |
7000 - Other Outgo | $8,185 | 25.96% | $23,385 | 9.09% | $21,260 | |
Indirect Costs | $355,065 | 172.66% | $1,014,470 | 60.43% | $401,400 | |
Totals | $13,489,673 | $8,532,831 | 158.09% | $24,379,518 | $10,889,845 |