
CAEP Annual Plan: 2020-21 70 North Central Adult Education Consortium (Yuba)

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2020-21 Produced: Sep 9, 2020, 07:36 PM UTC Carla Tweed

70 North Central Adult Education Consortium (Yuba)

Plans & Goals - Consortium Approved

Executive Summary
NCAEC's 2020-2021 annual plan is aligned directly with it's three year plan. This years plan will focus on short term local and regional goals that support the consortium's three-year plan goals that have not been addressed and include: 1. Develop a consortium marketing plan including a student friendly website, program brochures, and a consortium catalog ; 2. Implement a career readiness system including career plans, career readiness and course certificates and a digital badging system; 3. Expand program offerings by 10%This year’s plan builds upon the accomplishments of 2019/2020 and will continue to facilitate NCAEC's vision: To coordinate and develop an accessible, integrated adult education system across local school districts and the Yuba Community College District by leveraging resources, developing/expanding support and transitions services, implementing innovative student-centric service strategies, and providing professional development opportunities that will better prepare and support adult education teachers and improve student outcomes. Similar to all consortium's, the NCAEC faced numerous setbacks due to the COVID Pandemic. Nearly all NCAEC programs relied heavily on in-person instruction and were not prepared to offer online/hybrid instruction and assessments. Integrated and CTE classes lost the ability to provide lab and clinical instruction; NCAEC members and students lacked the training, instructional resources and systems to ensure all students received high quality instruction and support. Communication with students became challenging due to the constant change of state and local health directives. Additionally, the pandemic perpetuated existing economic issues (food, housing, childcare), fiscal (budget), and social issues (equity) which further exacerbated the delivery of programs and services. However, the challenges also created an opportunity to employ reflection and creative thinking that helped address the immediate consortium challenges and practices, and re-calibrate long term goals (yearly, 3-year). Overall, NCAEC members still achieved noteworthy accomplishments which included:1. Higher than anticipated graduation rates 2. Limited reduction in enrollment 3. Expanded distance learning delivery system (teachers used ZOOM, Odysseyware, Burlington English, AZTEC, Remind, WhatsAPP and other programs to provide instruction, assessments, and outreach. 4. Teachers participated in extensive PD in regards to online learning , outreach and service strategies. 4. Expansion of CTE programs (prior to COVID) including Culinary Arts, CNA, Welding, Stengraphy, MA, Fire Science and VESL Business Courses. 5. Approval of online clinicals for VN, MA, and CNA programs. 6 . Four new sections of multilevel ESL were added throughout the consortium (before COVID) and numerous new COAPPs were added to support achievement in Culinary Arts and Health Careers. 90% (not 100% due to COVID issues)of all students were added to CALJobs and assigned case workers. Numerous grants were secured including an ELL grant from Workforce Development. Technology support and resources were leveraged through LEA's to support online learning and device connectivity throughout the consortium which helped improve collaboration between agencies. Most importantly, programs worked with One-Stops and their service partners to provide food, shelter, clothing, childcare and unemployment to students in need. Primary goals for the upcoming year will focus on:1. Provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students2. Develop accessible programs (online) that expand in-person learning options and meet the needs of all student learners.3. Develop and expand online and in-person services that connect and support all aspects of student needs4. Continue to leverage funds to ensure program and service sustainability5. Expand outreach and marketing efforts6. Improve data and accountability systems 7. Expand program opportunities for ESL/ELL students; VESL; Integrated CTE
Regional Planning Overview
Our consortium's three year plan is currently being implemented through short term goals that were established during the three-year planning process. Similar to last year, this years annual plan will establish benchmark goals that are supported by the short term goals, and support the long term goals of the three year plan. Consortium members meet annually and monthly to discuss the immediate needs of members and students. Based on the needs, NCAEC reviewed prior year goals and established new short term goals for the 2020-2021 school-year. Work related to the three year plan, annual plan and local plans is carried out by both the consortium and members. All consortium members collaborate with One-Stop and other partners to support the work and goals of the three year plan.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Expand and continue on-going outreach that will market and expand access to programs and services for all adult learners.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
NCAEC members have made efforts to market our consortia, programs, and services throughout the region. Although progress has been made since last year, the COVID pandemic has caused the need for delivering safe and online programs. NCAEC members, students and community partners have had conversations with students through surveys and online meetings and many students feel unsafe returning to school in the traditional classroom setting. Additional marketing efforts need to be made to make communities aware of the distance learning options and investments in safe classrooms that have been made to accommodate all students.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Per the consortium's three year plan, effectiveness will be measured through: the number and types of marketing efforts implemented; enrollment; new surveys; number of new programs; updated website; number of expanded partnerships

Regional Need #2

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Develop and implement online education/training programs and service platforms that significantly reduce barriers ,and improve student skill sets and transition rates.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
The COVID Pandemic has caused the need to heavily invest in online learning platforms and service systems. Prior to COVID, our consortium struggled with delivering accessible programs and services to adult learners. Research form consortium 3 year plan which included demographic fact sheets; employer surveys, labor market information(LMI), course certificates, graduate data, and participant surveys supports this issue.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Increased enrollment, increased services, improved transition rates, improved unemployment rates, improved co-enrollments; LMI, Demographic Fact Sheet, graduate data; CTE certificates

Gaps In Service

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Expand and align local and regional programs and services between K-12/College/WIOA partners: Services include both online and in-person systems of support that reduce or eliminate barriers to education, training and employment. Programs include online, hybrid and in-person education and training courses that lead to secondary completion, and/or employment. NCAEC will expand the roles of regional navigators andcollaborate with WIOA programs and other community based organizations to leverage support services for students. NCAEC will develop a resource map to ensure students are aware and have the services and support they need to complete their programs.

Seamless Transitions

New Strategies

Strategy #1
NCAEC began the process of aligning ASE, ESL and CTE courses between secondary and post-secondary programs over the last two years. NCAEC members will continueto collaborate to seamlessly align local and regional programs (ESL,CTE, ASE), and assessments (Course, Diagnostic), between partners. (secondary, post-secondary, dual enrollments, articulations, industry, WIOA, Apprenticeships). Per the consortium three year plan, new VESL courses will be piloted as well including CNA, Welding and Culinary, and dual enrollment courses will be developed. Additional work will be done to align online and hybrid courses.

Student Acceleration

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Many NCAEC students continue to have limited access to technology, transportation, resources, and courses that align with their career interests. Additional investments in online curriculum and technology/resources will improve access and create opportunities for students to enroll in a larger variety of classes that better meet their needs. Online and hybrid courses will allow students to complete courses at their own pace in a safe environment and provide resources to reinforce and support learners at all levels.
Strategy #2
NCAEC will continue to collaborate with educational and industry partners to develop and implement short-term CTE courses that result in an industry based certification. Courses will directly align and supplement local and regional CTE courses andprograms. Short term courses will simultaneously focus on technical, academic, and so skills to ensure students are job ready upon completion. Hybrid CTE courses will be developed to supplement current offerings.
Strategy #3
NCAEC will continue to expand online, hybrid and in-person offerings of ESL and VESL courses through Burlington English. Partners will continue to develop certificates, internships and industry based assessments for VESL programs.

Professional Development

New Strategies

Strategy #1
With the addition of online learning and consortium turnover in leadership, NCAEC members need new training to accurately and consistently report and share student and program data between partners. NCAEC will train members to use software programs that ensure data is properly captured, reported, and shared between members and stakeholders including WIOA partners. Data sharing will be accomplished through multiple mediums to facilitate needs assessments and ultimately drive program improvement
Strategy #2
NCAEC members will dedicate sta time and resources to participate in regional and local professional development that aligns with consortium and individual member needs and goals. Consortium-wide, NCAEC will primarily focus on professionaldevelopment related to online/hybrid instruction, assessment, student services, and data and accountability systems. NCAEC members will develop PD priorities and work directly with CAEP partners: TAP; OTAN; CALPRO; CASAS; WIOA to tailor training andinstruction.

Leveraging Resources

New Strategies

Strategy #1
NCAEC members are also members of local LWDB's; Strong Workforce Consortium's, and receive WIOA Title II grants. NCAEC members also leverage funds from: LCFF; General Fund; CCCCO; CTEIG, Perkins, ROP, and CALWORKS. All members collaborate directly with employers, community based organizations, libraries, and One-Stops to leverage WIOA Title I, III, IV funds and resources. NCAEC will continue to focus on expanding partnerships and pursing grants to supplement CAEP funding.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.
NCAEC's members will continue to collaborate with community stakeholders and WIOAmandated partners throughout the year to gather input, evaluate resources and services, and assess student and program needs both locally and throughout the region. As previously discussed, three year plan long term goals are used to develop theshort-term goals of the annual plan. All members participate in the development of the annual plan which aligns expenditures with consortium planned activities for the year. Each member will work with their stakeholders to develop their member planbudget and expenditures which will align with consortium 3 year annual plan and goals.
An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2020-21.
NCAEC members that carried-over funds plan on allocating the additional funds to cover the costs of maintaining and expanding programs and services; investments in technology and online learning/service platforms, investments in infrastructure and facilities; hiring additional staff to serve students, and creating additional opportunities for professional development and collaboration time. Carry-over funds will assist with meeting the increased demand for adult programs and services and increased need for training. NCAEC has new and veteran staff members that have little knowledge of data and accountability programs. As previously mentioned additional collaboration time will need to occur in order to align curriculum and services between local and regional partners and members. These are all strategies planned for the upcoming year that will need additional investments.


Colusa Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Lorilee Niesen

09/08/2020 08:05 PM PDT

Konocti Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Konocti Unified School District Thomas Hoskins

08/21/2020 01:20 PM PDT

Lake Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Bill Roderick

08/17/2020 12:37 PM PDT

Sutter Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Eric Pomeroy

08/14/2020 02:39 PM PDT

Woodland Community College - Member Representative

  • Kasey Gardner
  • Vice President of Academic and Student Services
  • (530) 661-4222 ext: 4222
Approved by Patricia Barba

08/17/2020 11:50 AM PDT

Woodland Joint Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Karin Liu

08/14/2020 02:47 PM PDT

Yolo Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Deborah Bruns

08/14/2020 04:22 PM PDT

Yuba CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Carla Tweed

09/09/2020 12:36 PM PDT

Yuba Co. Office of Education - Member Representative

Approved by Ken Hamel 6820377

08/14/2020 04:01 PM PDT

Yuba College - Member Representative

Approved by Eric Pomeroy

08/17/2020 12:20 PM PDT